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NEW course added for fall quarter, Introduction to Deep Learning CSE 490 G1

CSE 490 G1/CSE 599 G1 — Introduction to Deep Learning

Prerequisites: 446 OR 455
SLN: 23410 CSE 490 G1
Wednesday and Friday:  330-450pm
Description: A survey class of neural network implementation and applications. Topics include: optimization – stochastic gradient descent, adaptive and 2nd order methods, normalization; convolutional neural networks – image processing, classification, detection, segmentation; recurrent neural networks – semantic understanding, translation, question-answering; cross-domain applications – image captioning, vision and language.


June 14, 2018

Apply for Tapia and Grace Hopper Conference Funding!

Dear students!

This year the Allen School will send students to both the Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing and Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Funding from CSE will include airfare, hotel (shared), and conference registration. Along with sending both undergraduate and graduate students to the conferences for personal and professional development, the Allen School is sponsoring booths for PhD student recruitment.

Read on to learn more about each conference and to apply for funding to attend!

ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing
September 19-22, 2018 — Orlando, FL
Apply for Allen School TAPIA funding by Wednesday June 27

The goal of the Tapia Conferences is to bring together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals in computing from all backgrounds and ethnicities to:

  • Celebrate the diversity that exists in computing;
  • Connect with others with common backgrounds, ethnicities, disabilities, and gender so as to create communities that extend beyond the conference;
  • Obtain advice from and make contacts with computing leaders in academia and industry;
  • Be inspired by great presentations and conversations with leaders with common backgrounds.

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
September 26-28 — Houston, TX
Apply for Allen School GRACE HOPPER funding by Wednesday June 27

Grace Hopper is the largest gathering of technical women in the world, an exciting celebration of diversity in tech, and a fantastic academic and professional opportunity. GHC features professional and personal development workshops, a career fair, social activities, and research presentations. Past attendees have generally found GHC incredibly valuable for connecting with peers and industry, exploring grad school, and feeling inspired in their CS work.

Please apply for either conference funding by Wednesday June 27, 2018. We will notify those selected to attend by Friday June 29th.

-Raven & Elise


June 11, 2018

You’re Invited: National Academies Report on Sexual Harassment in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Public Report Release Discussion and
Responses to the Report
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
11:00am – 12:30pm ET
Washington, DC
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
9:00am – 3:30pm PT
Irvine, CA
For in-Person or Webcast
For in-Person or Webcast

How can academic institutions improve in the #MeToo era?  Join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on Tuesday June 12, 2018, 11 am – 12:30 pm ET, for the public release of a new report, Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The report presents a comprehensive review of the research, experiences, and effects of sexual harassment on women and their careers in science, engineering, and medicine. In addition to evidence-based findings, the report provides recommendations for how organizations can prevent and address sexual harassment in academic settings, specifically in science, engineering, and medicine.

And join us again on June 26, 2018, 9 am to 3:30 pm PT, for a discussion of the new report. At this event, leaders in higher education and those from entertainment, technology, medicine, and politics, will engage in a discussion of the report and what actions can be taken to prevent sexual harassment.

View additional details about this study

June 5, 2018

Exciting new course open for fall registration: CSE 490, Information and Communication Technology for Development

CSE 490, Information and Communication Technology for Development

Prerequisite: CSE 332 and 331 or 351

Counts as a CSE Senior Elective

SLN   23346 , offered MWF 130-220

This is an engineering course teaching the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to address specific needs of developing countries.  While ICTs are having an enormous impact on livelihoods worldwide, deployment environments vary dramatically based on available infrastructure and technologies accessible to people.    The goal of this course is provide background to develop and deploy technologies in a global setting that address development challenges.  Specific topics will include: health information systems,  data collection technologies,  applications for basic mobile phones,  user interface design for low literate populations,  behavior change communication, voice based social networks, community cellular networks,  open source projects for global good, low-cost smartphones, satellite image analysis and mobile financial services.   The course will consider a wide range of application domains including health, education, agriculture, finance, and livelihood.

The class sessions will be a lecture / discussion format with readings and assignments.  There will be a series of small group implementation projects to gain familiarity with different technologies and software systems and to explore the design space for various applications.

June 5, 2018

Undergraduate Newsletter – June 2018

Hello, Allen School Students!

Need a break from studying? Check out the last undergraduate newsletter for the 2017-2018 school year:

June 2018 — Newsletter

Good luck with finals next week and happy summer! 🙂

June 1, 2018

Call for Reality Lab UG Researchers, and how to get more involved with VR/AR

If you are interested in VR/AR and joining the reality lab, here is a bunch of information:
Research application form:
Once you submit this form, you will be added to our database of undergraduate researcher candidates. We will then contact you via e-mail when a matching position is available.
In the meantime, some of you had asked what you could do to learn more about VR/AR and here are some pointers to get you started:
1) Learn more about AR/VR, terminology, current research and products. A simple web search should reveal lots of news and information! You can read research papers published in conferences like SIGGRAPHISMARIEEE VRICVR etc.
2) Familiarize yourself with the tools/frameworks: VR/AR software, generally involves computer graphics and computer vision, so familiarizing yourself with these areas is helpful. Unity is a popular framework for VR/AR development and has several good tutorialsOpenCV is a computer vision framework to process images/3D data. Blender is a 3D modeling tool to create content. TensorFlow is a popular library for robust machine learning.
Here’s a nice comprehensive “Getting started guide“, that covers more about AR/VR tools and terminology.
3) Take a course – on CourseraUdacityUnity or right here at UW CSE (457455481v446)! We will offer a 400-level VR Capstone in the Fall 18 and Spring 19, so look out for that if you’re eligible!
4) Develop an application: Best way to gain experience is to get your hands dirty and build something. Think of a cool problem that you could solve, or a novel user experience, or a game idea — and then build it! If you have access to a VR headset, great! Otherwise GoogleVRARKit and ARCore a mobile VR/AR frameworks that allow you to build applications on your own mobile phone!
Hopefully that’s enough to get started. Having a strong foundation will increase your chances of succeeding at research.
Looking forward to receiving your applications for the undergraduate research program!
Aditya Sankar
May 30, 2018

CSE SAC Election Results

CSE Student Advisory Council Elections finished last week and here are the results. We look forward to seeing their leadership throughout our school next year!

Chair: Alison Ng
Vice Chair: Ali Aleghfeli
Director of Diversity Efforts: Clarissa Meng Song

Director of Student Wellness: Kenny Le
Thank you so much to everyone who participated. It was wonderful to see so many great leaders within our department excited about key student issues. At-large representative applications will be opening in the fall and we look forward to seeing you all apply!
May 30, 2018

Invitation to UWCSE Entrepreneurship Town Hall Discussion: May 30th @ 5PM


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Kurtis Heimerl <>
Date: Mon, May 28, 2018 at 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Invitation to UWCSE Entrepreneurship Town Hall Discussion: May 30th @ 5PM
To: cs-grads – Mailing List <>, <>, <>, <>, CSE CSE Faculty <>
Just a reminder: This is on Wednesday! We currently have around 30 students RSVP’d so it should be a good discussion.
On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 2:26 PM, Kurtis Heimerl <> wrote:
In the last decade, The Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering has become one of the world’s premiere places of computer science research. We have access to amazing resources: a strong local tech culture including some of the largest, most successful companies in the world, a robust local startup environment, (soon-to-be) two cutting-edge buildings, and some of the best faculty in data science, AI, wireless, NLP, computer systems, programming languages… basically all of computing. These faculty have gone on to start numerous successful companies and often hold positions at some of Seattle’s best VCs.

However, UWCSE still lags behind comparative institutions in one key area: student-led entrepreneurship. Despite numerous campus resources, including classes at the Foster School of Business and our own entrepreneurship seminar, most students (though there are counterexamples!) instead decide to graduate and immediately take a position at one of our local tech juggernauts. While that’s a good result (and you all should be excited) we want to make sure our students feel comfortable pursuing all options available to them, including entrepreneurship.

To better understand this phenomenon and solicit ideas for changes we can make to better encourage people striking out on their own, we will be holding a “UWCSE Entrepreneurship Town Hall” in the Gates Commons at 5PM on May 30th. This will be an open-ended discussion (and light dinner) between local entrepreneurship actors (both faculty and outsiders) and the student body (both grads and undergrads) where we, as a group, learn more about the needs and tradeoffs being made. We want to know how students view entrepreneurship and how to make it easier, safer and more attractive for students here in UW CSE. Current attendees include myself, Luis Ceze (CSE), Chris DeVore (TechStars), Elizabeth M Scallon (CoMotion), and Amit Mital (Krnl Labs).

If interested, please RSVP here. RSVP isn’t necessary but will let us better judge the interest and buy the appropriate amount of food.

May 29, 2018

REMINDER: Madrona Venture Labs “Startup Open Mic” – May 29, 3:30-5:00, EEB105

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Kay Beck-Benton <>
Date: Fri, May 25, 2018 at 7:20 AM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] REMINDER: Madrona Venture Labs “Startup Open Mic” – May 29, 3:30-5:00, EEB105
To: <>, Researchers <>, <>

Join Madrona Venture Labs for Startup Open Mic!

It’s like an Open Mic Night…but for startup ideas!

In a way we are flipping the script: the Madrona Venture Labs team and
founders will pitch you startup ideas. You will have the opportunity to ask
questions, give recommendations, and provide feedback. At the end of the
pitches, you will vote on the most promising ideas worthy of funding and
further validation.

Date: Tuesday, May 29th
Time: 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Where: EEB105

May 29, 2018

Canoeing with ACMW, Next Tuesday

Join ACM-W for canoeing at the Waterfront Activities Center (WAC)! Next Tuesday (5/29) at 5pm, we will be meeting at CSE and walking over together. Alternatively you can meet us at the WAC. It normally costs money to rent a canoe at the WAC, but this event makes it free for you! Please bring a valid ID (Husky card is fine). RSVP here: This event, like all of our other events, is open to all CSE majors. Invite your friends!

May 24, 2018

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