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Financial Engineering at Berkeley

Dear Professors, Advisors, and Student Leaders,
If you have strong students who have recently graduated, or will graduate in the spring or fall of 2015, or if you work with alumni or postdocs who may be interested in seeking careers in industry, we would like to inform you that our application for the Berkeley MFE (Master of Financial Engineering) Program, which will start in March 2016, is now open.
Please pass on the announcement below.  We are happy to answer any questions you or your students may have.  If you are not interested in receiving these emails, you may opt out using the link below.
Kind regards,
The Berkeley MFE Admissions Team

The Berkeley MFE is now accepting applications for the 2016-17 Berkeley MFE program! 


We are pleased to announce that the Berkeley MFE application for the 2016-17 term is now open.  If you are considering a career in finance and have strong quantitative skills, we encourage you to join one of our upcoming information sessions to learn more about the program and learn about best practices for optimizing your application.  If you already know that you want to take your career to the next level and you’re ready to apply, you can go directly to our site and apply now.
The first application deadline for 2016-17 program is January 15, 2015, and we will continue to accept applications until October 1, 2015. As always, if you have questions about the Berkeley MFE program, please contact us directly.



Berkeley MFE Information Sessions – Jan 2015
January 6, 10:00 AM PSTOnline Information Session
January 8, 10:00 AM PST: Online Application Q&A with Admissions Advisors
January 12, 12:00 PM PST: Information Session On-Campus at UC Berkeley
January 13, 3:00 PM PST: Online Information Session
January 14, 3:00 PM PST: Online Application Q&A with Admissions Advisors

Please see our career placement reports here


We look forward to meeting you.


Kind regards,

December 22, 2014

Writing Better Admissions Essays for Graduate School

Hi Huskies,

Students asked us to share these videos about the grad admissions process, and I thought that UW undergrads considering grad school might benefit from the videos too.  Everyone benefits when students write better admissions essays.  I understand that will be circulating the videos too.

Writing More Effective Graduate School Applications

We recently published videos of student and faculty panels discussing how to write effective graduate school applications.  It’s based on a workshop and writing clinic I held back in November at MIT and elsewhere after being frustrated that I could find no other faculty doing it.  Enjoy!


%% Kevin Fu, Associate Professor, EECS Department, The University of Michigan

December 8, 2014


Fellowships available for CSE students:

Students who will receive a bachelor’s degree by June 2015 will be eligible for the positions. The fellowships will commence in July 2015, and they are 2 years in duration. The fellowships were previously sponsored by the Yale Child Study Center, and students can find further details at: and


The training experience for the Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience will primarily involve daily activities related to eye-tracking research, including operation of experimental equipment and paradigms, contact with infants and toddlers and their families, and responsibility for completing experimental protocols.


The training experience for the Simons Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience will involve developing methods for the analysis of visual scanning and eye-tracking data, computational models of visual salience, and data visualization techniques, all with the aim of advancing the understanding of autism and efforts at early diagnosis.


The training experience for the Simons Fellowship in Design Engineering will involve developing innovative design solutions to answer experimental research questions. These solutions offer an opportunity to explore human factors engineering, product prototyping, and the design of environments for neuroscience research.



October 14, 2014

Seniors interested in Graduate School should plan to attend this NSF workshop Monday – must be US Citizen or Resident Immigrant

This workshop is specific to NSF Fellowships, CSE seniors should definitely attend. (Juniors are welcome if you are planning ahead as well). Must be US Citizen or Resident Immigrant

We’ll have another graduate school focused information meeting in a few weeks for all students, Freshman – Seniors, residents and international students all welcome at the later session.


From: Daniel Miller <>
Date: Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 9:43 AM
Subject: CSE NSF Workshop

First- and Second-Year students who are eligible for the NSF (U.S. citizens and resident immigrants),
On October 13th at 1:30PM in CSE 403, CSE will have CS-focused workshop on applying for the NSF which includes current holders of the fellowship, sharing of essays, words from Ed (who has served on selection committees in the past)—everything to help you prepare your application.
More info about the NSF:
  • NSF GRF due: October 29, 2014 for Engineering, Computer & Info. Sciences & Engr, Materials Research.
  •  Applicants should be US Citizens, Nationals, or Permanent Residents.
  • Three reference letters must be submitted electronically by November 6, 2014, 5:00 p.m. local time by the reference writers through the FastLane GRFP Application Module.  If three reference letters are not received by the reference letter deadline and time, the application will be returned without review.
Please see the NSF-GRFP URL below for more eligibility requirements and guidelines.
Good luck!
October 7, 2014

Reminder: BSMS application closes tonight

The BS/MS application closes tonight at midnight, so if you haven’t submitted your application please do so asap.



June 16, 2014

BS/MS 5th year masters

Just a reminder to apply for the 5th year masters (BS/MS) this weekend if you’re interested.


Application deadline is June 16th.

June 10, 2014

UW’s Master of Human-Computer Interaction + Design

UW’s Master of Human-Computer Interaction + Design is excited to
announce a limited number of additional openings for our Fall 2014
cohort. We will review additional applications from now until August
1, or until our available openings are filled. Admissions decisions
will be made within three weeks of application receipt, and we
encourage you to apply soon if you are interested.

Admissions for our Fall 2015 cohort will begin in October.

For more information,

James A. Fogarty, Associate Professor
Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington

May 29, 2014

BS/MS (5th year masters) application open

We’ve decided to go ahead and open the BS/MS application (officially).  It’s been open for a week or two as we tested and some of you found it, which is fine, but now it’s really open.

A few notes:

*You may not find a person you want to use as a reference in the drop down menu. If that is the case, it may be that

  1. They are a graduate student. In that case, they can email me feedback to include in additional information, but they should not be used as one of your 3 official reference. This is a recent change, if this effects you negatively, let me know and we’ll help you brainstorm.
  2. They may be a guest lecturer: in that case, if we still have contact with them, we will try to include them, but it will likely be the same situation as #1.
  3. Affiliate faculty: they may not be in our system yet, let me know and I’ll have it updated.

The application is linked from the BS/MS application page:

Here are the tentative (subject to change) deadlines.

Application deadline: June 16th (this one will not change, the others might a little)
Faculty feedback period: June 17-25th
Read apps: June 27th – July 2nd
Admissions meeting: July 3rd

Crystal Eney

CSE Advising

May 23, 2014

bsms 5th year masters info session tomorrow

Just a reminder, the BS/MS Information session is tomorrow (Thursday, May 8th), 430-530 in room 305 of the CSE building.


May 7, 2014

BSMS (5th years masters) program information session

We will host another BSMS (5th year masters) Information Session next week on Thursday, May 8th from 430-530pm in room 305 of the CSE building. Come find out more about this program and details about applying.


May 2, 2014

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