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Volunteer opportunities with CSE and k-12

Reminder!  If you have any interest in volunteering for either K-12 outreach or pre-CSE college outreach, we’d love to have you register on the CSE Ambassador’s volunteer list:


Below is the type of thing we’ll advertise, just as an example.

Additionally, we need help THIS SATURDAY for our Open House 1-5pm. If interested, email Jeremy Munroe:  jmunroe@cs  asap.



Tutoring E-Flyer

MESA Flyer New-2

My name is Joffrey Hooks.  I am the Coordinator and Instructor for Seattle MESA’s Tutoring Program.  At Seattle MESA, we focus on engaging STEM underrepresented minorities in the local high schools and middle schools.  We facilitate multiple academic programs with the focus on reaching these underrepresented and often at-risk populations, and their parents, with the aim of helping them become high school graduates, successful college students and, hopefully, STEM professionals.  We pride ourselves in being very effective and we are equally proud of the fact that many UW students volunteer to work with us.

We have a need and I believe you can help.  I am looking for dynamic UW students that would be interested in volunteering to tutor local high school and middle school students.  Students that are interested will be trained and supported by MESA staff, credits will be earned, transportation will be provided and the satisfaction of serving a wonderful group of students will be experienced.

See attachments above for more information.



Joffrey Hooks

Tutoring Program Coordinator & Instructor

Seattle MESA

College of the Environment

University of Washington

Box 355020

Seattle, WA 98105

Office: (206) 685-7907

Mobile: (773) 808-4153


December 1, 2015

K12 and early college outreach to prospective CSE Students – join our volunteers

Greetings everyone!

We’ve had a lot of interest surrounding outreach to K-12 students and prospective CSE majors here on campus.  We’d like to invite all interested students to join our outreach efforts in one of two ways:

1. You can still sign up for the Outreach Seminar, that meets

Tuesdays 130-250 CSE room 303.  sln 12920

You need an add code to sign up this week, so just go to class tomorrow, and we will have some there.

2. You can also sign up on our CSE Ambassadors mailing list. This is a list where we advertise when we need volunteers for various outreach events.

It really makes a difference when we can bring current majors to these students, so thank you in advance for your time.

October 12, 2015

Spring 2015 – we need mentors for April 1st, 330-5pm – no joke!

We need mentors! If you have been in the department for at least one quarter, please sign up to be a mentor.  The welcome night is on Wednesday, April 1st from 3:30-5:00PM (yes, food included).  I know this conflicts with some courses and TA’ing, sorry about that, we didn’t have a lot of options. Please sign up via the catalyst survey by 8am Tuesday so we have time to assign everyone.   Mentors will meet in room 691 of the Allen Center for CS&E at 330 on the 1st.  If you sign up, assume we’ll need your help and plan to show up. We’ll notify you if we get too many mentors, it’s never been a problem in the past, sadly.

We have 79 new students starting this spring so we’ll need at least 30 mentors.  Please consider helping out our newly admitted students..


CSE Advising: Crystal, Raven, Jen, and Patsy

March 27, 2015

Volunteer Opportunity: UW Discovery Days

Each year, Engineering Discovery Days brings over 9,000 K-12 students, parents and chaperones to the UW to learn about and spark an interest in the field of engineering. This year’s event will be held on Friday, April 24th and Saturday, April 25th. We are seeking a current UW Engineering student, or team of students, to design an app for this event that would include sortable exhibit list, map of campus, and perhaps a way to integrate the paper scavenger hunt we have used during previous Discovery Days.  We understand that there might not be enough time to create a full app by this time, and would also be excited to talk about building a responsive website or laying the groundwork for an app for next year.

This volunteer opportunity is unpaid, but offers great publicity during the largest College of Engineering event of the year by including the name(s) of the app’s designer(s) in the app, program, correspondence to registered attendees, and the press release about Discovery Days. Please contact Katie Kirkland, Discovery Days event manager at by Monday, March 2 if you are interested in this opportunity.



KATIE KIRKLAND Discovery Days Event Manager College of Engineering


206-543-8711  /


February 26, 2015

Research for credit – UW Medicine craniofacial development

I am a postdoc at Seattle Children’s Research Institute studying craniofacial development.  Our group is currently looking for a student volunteer to work on a project to update and redesign a web-based interface for biomedical image analysis algorithms.  Some experience with Java is preferred and experience or interest in image processing would be a plus. Work on this project could be set up for credit. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me at


Sara Rolfe

January 27, 2015

Take a short break from studying for finals and help volunteer for CS Education week THIS SATURDAY at UW CSE!

Please consider volunteering your time this Saturday during CS Education Open House.  We’ll have over 500 kids here (fyi, the labs will not be quiet Saturday afternoon).  Please take a few hours to donate your time to this worthy cause, introducing the next generation of CSE students to the great work we do here.


From Allison Obourn <>

Hello Undergraduates!

The CSE Open House is this Saturday, December 6th from 1 to 5pm. It is aimed at middle and high school students and is a lot of fun. We already have over 450 RSVPs!
I am looking for some volunteers to help out. Here are the activities I am trying to find presenters for:
– Makey Makey
     Show students how to make a banana piano!
– activities
      Show students activities
– Card Tricks
      Assist Whitaker or Adam with card tricks
– Scribbler Bots
      Help kids program little robots to move in patterns and take pictures
-Help set up and/or take down the atrium (putting up tables/chairs) before  (11AM-12PM) and/or after (5PM-6PM) the event.
Please email me (Allison Obourn <>) if you are interested in helping with any of these. You do not need to be familiar with any of them to volunteer. I’m happy to show you how they work and they are pretty quick to learn.   Also, if you can only help during certain times, let us know.
Allison Obourn <>
December 2, 2014

Volunteer opportunity at Rainier View Elementary School

Hey folks!

Here is a great opportunity to give back to the community. We know it’s not great timing, but perhaps if your finals end early, you’d have an hour or so to donate your time to help show some elementary school kids how cool CSE is?  This is a school we’d really love to help.

It’s the season of giving, perhaps you can give some of your time? Please contact Elaine directly if you have time to help. (with a CC to ugrad-advisor@) so we know if anyone responds.

Thank you!

~CSE Advising

From: Lauren Bricker

Elaine Dondoyano is the Technology Teacher and Reading Intervention Specialist for Rainier View Elementary School. They are looking to do the “Hour of Code” with classes at the school during Computer Science Education Week, December 8-12. Her proposed schedule is linked: Hour of Code, grade schedule and she is hoping to find volunteers to help in the classroom while the students are doing their hands-on work.


She is also looking for people who might be interested in talking with elementary grade classes. (particularly 4th and 5th)


Please contact for more information.




From: Dondoyano, Elaine S []
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 10:50 AM
Subject: Hour of Code

Hi Kay,

Lauren Bricker contacted you about Hour of Code and mentioned
my school, Rainier View Elementary School, as looking for volunteers to

I thought it would be helpful to give you a little more background about
who we are and what we do.  Rainier View is a small public elementary
school in south Seattle (Skyway neighborhood).  Our family population is a
high-poverty/high-needs demographic.  The vast majority of our students
are students of color, and many come from immigrant families.  Sadly,
schools like ours are often failing schools.  Indeed, Rainier View itself
had been a failing school, with passage rates on state test scores in the
20-percent range.  It was closed by Seattle Public Schools entirely in

Rainier View reopened in 2011 with new leadership and new staff, committed
to do what it takes to ensure academic success here.  Since then Rainier
View has firmly established itself to be one of the most solid and
consistent academically performing schools in the city and in the state,
as demonstrated by data in the last several years.

Very few of our families have attended college or hold professional
careers in areas like technology.  They don’t work for Google or Microsoft
or Amazon.  This is all the more reason we would like our students to have
exposure to college students or professionals in the fields of math or
technology.  We believe our students can follow that path if they choose,
and we believe them to be capable of doing so.  Hour of Code is one small
introduction to those possibilities.

So if you know of anyone with an inclination to giving a vision to
students who could be deeply impacted by their presence, please do contact



November 26, 2014

UW Engineering Ambassadors for K-12 outreach

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Paula Cieszkiewicz <>
Date: Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 1:50 PM
Subject: UW Engineering Ambassadors Application Due Soon!

The Engineering Ambassadors team is looking for more members! We are growing in demand and need more students to fulfill the outreach requests that are coming in from local schools in the Pacific Northwest. Our application deadline for winter quarter is November 30, 2014 at midnight. We hope to see many students apply and get involved with this great STEM outreach group!
We also have an informational  website with additional information that can address any questions students may have. And, of course, anyone can email me at or the leadership team at with further queries.

Paula Cieszkiewicz

UW Engineering Ambassadors President

November 18, 2014

Urgent: need students for a focus group this Monday, November 17th

We have an outside evaluator coming to campus this Monday and she would like to to meet with a group of students to talk about your experiences in the department.   It will be very informal and confidential (but it will be in a group setting with other students). If you would like to participate, please fill out the catalyst survey.

We will notify this weekend what time slot you are assigned and where to meet.

We have updated to three options 10:30-11:30 (women only), 2:30-3:30 (mixed gender), and 3:30-4:30 (mixed gender)

Thank you for your time!

~CSE Advising

November 14, 2014

College of Engineering Student Advisory Council 2014-15 – Apply by tomorrow 11/5!

The College of Engineering Student Advisory Council (COESAC) is seeking nominations, including self-nominations, of students who would be interested in serving on the Council for the 2014-15 academic year.  To that end, we ask that departments to circulate this call for nominations to undergraduate and graduate students in their department as soon as possible.  It would be particularly helpful if undergraduate and graduate advisors would call this opportunity to the attention of students whom they believe would be particularly effective members of this Council and encourage them to apply.


Apply here:

Deadline: TOMORROW November 5th, 2014


COESAC provides a student perspective on planning and budgeting issues for the College of Engineering.  The group, which consists of approximately 12 undergraduates, 5 graduate students, and 3 at-large representatives, meets on Friday afternoons from 3:30-5:00 in the COE Dean’s conference room to discuss a broad range of issues.  During the 2013-14 academic year, COESAC submitted recommendations the Dean on issues ranging from changing the admissions model for UW COE departments to providing opportunities for multi-disciplinary capstones.  COESAC seeks to include a diverse range of student perspectives in its conversations, and to bring about tangible changes to the student experience in the College of Engineering.

The time commitment involved in serving on COESAC is significant.  The Council meets at least once a month, and will often generate its own agenda.  Students should be self-motivated to provide a student voice on issues facing the College.  The Dean will provide a charge to the Council at the beginning of the year and will come to the Council with planning questions for student input, but the Council will also be asked to identify one to two areas of need within the College and work independently on proposals for solving that need.  Applicants should ensure that they are available to meet on Friday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:00 for the duration of the academic year.  It has proved just too difficult to schedule meetings at any other time.  Dean Bragg or his designee will attend most of the Council’s meetings, except when the Council chooses to meet without him.  Although Council members are not strictly “representatives” of any particular student group (that is the role of ASUW), they are encouraged to solicit and present to the Council the views of as wide a cross-section of students as possible.

Students interested in applying to be members of COESAC for the 2014-15 academic year, should submit an application via Catalyst (above), detailing their qualifications for serving on the Council.


Councilmember Duties

Student Advisory Councilmember Terms of Service:

  • Councilmembers will serve 1-year terms with 1-year reappointment possible.
  • Staggered terms (i.e., some will proceed for re-appointment at end of first year. The council will ask for volunteers to serve an additional year or end terms as needed for staggered terms.
  • Reappointment does not require a new application.
  • Total annual commitment: minimum 35-45 hours, including meeting time, preparation for meetings, and follow-through work arising from decisions at meetings.


Meeting Schedule:

  • Monthly meetings, except summer quarter (~8/year).
  • Standing meeting time set annually (1.5 hours/meeting).
  • Dean’s Office staff will attend meetings depending on agenda.
  • The Dean or his designee will likely attend most meetings as well, depending on schedules and the agenda.


Key topics that may be addressed annually by the Student Advisory Council:

  • Budget issues and planning
  • Student recruitment and retention (focus on increasing diversity)
  • Student engagement outside of the classroom
  • Course fees
  • Academic Programs (new programs and expansion of existing programs)

Questions? Contact

November 4, 2014

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