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Phi Sigma Rho, the Engineering sorority on campus has designed a t-shirt

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Phi Rho Fundraising <>
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:48 AM
Subject: Phi Sigma Rho T-Shirt Fundraiser Next Week!

Hello Engineering Advisers,

Phi Sigma Rho, the Engineering sorority on campus has designed a t-shirt for our engineering community and will be holding a fundraiser to raise money for Relay For Life. If you could forward our flier to your students, we would really appreciate it.

We will be tabling next Monday (May 5th) until Wednesday (May 7th) from 10:30AM-2:30PM in front of the HUB. Our shirt is only $10, with half of our proceeds going to Relay For Life!

You may have received a flier last week, but we have updated our tabling dates to next week instead of this week.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

April 30, 2014

Info session on crowdsourced security audit

Tadayoshi Kohno

3:37 PM (12 minutes ago)
to cs-ugrads

Hi all,


Just a reminder about this — noon tomorrow in CSE 303.  We’ll provide food, but please bring your own beverage.





On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Tadayoshi Kohno <> wrote:

Hi all,

Are you interested in Security? Are you currently enrolled in a CSE class that uses a  textbook? We’re looking to get a group of students together to kickstart a crowdsourced security audit of the UW CSE undergraduate curriculum. We would like to get a few students involved in adding entries to our vulnerabilities wiki when they see unsafe code in their textbooks! There’s minimal extra commitment on your end, because you are (theoretically) already reading your text anyways. Security is one of the fastest growing fields in computing, and historically one of the most underserved fields in undergraduate education. So if you want to polish those hacking and cracking skills, this might be for you.


We’re going to have a meeting at noon this coming Wednesday (April 30) in CSE 303 to explain the project in more detail, and go over the vulnerability coding scheme.  (We will provide food.)


Tariq, Neil, Yoshi, et al.


April 29, 2014

Engineering Majors Career fair, they need volunteers

**Volunteers still needed: CALLING ALL ENTHUSIASTIC ENGINEERS!**

Are you an upperclassman passionate about your field of engineering? Share about your major to pre-engineers at the Engineering Majors Fair (career fair style setup, but more laid-back)!  See below for event and volunteering details:

Event: Engineering Majors Fair
Hosted by the UW Society of Women Engineers & UW Engineering dorm community; open to all students
Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Time: 5:30 – 7pm
Location: McCarty Hall, ABC Rooms
Volunteer Sign-up [Deadline: Wed. 4/30, 11pm]

Setup & volunteering: There will be a table set up for each engineering department, and each table must have 2-5 students at all times (volunteers may take different shifts) and at least one interesting “artifact” to show (i.e. student projects, Discovery Days displays, anything that will help illustrate what can be done in your major) at the table.  Pre-engineers will be able to visit any of the tables throughout the fair.

Thank you for your support in encouraging potential future students of your field!  If you have any questions, please email us at

Monica Chinn
President | Society of Women Engineers
University of Washington Section
PO BOX 45657, Seattle, WA 98145 |
April 29, 2014

UW Student Experience Survey – last day this week

Just a few more days (technically one, but rumor has it maybe a couple) days left for the UW Student Experience survey.  It’s really important for a nice representative sample of students to fill this out, I hope a few of you will take some type to help.


Undergrads: The UW wants to hear from you!  

There’s an important student survey called the SERU underway at the UW. Participate in it and you will help improve the undergraduate experience. The Student Experience at the Research University (SERU) covers a broad range of topics, from the amount of time undergraduates spend studying to the type of research experiences they enjoy. Questions gauge the impact of college on such areas as critical thinking, academic preparation, research experiences, time management and overall satisfaction, and results will be used to improve our understanding of educational best practices at leading research universities. All degree-seeking undergraduate students who are 18 years old or older and currently enrolled at UW Seattle are eligible to participate – help us improve our academic and student-life programs and maybe win a major prize!  Take the survey and learn more here:

April 28, 2014

security and courses?

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Tadayoshi Kohno <>
Date: Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 2:22 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Security and courses?
Cc: Tariq Yusuf <>, Neil Hinnant <>

Hi all,

Are you interested in Security? Are you currently enrolled in a CSE class that uses a  textbook? We’re looking to get a group of students together to kickstart a crowdsourced security audit of the UW CSE undergraduate curriculum. We would like to get a few students involved in adding entries to our vulnerabilities wiki when they see unsafe code in their textbooks! There’s minimal extra commitment on your end, because you are (theoretically) already reading your text anyways. Security is one of the fastest growing fields in computing, and historically one of the most underserved fields in undergraduate education. So if you want to polish those hacking and cracking skills, this might be for you.


We’re going to have a meeting at noon this coming Wednesday (April 30) in CSE 303 to explain the project in more detail, and go over the vulnerability coding scheme.  (We will provide food.)


Tariq, Neil, Yoshi, et al.

April 28, 2014

Deadline for UW CSE/ACM Shirts Next Week

We are still looking for shirt designs for the 2014 year! You have until Wednesday evening next week to submit a design.
  • SVG/PNG are the accepted submission types
  • Shirts should reflect the department rather than random memes/sayings with no other indication of UW CSE/ACM
  • We reserve the right to determine which designs are acceptable
  • Keep to 1 ink color, 1 shirt color.
Later we’ll have a vote and the top few designs will be sent to printing. We plan on having shirts in time for Spring BBQ.
Please submit your designs to:
April 25, 2014

SNUPI is a finalist for “Gadget of the Year.”

Ed Lazowska

7:31 AM (7 hours ago)
to Researchers, Staff, Cs-Grads, cs-ugrads
SNUPI is a finalist for “Gadget of the Year.”

Ambient Backscatter is a finalist for “Innovation of the Year.”

Oren Etzioni is a finalist for “Hire of the Year.”

Many other UW CSE friends and family are represented among the finalists in various categories.

Please see categories and links to ballots here:

You can vote once in each category from a single IP address …


April 24, 2014

Hack to end Homelessness

Ed Lazowska

10:58 AM (22 hours ago)
to Cs-Grads, cs-ugrads
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ethan <>
Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 6:29 PM
Subject: Hack to End Homelessness
To: Ed Lazowska <>
Hi Ed,
I’m a former CSE PhD student (started in ’03 and left in ’07). I’m co-organizing an event in May called Hack to End Homelessness. You may have heard us promoting at last week’s Seattle Tech Meetup.
We’re trying to get technologists of all sorts to turn out May 2-4 to work with non-profits on addressing homelessness. I’m hoping UW students can be a big part of that. What’s the best way for me to get the word out to both grad and undergrad students? Would you be able to forward something on to the relevant groups?
We’re asking software professionals to pay $100 to help cover the costs of renting the venue and providing food from Friday-Sunday. But for UW students we’re offering a $35 ticket using the code ‘UWHACKS35’. And if the fee is still an obstacle for anyone they can email us and we’ll waive the fee entirely.
If you’re able to share an announcement, I’ll leave you with two pieces of copy. There’s the short announcement here, and a longer announcement at the end of the email:
Hack to End Homelessness, on May 2-4, brings together the best minds in technology and design to work with Seattle non-profits on ending homelessness. Designers and developers are invited to sign up today for an intense weekend of learning, designing and hacking. Bring your own ideas or work with one of our many non-profit partners on their urgent technology needs. More information at
Thanks for your help!
Ethan Phelps-Goodman

Want to build a social network that empowers the homeless community? Create an app to help homeless youth find shelter? Mine and visualize data on the true causes and solutions to homelessness?

Join us on May 2-4 for an intense weekend of designing, hacking and learning at Impact Hub Seattle! Designers, developers, social media experts, marketers, storytellers, and all other varieties of innovator are invited. Bring your own ideas or work side-by-side with one of our many non-profit partners on their urgent technology needs.

Build Something that Matters.

7pm Friday, May 2 — 7pm Sunday, May 4
Impact Hub Seattle
220 Second Ave South
Seattle WA 98104
April 23, 2014

UW Business students survey

Ed Lazowska

10:39 AM (22 hours ago)
to Cs-Grads, cs-ugrads
A group of MBA students in UW’s Foster School of Business is conducting a survey for regarding perceptions of the company, to help inform the company’s “branding” to potential employees.  It’s a “final project” for the MBA students.

The MBA students asked me to forward the survey to CSE students.  That’s their exclusive target audience; they would like to get several hundred responses from CSE students.

The survey is *confidential*.  If you provide your email address you will receive a $5 AMZN gift certificate for your trouble (whoopie ding …).  Providing your email address will *not* affect the confidentiality of your survey response.

I’m not “asking you to do this” – it’s entirely up to you.  But helping students in other UW programs, and helping Amazon, are both worthwhile.

Here’s the link:

April 23, 2014

From Ed: vote for CSE’s Ambient Backscatter at GeekWire’s Innovation of the Year

FYI: if (like me) you’re having a hard time finding the poll on the page Ed linked, you may need to open the page in an ads-and-other-crap-enabled browser.
No representation without taxation!


Daniel Halperin
Director of Research for Scalable Analytics
eScience Institute
University of Washington

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Ed Lazowska <> wrote:

It will take you only a minute to support CSE’s Ambient Backscatter as GeekWire’s “Innovation of the Year.”

For additional information, and our ever-evolving set of ballot recommendations, see the news post here:


April 22, 2014

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