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Harry S. Truman Scholarships

The Harry S. Truman Foundation: Recognizing outstanding leadership potential, academic achievement, and the desire to pursue a career in public service.

Campus Application Deadline:  Tuesday, November 3, 11:45.m.

Application Available: The scholarship application form is contained in the UW Catalyst Program at the following URL: Applicants will also complete the following information for the University of Washington campus nomination application process and upload them into the drop box labeling each using your first name, last name, item name:

  1. Curriculum Vitae (cv) or Activities Resume — Please include work that span high school into college activities a) awards, scholarships, publications and/or special recognitions received; b)student government, sports, publications, research, school-sponsored community service programs, Student-faculty committees, arts, music, etc.; c) public service  and community activities i.e. advocacy activities, work with religious organizations, environmental conservation; d) employment; and e) government activities i.e. internships, partisan political activities, ROTC/military, municipal boards & commissions; and f) travel, presentations, hobbies, etc.
  2. Public Policy Statement — an outline of your public policy statement that covers the a) problem statement; b) proposed solution; and c) major obstacles/implementation challenges,
  3. Transcript — an unofficial copy of the UW transcript.  Please use the print-friendly .pdf version in MYUW,
  4. Recommenders a list of three to five individuals who would speak to your a) leadership potential and abilities; b) commitment to a career in public service; and c) intellect and prospects for continuing academic success.  The writer for ‘c’ must be someone who has taught you.

The Harry S. Truman offer a great opportunity to students actively involved on their campus and in their communities to receive awards up to $30,000.  The Truman is open to all juniors and seniors with one year left of undergraduate work to complete beginning fall 2010 who wish to pursue graduate school in preparation for work in government and public service.

The mission of the Truman Scholarship Foundation is:

*  to find and recognize college juniors with exceptional leadership potential who are committed to careers in government, the non-profit or advocacy sectors, education or elsewhere in the public service; and

*  to provide them with financial support for graduate study, leadership training, and fellowship with other students who are committed to making a difference through public service.

Applicants for the Truman Scholarship must meet the following:

*  Attend an accredited college or university.

*  Be nominated by a Truman Faculty Representative.

*  Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national.

*  Be in the upper quarter of their junior class.

For more information, please see the Truman websites: or the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards webpage: However, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mona Pitre-Collins ( in the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowship & Awards.

October 22, 2009

Google Lime Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

Announcement for Google Lime Scholarship for Students with Disabilities:

Access to knowledge is our thing. When it comes to higher education for promising scholars, we don’t want anything to stand in the way. That’s why we’re proud to partner with Lime. Google is committed to helping the innovators of the future make the most of their talents by providing scholarships and networking retreats for computer science  students with disabilities.

Recipients of the Google Lime Scholarship will receive a scholarship  for the 2010–2011 academic year. Selected students will also be invited to attend the all-expenses-paid retreat at the Googleplex in Mountain View, CA, in 2011. Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic background, leadership and passion for computer science – $10,000 USD for those studying in the US and $5,000 CAD for those studying in Canada (based on average tuition costs).

Eligibility Requirements

Candidates must be:

*   A current junior or senior year of undergraduate study or enrolled in a graduate program at a university in the United States or Canada (in addition to US and Canada citizens, international students with disabilities studying at universities in the US or Canada are also encouraged to apply)

*   Enrolled in a Computer Science or Computer Engineering  program, or a closely related technical field, as a full-time student for the 2010–2011 academic year

*   A person with a disability (defi­ned as someone who has, or considers themselves to have , a long-term, or recurring, issue that impacts one or more activities that others may consider a daily function); this defi­nition also includes the perception among others that a disability exists.

For more information, please go to:
Online application:

October 22, 2009

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships – Campus Deadline

Dear Advisers, Please pass along information regarding the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship to sophomores and juniors pursuing a degree in mathematics, natural sciences or engineering.  Thanks! Mona Pitre-Collins

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship: The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship was created to encourage outstanding students to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering.   The awards will be distributed on the basis of merit.  The University of Washington is eligible to nominate up to four outstanding candidates who are of sophomore or junior standing during the 2010-2011 academic year.  To be considered for campus nomination, a student must:

1. Be a full-time matriculated sophomore or junior pursuing a degree at an accredited institution of high education during the 2010-2011 academic year.  Sophomores are eligible to receive up to two years of funding.

2.   Have a college grade-point average or at least a “B” (or the equivalent) and be in the upper fourth of his or her class.

3.  Be a United States citizen, a permanent resident, or a United States national.  Nominations from permanent residents must include a letter of the nominee’s intent to obtain U.S. citizenship and a photocopy of the Permanent Resident Card.

4.  UW students must have a minimum of three quarters of research experience and a minimum grade-point average of 3.5.

Applications for this years’ campus nominations are available online via the Goldwater Website.  Students must submit the completed application, including essay and list of three to five faculty who are familiar with your work and you prospects and would be willing to write a letter of recommendation if you are selected.  A faculty committee reviews application materials and four finalist are nominated for the national competition.

2009-2010 Campus Nomination Procedures: Each applicant will need to submit the following:   Using the Barry Goldwater Online Application, Complete the Goldwater Application.  NOTE: Do not complete the recommenders section in that it will prompt each name listed to write a letter.  We do not need that information for the campus nomination application.   Using the Catalyst “Collect It’ tool, please upload the following materials (Research Essay, Unofficial Transcript, List of Recomenders) labeling each using your first name, last name, item name,

Campus Deadline:  Thursday, November 3, 2009, 11:45 p.m.

Information sessions will be held to provide student with valuable information about the application process: More information can be found at the Barry M. Goldwater website: or at on the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards webpage:

If you have any questions about the Goldwater Scholarship, please direct questions to:

Mona Pitre-Collins | Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards
Center for Experiential Learning | 120 Mary Gates Hall | Box 352803
University of Washington | Seattle | WA 98195 | 206-221-6059 | Fax 206-616-4389

October 21, 2009

NSF Fellowship Essay Editing Session, next Wednesday

From Evan Herbst (eherbst@cs):

NSF essay editing session next Wed (October 28) 1500 – 1630 in 303. There should be a decent number of grads to read yours, and you can read each others’. You can find readers anywhere but we’re trying to make it easy for you. The dept may be willing to provide snacks; that’s TBD.

October 20, 2009

Mary Gates Research & Leadership Scholarships – Autumn App Only

This Autumn quarter will be the only chance for students to apply for a Mary Gates scholarship.

Please share this message with undergraduate students who are involved in activities or projects through which they are developing their leadership ability AND also with students participating in research with the guidance of a faculty mentor.

We serve undergraduates from all majors and disciplines and encourage students to consider how a Mary Gates Leadership or Research Scholarship can support their ambitions as scholars and citizens.


Mary Gates Leadership Scholarships

  • Wednesday, October 14, 1:30-2:30, 258 Mary Gates Hall
  • Thursday, October 15, 3:30-4:30, 211 Mary Gates Hall

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  Monday, November 2, 5pm

Mary Gates Research Scholarships

  • Wednesday, October 14, 2:30-3:30, 258 Mary Gates Hall
  • Thursday, October 15, 4:30-5:30, 211 Mary Gates Hall

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, November 6, 5pm

Learn more about eligibility & applying:

Questions & appointments:

Thank you!

Jodene Davis

Jodene Davis
Mary Gates Endowment
Center for Experiential Learning (EXP)
Undergraduate Academic Affairs
University of Washington
120 MGH | 616-3925 | |

October 13, 2009

Upcoming Personal Statement & CV Writing Workshops

Do you need to write a personal statement for a scholarship, research or graduate school application but aren’t sure where to start? Do you need to prepare a CV or academic resume, but aren’t sure what it is or what should be on it? Consider attending an upcoming workshop offered by the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards:

Personal Statement Workshops
The Personal Statement is an important part of all applications for scholarships, internships, or graduate/professional programs.  This type of writing requires you to outline your strengths confidently and concisely, which can be challenging. These Personal Statement Workshops will provide you with essential information to begin writing about your interests, eligibility, and suitability.

Space is limited, so please register for one of these workshops at:
  • October 21, 2009 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm, Mary Gate 191 A
  • December 2, 2009 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm, Mary Gate 191 A
CV Writing Workshops
Develop your undergraduate CV/Resume for use in scholarship, fellowship, research opportunities and graduate school applications.  These workshops will aid students in the development of a Curriculum Vitae (“CV” or “vitae”).  A CV is similar to a resume, but allows students to take advantage of a free format, to reflect the strength of their achievements.
Students interested in the workshop should bring a working draft, such as an existing resume, a list of activities, honors, awards, and prizes, received no longer than 5 years ago, academic and research activities, community service involvement, work history, and activities outside of the academic environment.

Space is limited, so please register for one of these workshops at:
  • October 14, 2009 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm, Mary Gates 191 A
  • October 28, 2009 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm, Mary Gates 191 A
  • November 4, 2009 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm, Mary Gates 191 A
  • December 2, 2009 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm, Mary Gates 191 A

October 13, 2009

CS NSF fellowship info session

From Evan Herbst, grad seminar coordinator:

The National Science Foundation fellowship is generally considered the most desirable fellowship for grad students in CS and related fields. All current seniors who are US citizens and permanent residents (and applying to grad school) are eligible to apply. The point of major fellowships is to pay for you to work on whatever you want in grad school rather than what your advisor, who can otherwise take away funding at will, tells you to. In this case, you get about $30k a year, but the important thing is you don’t have to stick to working on the project plan you present in your application–you can switch topics after you get to grad school.

Obama has kept up his campaign rhetoric about increasing research funding, and the little birdies say there should be two to three times as many NSF fellowships awarded this year as are usual. UWCS students (undergrad + grad) usually get about two a year. The more people who apply in the CS category, the more awards in the CS category there will be.

The CS dept. is holding an info/Q&A session on the NSF fellowship Friday 10/2 at 5 pm in cs303. You’ll hear from past NSF recipients and Prof. Ed Lazowska, who’s been on the NSF awarding committee. We’ll provide copies of past winning essays. And non-NSF-specific fellowship questions are welcome.

The application deadline is early Nov. Later in October we’ll provide essay-writing help. For now, come next week and open an application at


September 21, 2009

Luce Scholars Program – Upcoming Info Session

Please note: The last info session for this program is coming up on Thursday, September 17th at 3:30pm in Sieg 134.

Graduating seniors, recent alums, graduate and professional students at UW are now eligible to apply for the Luce Scholars Program ( The UW has been selected to nominate 3 students per year to compete for the opportunity to spend 12 months in Asia. The program provides stipends, language training and individualized professional placement in Asia for fifteen to eighteen young Americans each year.

Applicants must be American citizens who, by September 1 of the year they enter the program, will have received at least a bachelor’s degree and will not have reached their 30th birthday. Applicants should have a record of high achievement, outstanding leadership ability, and a clearly defined career interest with evidence of potential for professional accomplishment. Those who already have significant experience in Asia or Asian studies are not eligible for the Luce Scholars Program. Additional details are provided in the Program Summary below.

The final information session covering the program basics and application process will be held: Thursday, September 17, 3:30pm, Sieg Hall 134

Please RSVP to attend the information session (or to let us know you cannot attend but would like further information) at

The UW campus application deadline is 9:00am, Thursday, October 1, 2009. The campus application is available at
September 15, 2009

Scholarships for study abroad!

The application for the Gilman scholarship for undergraduate students beginning a study abroad program between December 15th and April 15th is now available at:
According to the site, they are also accepting early applications for STEM students studying abroad during the summer.

Read on for eligibility information … (more…)

August 31, 2009

Galvagno Full Tuition Scholarship – juniors & seniors

Dear Advisers,

Courtney Acitelli, Assistant Director in Student and Alumni Programs, is hoping to get the word out about a new scholarship open to undergraduate juniors and seniors providing full tuition for 1 year. The deadline is August 31, 2009, so it is one of the few scholarships still available to fund the 09-10 academic year.   Please send the following details to students who may be interested in applying. For questions, please contact Courtney Acitelli at 206.685.2088 or
Remo S. and Sheila A. Galvagno Scholarship
Who: This scholarship is available to

  • Undergraduate junior or seniors, including transfer students, but not current degree holders,
  • Who will attend the University of Washington as a full-time student in Fall Quarter of 2009,
  • Who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and
  • Have submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine level of financial need.


August 6, 2009

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