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Undergrad Newsletter – May

Hello, CSE undergrads! Please see your monthly (beautifully redesigned!) undergrad newsletter for events, highlights, and some mid-quarter inspiration.  May 2019 — Undergraduate Newsletter

May 1, 2018

Washington State Legislative Internship Program Info Sessions, May 1 and 2, 2018

Undergrad Students-

Are you interested in gaining hands-on experience with a working government?  Do you want to build up your professional skills and develop contacts with people who shape policy in the State of Washington?

Interning with the Washington State Legislature during Winter 2019 is an excellent way to achieve these goals.  This is open to all majors and doesn’t require a background in Political Science to be successful.

The Coordinators for the Washington State Legislative Internship Program will be on the Seattle campus on May 1st and 2nd.  They will give eleven Information Sessions, all held in Gowen Hall, room 1A. Each session is half an hour long, starting at the following times:

Tuesday, May 1st, 10:3011:0011:302:303:00, and 3:30

Wednesday, May 2nd, 9:3010:0010:301:00, and 1:30

You can find information about the program on their website:
You can also bring your questions for the Coordinators and to ask the interns from previous years.  If you cannot make any of these sessions, you can also contact Mark Weitzenkamp in the Political Science Advising Office to talk about the program (

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Mark Weitzenkamp, PhD
Academic Counselor for
Political Science Major and
Human Rights Minor
Smith 215
University of Washington
Political Science Department
Box 353530
Seattle, WA 98195-3530
(206) 543-1824    FAX: (206) 685-2146

April 26, 2018

Join us for an evening session on Quantum Computing with Microsoft!  And PIZZA!


WHEN: Friday, April 27th



WHY: The focus of this session will be a brief tutorial on the newly released Microsoft Quantum Development Kit and custom quantum computing language, Q# along with plenty of time for Q&A and the opportunity to stay after for some hands-on help or 1:1 time with the Microsoft Quantum team.


EE125: Agenda

  • 5:45pm: Welcome
  • 6pm-7pm: Tutorial
  • 7pm-8pm: Networking and Q&A


Microsoft Quantum home page:


Video announcement of Microsoft Quantum Development Kit:


Latest announcement on Microsoft Quantum Development Kit support for Mac & Linux as well as Python interoperability:


April 23, 2018

UW Seattle Spring Job & Internship Fair – April 11

UW Seattle Spring Job & Internship Fair
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

3-7pm, HUB Ballrooms (UW Seattle campus)

Interested in an opportunity to meet with more than 100 employers, all eager to recruit UW candidates? Looking for your first job after graduation, or perhaps still seeking a summer job or internship?  Then join us for the 2018 Spring Job & Internship Fair!

Who: All UW Students and Alumni from all majors, disciplines and UW campuses are welcome & encouraged to attend this event.
RSVP: No RSVP required. Attendees will simply check in at student check-in upon arrival.

Learn More: To learn more about attending employers, the areas they will be recruiting for, ways to prepare for this event (and more!), click here.

Questions? Contact

April 3, 2018

SAVE THE DATE: 2018 Paul G. Allen School Graduation Celebration – Friday, June 8

2018 Paul G. Allen School Graduation Celebration
Friday, June 8, 2017 – 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Hec Edmundson Pavillion
*Doors at 5pm.
Coffee and cake reception on the Hec Ed concourse will immediately follow the formal program.

If you are a graduating senior, watch for an email from Elise (elised@cs…) with details on the CSE graduation celebration. We will be sending invitations and the sign-up form for participants in mid-April. Note that attendees do not need tickets, so you can feel free to invite the whole family!

Our list of 2017-18 graduates includes everyone graduating August 2017 through August 2018. If you’ll graduate in Autumn (December) 2018 and want to attend this June’s CSE ceremony, please tell us.

Paper invitations will be sent to your address listed on MyUW. Please update address in MyUW by April 15th to make sure it goes to the right place!

If you want to attend the UW’s Commencement ceremony, you must register for the UW Commencement Ceremony separately starting May 2nd.

If you are not graduating but want to support your senior friends, you are welcome to join us on Friday, June 8.

April 2, 2018

Winter 2018 Mock Technical Interview Sign-Up!

CSE undergraduates (only!) who plan on engaging in technical interviews in the near future should sign up here for the Mock Technical Interview events to be held in the CSE advising offices the evenings of Wednesday, January 31 and Tuesday, February 6, 2018.  The 45 minute sessions begin at 6:00 pm, 6:45 pm, and 7:30 pm on both days.

At these events, technical interviewers from several of our industry affiliates will engage in abbreviated (30 minute) one-on-one mock technical interviews with students. The interviewers will provide feedback to the students during and after the interviews.  All students should plan on bringing a copy of their resume to the interviews.

This event has extremely limited space. It is geared first and foremost toward CSE students who plan to earn their degree before Autumn 2019.  The sign-up deadline is noon this Friday, January 26, so please submit your input quickly.  Slots will be filled in order of expected graduation from the pool of students who sign up prior to the deadline.

Students should sign-up for as many interview slots on the linked form as they are available for on either day to have the best chance of securing an interview.  Only one Winter Quarter interview (either on January 31 or on February 6) will be provided to each selected student.

January 24, 2018

Resume Review Workshop Today!

A reminder that the Resume Review Workshop will be held today, January 16 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the CSE Atrium.

This workshop, for Allen School CSE majors only, is designed to allow students to gather tips from the experts to turn their resume drafts into documents that will help land their dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few printed copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with one or more recruiters or technical interview experts from several of our affiliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the upcoming recruiting fair on January 24th and 25th.

January 16, 2018

Resume Review Workshop

The Resume Review Workshop will be held next Tuesday, January 16 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the CSE Atrium.

This workshop, for Allen School CSE majors only, is designed to allow students to gather tips from the experts to turn their resume drafts into documents that will help land their dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few printed copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with one or more recruiters or technical interview experts from several of our affiliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the upcoming recruiting fair on January 24th and 25th.

January 8, 2018

Mock Technical Interview Event Sign Up

CSE undergraduates (only!) who plan on engaging in technical interviews over the next few months should sign up here for the Mock Technical Interview event to be held in the CSE advising offices the evening of Monday, October 30, 2017.

At this event, technical interviewers from several of our industry affiliates will engage in abbreviated (30 minute) one-on-one mock technical interviews with students. The coaches will provide feedback to the students during and after the interviews.  All students should plan on bringing a copy of their resume to the interviews.

This event has extremely limited space. It is geared first and foremost toward CSE students who plan to earn their degree before Summer 2018, and secondly toward CSE students who plan to earn their degree before Autumn 2019.  The sign-up deadline is midnight (11:59:59 pm) on Wednesday, October 25.  Slots will be filled in order of expected graduation from the pool of students who sign up prior to the deadline.

Selected students will be given one interview and should choose from one, two or three of the session times listed on the linked form.  The 45 minute sessions begin at 6 pm, 6:45 pm, and 7:30 pm.

October 23, 2017

Beginning Technical Interview Coaching Event

CSE undergraduates (only!) who have little or no technical interview experience can now sign up here for the Beginning Technical Interview Coaching event to be held in the Atrium on Tuesday, October 31.

At this event, technical interviewers from several of our industry affiliates will meet with groups of 2- 5 students. The interviewers will describe their technical interview processes, give a few sample questions and coach on what they look for in answers. The sessions will include sample programming questions, logic questions and puzzles. Our experts will also provide examples of what they ask in actual technical interviews and how to successfully answer to land the job.

This event is especially geared towards new CSE students who have little or no technical interview experience. The goal is to provide a good idea of what students will face in a technical interview and what kind of preparation is necessary to do well in one.

Students should choose one of the two hour-long sessions from the linked form. One session begins at 3 pm and the other at 4 pm.  Students will be selected in order of sign up.  Please try to sign up by end of day Thursday, October 26.

October 23, 2017

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