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421 being added to fall quarter

CSE 421 will be added this fall quarter. The time is still to be determined, but keep watching for updates.

July 7, 2011

Important course information: updated teaching schedule and 444 and 451 prereqs 

It is still tentative of course until the quarter starts, but this should be fairly close to the final schedule.


Change prereqs:

1. CSE 444 will require 344 as a prerequisite starting this up coming academic year. So if you plan to take 444 this spring, you need to take 344 first.

2. By fall 2012, CSE 333 will be a prerequisite to CSE 451.  For the 2011-2012 academic year it’s highly recommended, but not yet required.

Let the advising staff know if you have questions.



July 7, 2011

LabVIEW training class again this Summer Quarter.


We are offering the LabVIEW training class again this Summer Quarter. Please visit the online registration if you are interested:



Location and Time:

The lectures will take place in Sieg 232 on Mondays from 2:30pm-3:50pm. Lectures start the first week of the quarter (6/20). Enrollment is 45 seats. Lab sessions will be held Wednesdays from 2:30pm-3:50pm also in Sieg232.


Nine Week Introductory LabVIEW course. Experience with data acquisition will be provided. CLAD certification exam offered during finals week after satisfactory completion of course. Special topic lectures will be provided at request.


This course will take you through the fundamentals of the LabVIEW environment in preparation to use it as a powerful T&M tool. Each week will have one 1.5 hr lecture and a follow-up homework assignment afterward to re-emphasize the lecture material.

At the end of the sessions, anyone who has completed eight or more sessions with satisfactory homework grades will be eligible to take the NI CLAD certification test. This test is normally $300, but NI is offering it for free given satisfactory completion of the course. Additionally, NI has been gracious enough to give top-performing students their own personal ‘NI MyDAQ’ for completion of this course and successful completion of the CLAD test.

Justin Reina

UW Electrical Engineering

June 7, 2011

HCI Poster Session – Thursday @ 10:30 in Atrium

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: James Fogarty <>
Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:24 AM
Subject: HCI Poster Session – Thursday @ 10:30 in Atrium

Please join us this Thursday from 10:30 to 12:00 in CSE’s Microsoft Atrium.

Students will be proudly presenting 10 exciting projects from this quarter’s offering of CSE 440 : Introduction to HCI.  In just 10 weeks, they have brainstormed project ideas, observed people to understand their actual needs, iteratively refined their ideas based on end-user feedback, and constructed video and interactive prototypes to convey their designs.

You can see the project websites here:

EnergeTech – Save Power.  Save Money.
ezMeter – Easier Parking.
HealthMate – Get Moving.
HomeSense – Common Sense for Your Home.
Kibisis – Mobile Payment for Friends.
LookUp – Language Learning When You Need It.
Memedicine – Remember Your Health.
NutriShop – Shop Healthier.
Sociall – Meet People.
Virtuoso – Enhanced Sheet Music.

Come Thursday to see the posters and talk with the teams!


James A. Fogarty, Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington

June 7, 2011

New social games from spring games capstone

From: Zoran Popovic <>
Date: Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 8:26 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] New social games from spring games capstone
To: cs-ugrads – Mailing List <>

This year games capstone challenge was to create a social game that can match the exponential growth of Zynga games on Facebook, all in 10 weeks.


Ok, so I may have gone a bit overboard with the course challenge this year, but if interested in the outcomes of the class, please try them on Facebook


or check out the course wiki page


Lots of them are quite fun, and pretty creative, and they certainly need your play time to meet the class goals 😉



June 6, 2011

New Summer HCDE Course – UX for Mobile

———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Wed, May 25, 2011 at 1:36 PM
Subject: FW: New Summer HCDE Course – UX for Mobile

HCDE is offering a new course this summer quarter called UX Design for Mobile: An Introduction to User Experience Challenges and Solutions for Mobile Devices and Mobile Applications. Please feel free to advertise this to your students.


The four credit course is being offered Monday/Wednesday from 10:50AM – 1PM (full term). Students interested in the course should email me for an add code. It is open to all HCI graduate and undergraduate students. Feel free to pass this along to interested students.



Course Description: HCDE 598 UX for Mobile


The design and evaluation of user interfaces and use experiences are central activities in the HCDE department.  The landscape of such activities, however, is changing.  Mobile devices and the Mobile UX represent one area of change.  By discussing issues related to mobile UX, it is possible to explore a variety of contemporary UX concerns such as the role of testing for specific types of interfaces and the design of interfaces when they are part of an ecosystem of tools.  Further, because of the prevalence of tools (such as smart phone emulators), it is possible to provide students will opportunities to design as well as test interfaces for these devices.


In this course, students will explore a variety of issues related to the design and evaluation of interfaces for mobile devices.  Through readings (theoretical, practical, and case studies) and project-based activities, students will gain skills that will help them create effective interfaces for mobile devices.  At the same time, through readings, discussion, and reflection on the projects, students will gain a better understanding of the changing nature of interface design.


The tremendous growth in mobile devices has opened a new and exciting frontier for user experience designers. The smartphone market now offers numerous competitive platforms and hundreds of thousands of apps. Many of these apps are full-featured and have needs similar to more traditional applications. However they also bring with them new challenges and offer exciting new design constructs. This course is designed to provide you with an introduction to this emerging design space and give you the opportunity to enhance your portfolio.


The course will include interaction with the popular mobile platforms including iOS, Windows Phone, and Android. Blackberry and webOS will also be discussed.


May 31, 2011

UW Environmental Innovation Practicum – Register now for fall quarter!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Pamela Tufts <>
Date: Mon, May 16, 2011 at 12:38 PM
Subject: [Advisers] UW Environmental Innovation Practicum – Register now for fall quarter!
To: “” <>

Register Now!
Innovation in Cleantech + Market Opportunity = Solutions for the Planet
ENGR 498, ENVIR 450, ENTRE 490/579

Fall Quarter 2011 (2credits)

Tuesdays 4:00-5:50 pm, Mary Gates Hall 389

Instructor: Deborah Hagen-Lukens,

No prerequisites, recommended for juniors, seniors and grad students


Unique interdisciplinary course designed for both graduate and undergraduate students focuses on developing innovative cleantech solutions to our most pressing environmental challenges and what it takes to turn those innovations into exciting market opportunities. Weekly speakers include top national, international and local experts in natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, business, policy and law. Topics include alternative energy and energy efficiencies, green building, and transportation. Students will form teams, identify an environmental problem and possible opportunity to solve it. Interested teams are invited to enter the Spring UW Environmental Innovation Challenge.


For registration information contact Pam Tufts,


Pam Tufts, Assistant Director

UW Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Michael G. Foster School of Business

Manager, UW Environmental Innovation Challenge 206.685.3813, Lewis Hall 328




May 16, 2011

Capstone Pre-Registration now open – Algorithmic Game Theory added

I’m re-posting the capstone message because we accidentally left off the Algorithmic Game Theory capstone this fall. If you want to take that course, please go back into the survey to submit your answers again. You should be able to resubmit by going to the survey linked on the capstone page. Information about the Game Theory capstone is linked there as well.

We’ll send a separate email soon about how to apply for the animation project course series.

The capstone registration form is now open : I’ve posted information below on the robotics capstone, every other course should have a link to previous course offerings.  Most capstones require you to have completed at least CSE 332, and one or two 400 level courses as the goal is to “cap” your CSE experience. However, some faculty are more flexible than others. So you can always put your name down and then talk with the faculty as the course approaches.

First registration priority will go to students graduating. We’ll attempt to give everyone who fills out the survey their first or 2nd choice capstone. If there is still space available, we will open it during Junior registration for any students who did not register during this time period to add a capstone, or to take a 2nd capstone.

We’ll send results around June 10th.  Add codes will be sent out during that quarter’s registration period.


2011-2012 Capstones:

CE Hardware Track Capstone:

CE Software Track Capstones:

CSE 481 Robotics Capstone
The Humanoid Robot Imitation Learning Challenge
Autumn 2011

Course description:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to program a humanoid robot to imitate human actions and learn new skills from human demonstration using video from a Kinect RGB+depth camera. Students will work in groups to tackle the various sub-problems of human motion capture from video, control of the humanoid robot, and application of probabilistic reasoning and machine learning to the problem of learning from human demonstration.

May 9, 2011

ENGR 498C: Leadership Development to Promote Equity in Engineering Relationships (P.E.E.R.s).

From Engineering College:
Make an impact in Engineering at UW.
Enroll in ENGR 498C: Leadership Development to Promote Equity in Engineering Relationships (P.E.E.R.s).
This 1-credit seminar enlists engineering students’ creativity and social conscience to create an inclusive environment at the College of Engineering. Students explore topics like diversity, unconscious bias, stereotype threat, privilege, and learn how to be an ally.
Students who successfully complete the P.E.E.R.s seminar are eligible for internship opportunities as PEER Leaders.

Course Instructors: Dr. Joyce Yen, UW ADVANCE and Dr. Sapna Cheryan, Psychology

Fall Quarter 2011
Tuesdays 1:30-2:20 PM
Location TBD
For more info e-mail
or visit us at

April 26, 2011

Tentative!!! Course Schedule for 2011-2012 posted

Please note that the 2011-2012 course schedule is still tentative, but here is our best guestimate of what will be offered next year and when.   Things can always change, but hopefully this will help some of you with planning your future schedules.  There have been some changes from previous years, so please take a careful look at the web page below.

Also note that CSE 344 is a new prerequisite for next spring’s offering of CSE 444.  So if you want to take 444 next spring, you need 344 this spring, fall, or winter.

This summer, CSE 421 will be the 400 level course that will be offered, and it will only be offered once during the regular academic year.

-CSE Advising



March 30, 2011

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