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Discovery Days reminder

From David Rispoli:


A reminder that the 2012 College of Engineering Open House, Discovery Days, will take place tomorrow, April 20 and Saturday, April 21.   Here is what to expect:



Campus Event: 9 am to 2 pm.  Mostly middle school aged students.

Allen Center Exhibits:  CSE: 10 am to 1 pm only; EE: 9 am to 2 pm; all non-building occupants restricted to the atrium.

Undergraduate volunteers and CSE staff will be watching the upper floors from the catwalks and should be visible from all floors.  Please let us know if you see any unauthorized visitors on the second floor or above.



Campus and Allen Center Events: 10 am to 2 pm. Mostly high school students.

While there will be guided tours throughout the CSE building, most of the activities will again be restricted to the atrium.  On Saturday visitors will be allowed on the upper floors between 10 and 2, but please let the CSE staff in the first floor atrium know if you see unsupervised younger students or any suspicious activities.


Husky Fest is also taking place today, tomorrow and Saturday and is expected to draw thousands more to campus.  Many here for Husky Fest will most likely also find their way to our building.  However we are prepared for potentially larger crowds for this year’s event.


Thank you for your cooperation.  Please let me know if you have any questions about Discovery Days activities.



April 19, 2012

Panel discussion, May 2: Why Work at a Startup?

Please join us on Wednesday, May 2nd, at 3:30 p.m. in the Commons for this discussion.

Date:  May 2nd, 3:30 p.m.

Where:  Gates Commons, Room 691

Panel members:  Glenn Kelman, CEO Redfin; Christophe Bisciglia, CEO WibiData; Dan Weld, Thomas J. Cable/WRF Professor; Alex Loddengaard, CEO MemCachier

Panel Moderator:  Oren Etzioni, WRF Entrepreneurship Professor

Why Work at a Startup?

Inspired by success stories like Google and Instagram, more UW students are now thinking about joining startups after they graduate.   Those of us in the startup world that know how amazing UW CSE graduates are — we wish we could see more UW CSE graduates in the startup space, changing the world with their creativity and passion.  On Wednesday, 5/2 at 3:30 pm in the CSE Commons, a few distinguished members of the startup community will come talk on a panel about why you should consider working at a startup.  You’ll hear from Glenn Kelman, Redfin CEO; Christophe Bisciglia, WibiData CEO and UW CSE alum; Dan Weld Thomas J. Cable/WRF Professor; and Alex Loddengaard, MemCachier CEO and UW CSE Alum talk about why you should consider working for a startup.  The panel will be moderated by Oren Etzioni WRF Entrepreneurship Professor.  This panel was originally inspired by a blog post Alex wrote, “10 Facts About Working at a Startup vs. a Big Company


Glenn Kelman
Glenn is the CEO of Redfin, an online real estate brokerage based in Seattle. Prior to joining Redfin, he was a co-founder of Plumtree Software, a Sequoia-backed, publicly traded company that created the enterprise portal software market. Glenn was raised in Seattle and was graduated from the University of California, Berkeley.

Christophe Bisciglia
Christophe founded WibiData in 2010 after having founded Cloudera, the leading provider of Apache Hadoop-based software and services. Prior to Cloudera, Christophe was at Google, where he developed and taught a course at the University of Washington on the MapReduce data processing model and related topics in distributed computing. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Washington.

Alex Loddengaard
Alex is currently a co-founder at MemCachier, a company making caching easier in the cloud.  Earlier in his career he worked for Glenn Kelman at Redfin, and for Christophe Bisciglia at Cloudera.  In addition to working at two startups, he’s also worked at larger companies including Google, Atlassian, and Northrop Grumman.

Dan Weld
Dan is the WRF/TJ Cable Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at UW.  He co-founded Netbot Inc. (acquired by Excite), AdRelevance (acquired by Nielson Netratings) and Nimble Technology (acquired by Actuate). In addition, he serves as a member of Madrona’s Technology Advisory Board. At the University of Washington, Dan leads a research team applying machine-learning techniques to problems of Web search, information extraction, and adaptive user interfaces.  He earned bachelor’s degrees in both Computer Science and Biochemistry at Yale University in 1982, and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence Lab in 1988.

Oren Etzioni
Oren Etzioni is the WRF Entrepreneurial Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at UW and founder of Decide. Oren also founded Farecast, an early market leader in travel metasearch.  Farecast was acquired by Microsoft in 2008.  He was the Chief Technology Officer and board member of Go2Net Inc. (acquired by InfoSpace) and a founder of Netbot, Inc. (acquired by Excite).  At Netbot, Dr. Etzioni helped to conceive and design the web’s first major comparison-shopping agent. In 1995, he and his student Erik Selberg developed MetaCrawler, the Web’s premier Meta-search engine for several years. He also is a co-founder of Clearforest (acquired by Reuters).  He received his undergraduate degree in computer science from Harvard University, and his MS and Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.

April 19, 2012

Programming challenge for students – Fix 1 bug in 1 min. Win $100

There is aan online programming challenge coming up next week – the Quixey Challenge.

The Quixey Challenge is an opportunity for CS students from across the country to fix 1 bug in 1 min and win $100. We host the challenge once a month and thousands of students from across the country already play.

You can check out the challenge

And see some press about it here:


April 18, 2012

Qualcomm Wireless Showcase – today (4/12), 12-4 p.m. in the Atrium

Enabling Wireless and Redefining Connectivity

Qualcomm Wireless Showcase
Date: Thursday April 12th
Time: 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: Atrium of the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering

Check out and demo the latest in wireless technologies and products that Qualcomm chipsets power.  Meet engineers and talk with recruiters!  Products and technology areas will include:

  • Snapdragon: Powering the new generation of smart mobile devices
  • Augmented Reality
  • Mirasol display technology
  • And more!

Free Food & Giveaways!

April 12, 2012

Google Games 2012 – 3/31: REMINDER

Subject: Google Games Seattle: Sign-Up Today!

Hi UW Students,

(We hope finals are going well, Spring break is around the corner! In case you need something to pull you back to school after a crazy Spring Break, you’ve got Google Games to look forward to!)

Think you got game? Compete against other students from UW for victory in challenges that test your creative and mental mettle at Google Games Seattle! Teams of five will go head to head in rigorous events: Geek Trivia, Lego Building, Puzzles, and Coding Competition.

Find four friends (Computer Science background strongly recommended) and register here. Can’t find a team? Sign up as an individual and we will do our best to put you in a team with others. In addition to the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, Google will also be supplying free refreshments to all participants and prizes to our top competitors. Bring it on!

Google Games Seattle
Date: Saturday, March 31
Time: 10:00am to approximately 4:00pm
Location: Google Seattle (651 N. 34th Street, Seattle)

Registration Form

Deadline to register: Wednesday, March 21st

Q. Can we have less than five members on our team?
A. We strongly recommend having the maximum number of members – any less and you’ll lose your competitive edge.

Q. Do you have to be a current student to participate?
A. Yes, you must be currently enrolled at the University of Washington.

Q. Can we replace a member before the start of the event?
A. Sure. Just let us know ( about the new team member and who is being replaced.  

Q. Should our team wear uniforms?
A. Show your team’s spirit however you choose: uniforms, team dance, team flag or poster, cheer, fight song, etc. A prize will be awarded to the team with the most spirit. Check out past Google Games here for inspiration.

Q. Will transportation be provided?
A. Transportation will be not be provided but we will provide parking validation for our parking structure.

Q. Will food be provided?
A. We will be providing lunch, snacks and drinks. If you have any dietary restrictions, please note this in the form and we will be sure to accommodate you.

Q. When will our team receive a confirmation about the Games?
A. After the registration deadline, we will reach out to teams with more details. Not all registered teams will be selected due to space limitations.

Please direct other questions to:

Yin and Zoanna

March 21, 2012

Google Games 2012 – 3/31: pre registration link!

Get the word out about Google Games 2012 at the Google Fremont Office!

We are happy to announce Google Games Seattle 2012! We are inviting students from the University of Washington to join us for a day of fun challenges in Geek Trivia, Lego Building, Puzzles and Coding Competition in our Seattle office on Saturday, March 31. UW is the first school to host Google Games this year so we’ve gotta kick it off with a big bang!

Compete for victory with your friends in challenges that test your creative and mental mettle, meet other students from your school, and hang out with lots o’ Googlers. If you still aren’t sold, we will be providing refreshments and prizes for the top competitors (sweet prizes too)! Check out all the fun we’ve had in past Games here.

So, save the date! If you would like to make sure that you are on the email list when we officially open registration, please complete this form. We will be providing more details once registration opens. Please note that completing this form does not guarantee you a spot in the Games.

Questions? Email

March 7, 2012


Free food, drinks, and games today from 5:30pm-8:30pm in the Atrium!

March 2, 2012

ACM Events Digest 2/27 – 3/2

NetApp Tech Talk; Mon, February 27, 6:00pm – 7:30pm; EE 105

Join us to learn more about one of the most Innovative and GREATEST places to work!!!

Guest speakers, FREE food and giveaways!!!

Intentional Software tech talk – Making Software Intentionally; Tue, February 28, 5:30pm – 7:00pm; Commons

Intentional Software, making Software intentionally. Please join Shane Clifford, VP of Application Development for Intentional Software Corporation to learn more about the concept of “intentional software” that captures the intentions and knowledge of the users (domain) and displays it in a variety of visual projections in a structured editing environment. We are pioneering the world’s leading language workbench technology and are initially applying it to create domain specific knowledge intensive workbenches for clients with high value problems that no-one else can solve. Shane will demonstrate application of Intentional Software’s technology and methods to real world problems. Intentional Software creates and combines simple yet powerful domain specific languages that empower business and technical experts to express their knowledge and participate directly in the software creation process. Examples from vehicle design, healthcare, and other domains will be demonstrated and explained.

Winterfest; Fri, March 2, 5:30pm – 8:30pm; Atrium

Hangout with all your CSE friends this friday. Games, food, drinks.

February 27, 2012

Smoothie Day (Today)

Hey undergrads,

Free smothies today in the Atrium 430pm – 5pm

February 24, 2012

Winterfest Needs Games! (Working Link)

Are you going to winterfest? Would you be willing to volutneer console equipment, console games, or board games? Sign up here!

February 23, 2012

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