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Graduate School Preparation workshop at Univ of Michigan – travel awards available, rolling application deadline

This year I am in charge of organizing the 4th “Explore Graduate Studies in CSE” workshop, which  takes place at the University of Michigan in the Fall. The goal of the one-day workshop is to help undergraduate and MS students better prepare for the graduate school (MS or PhD) application process and broaden participation in computing research.

We are accepting applications throughout the summer on a rolling basis. We encourage students from diverse backgrounds to apply.


Explore Graduate Studies in CSE


The goal of the one-day workshop is to help undergraduate and
MS students better prepare for the graduate school (MS or PhD)
application process and broaden participation in computing research.

When: Saturday, September 29th, 2018
Where: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Online Application & Info:
Next deadline: June 15 (accepted on a rolling basis)

< 5min application process

*Travel awards*: available for non-local students.

May 23, 2018

Q++ Undergrad Lunch and Discussion – Tuesday May 29th at 1:30pm, CSE 403

I’m a CSE undergrad and I’m bringing people together to create an Allen School organization for LGBTQ+ identifying members of the community. Our organization is called Q++ and we’re holding an info session and discussion next Tuesday, May 29th, at 1:30 with catered lunch for those who RSVP! We want to share what what we are planning to accomplish with Q++, and would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

This event is open to anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+, is questioning, or would like to support these members of their community! Please RSVP using this form if you would like to attend (and eat lunch!). Click here to add the event to your calendar
Feel free to contact me through my CSE email if you have any questions!
Phoenix Youngman
Pronouns = She | Her | Hers
University of Washington Department of Philosophy

Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering 


May 22, 2018

Invitation to UWCSE Entrepreneurship Town Hall Discussion: May 30th @ 5PM

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Kurtis Heimerl <>
Date: Mon, May 21, 2018 at 2:49 PM
Subject:Invitation to UWCSE Entrepreneurship Town Hall Discussion: May 30th @ 5PM
To: cs-grads – Mailing List <>, <>, <>, <>, CSE CSE Faculty <>

In the last decade, The Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering has become one of the world’s premiere places of computer science research. We have access to amazing resources: a strong local tech culture including some of the largest, most successful companies in the world, a robust local startup environment, (soon-to-be) two cutting-edge buildings, and some of the best faculty in data science, AI, wireless, NLP, computer systems, programming languages… basically all of computing. These faculty have gone on to start numerous successful companies and often hold positions at some of Seattle’s best VCs.

However, UWCSE still lags behind comparative institutions in one key area: student-led entrepreneurship. Despite numerous campus resources, including classes at the Foster School of Business and our own entrepreneurship seminar, most students (though there are counterexamples!) instead decide to graduate and immediately take a position at one of our local tech juggernauts. While that’s a good result (and you all should be excited) we want to make sure our students feel comfortable pursuing all options available to them, including entrepreneurship.

To better understand this phenomenon and solicit ideas for changes we can make to better encourage people striking out on their own, we will be holding a “UWCSE Entrepreneurship Town Hall” in the Gates Commons at 5PM on May 30th. This will be an open-ended discussion (and light dinner) between local entrepreneurship actors (both faculty and outsiders) and the student body (both grads and undergrads) where we, as a group, learn more about the needs and tradeoffs being made. We want to know how students view entrepreneurship and how to make it easier, safer and more attractive for students here in UW CSE. Current attendees include myself, Luis Ceze (CSE), Chris DeVore (TechStars), Elizabeth M Scallon (CoMotion), and Amit Mital (Krnl Labs).

If interested, please RSVP here. RSVP isn’t necessary but will let us better judge the interest and buy the appropriate amount of food.


May 22, 2018

Husky Tech Is Recruiting for their Exec Board

Husky Tech is a great student org on campus and is looking for talented and enthusiastic leaders for next year.

  1. To learn more about positions –
  2. Application –
May 22, 2018

Reminder: Apply for CSE Ambassador positions for 2018-19!

Reminder: The Allen School is now hiring Allen School Ambassadors for the 2018-19 school year! Ambassadors work with K-12 students to introduce basic CS concepts and ideas, to showcase exciting research, and to tell pre-college students about our program. If you’re excited to share computer science with younger students, apply now:! Application closes tomorrow, Wed May 23, at 11:59pm If you have questions, email
For more information about the position and the application process, please refer to the web page below:
May 22, 2018

BS/MS (5th year masters) application now open!

Good Morning! The BS/MS application is now open.

A couple of notes about the application:

  • We will contact your faculty recommenders after the application closes. You should talk to them in advance, but do not need to coordinate the actual recommendation process.
  • You may not find a person you want to use as a reference in the drop down menu. If that is the case, it may be that:
  1. They are a graduate student. In that case, we generally encourage them to work with their faculty adviser to submit on their behalf. Please let us know if this is problematic.
  2. They may be a guest lecturer. In that case, if we still have contact with them we will try to include them.  Contact us with questions.
  3. They may be affiliate faculty and may not be in our system yet. Let us know and I’ll have it updated.

The application is linked from the BS/MS application page:

Here are the timelines for this application cycle:

May 21 – June 11th: Application Open
June 11th: Application Deadline
Decisions emailed early July

Questions? Email Jen <> or Crystal <>

May 22, 2018

Madrona Venture Labs “Startup Open Mic” – May 29, 3:30-5:00, EEB105

From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Sun, May 20, 2018 at 5:11 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Madrona Venture Labs “Startup Open Mic” – May 29, 3:30-5:00, EEB105
To: <>, Researchers <>, <>

Join Madrona Venture Labs for Startup Open Mic!

It’s like an Open Mic Night…but for startup ideas!

In a way we are flipping the script: the Madrona Venture Labs team and
founders will pitch you startup ideas. You will have the opportunity
to ask questions, give recommendations, and provide feedback. At the
end of the pitches, you will vote on the most promising ideas worthy
of funding and further validation.

Date: Tuesday, May 29th
Time: 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Where: EEB105

May 21, 2018

CSE Student Advisory Council Elections

Hello! We invite you to vote in the upcoming CSE Student Advisory Council elections. We have four elected positions and voting days are this week. All the information you need about how to vote and the candidates can be found on this blog post: Thanks!


CSE Student Advisory Council

May 21, 2018

Community discussion next week for students of color from underrepresented groups

The Allen School is committed to supporting a diverse student population. We know that the inclusion of students who identify as Black, Hispanic, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and/or Native American at the moment is unfortunately low in all of our courses and in our major. We’d like to invite all current CSE majors who identify with one of these underrepresented groups to a community roundtable discussion for underrepresented students of color. We are hoping to get your valuable input about:
– What have you enjoyed about the courses you have taken in the Allen school so far?
– What might have made your experience better?
– Although you are expected to turn in independent work for your classes (except where the assignment specifically involves group work), many students find it helpful to study in groups. Has this been helpful for you? How do these groups tend to form?
– Brainstorming ideas on how to continue to make the Allen school an inclusive environment for all.
Community discussion for students of color from underrepresented groups: 
When: Thursday, May 24, 4:30-6:30pm
Where: Gates Commons, Paul G Allen Center (6th floor)
What: Dinner and discussion.
RSVP by May 19th (so we can order food!) by responding to this form when you are logged in with your UW NETID (not your CSE ID): 
Please bring a friend who also would benefit from this discussion!  We are hoping to reach as many underrepresented students who have started and/or completed a CS course in the last two quarters.
I hope to see you on the 24th!!

About me: I am a first year lecturer in the Allen school with three main focuses: teaching CSE classes (currently CSE 154), K-12 outreach, and teaching the STARS CSE workshops. I am also a member of the Allen School’s diversity committee. I graduated from CSE (back when we lived over in beautiful Sieg hall), when there were very few women in the department and in the college of engineering and I know how much of an impact it made when the department and university started to support women in STEM initiatives like ACM-W and SWE. My hope is that we can find a way to support the underrepresented students in the Allen school in a similar way.
May 18, 2018

Dubhacks: Three Day Speaker Series (5/22 – 5/24)

Hello Allen School Students!

DubHacks is hosting a three day speaker series next week, May 22nd – 24th, with awesome local leaders in technology and entrepreneurship like Joseph Sirosh the VP of AI at Microsoft, Dona Sarkar the Head of Microsoft’s Windows Insider Program, and Salil Jain the CEO of Stripes39, an incubator behind companies like!

May 22nd, 6:00 – 7:00 pm, EEB 125: Joseph Sirosh

May 23rd, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, EEB 125: Dona Sarkar

May 24th, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, EEB 125: Salil Jain

There will be free food! You can can sign up for the event at, plus learn more information at!

May 18, 2018

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