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Intel facebook competition

Dec. 13th deadline is coming up.


We are excited to tell you about Intel’s programs to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among young people and how your students can participate.

Intel is announcing Intel Innovators a US competition on Facebook to inspire, discover and award the best game-changing ideas.   This program is targeted at young people 18-24 years old.  Intel has gathered a panel of start-up and technology experts to evaluate submissions and select the most promising ideas. The ideas with the most Facebook votes will get a shot at winning up to $100,000.  An overview of the Intel Innovators contest along with the Submission Guidelines and FAQ can be found on here:  Submissions begin November 7th with the program officially launching on December 1st.

These programs are just two of the many ways Intel is sponsoring innovation and entrepreneurship.  We also offer curriculum, workshops and leadership symposiums.  To find out more about Intel’s entrepreneurship programs, go to:

We deeply appreciate your help in getting the word out to your students.

November 29, 2011

Announcing the 2011-2012 Shobe Prize Competition!


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Anne Hilton <>
Date: Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 8:54 AM
Subject: [dub] Announcing the 2011-2012 Shobe Prize Competition!
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Discover | Design | Develop || The Shobe Prize for dub Entrepreneurs Design Contest Announcement || Phases 1 and 2 are described here
The Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) is pleased to announce the second annual design competition for the Shobe Prize.

Student teams competing will submit a proposal for a tech-focused or software-based design project to a panel of judges in November 2011. The winning design could be a web service, mobile device app, or another service for personal computing and communications.

Judges will select a winning student team that receives $10,000, office space, and one-on-one mentorship for three months over the summer in 2012, in order to develop their project into a prototype and a sales pitch.

At the end of the summer, students will have the opportunity to pitch their idea to a judging panel of professors and industry representatives. The student team will benefit by receiving guidance and mentoring, getting professional feedback on their final presentation, and having the opportunity to take their idea to the next step toward realization as a product.


About Matt Shobe
Matt Shobe, Human Centered Design & Engineering alumnus, graduated with a Master’s of Science in Technical Communication (now called HCDE) in 1996. He is currently Chief Design Officer at, a Seattle startup. Matt has also served as a mentor to Seattle-area startups in the 2010 TechStars and Startup Weekend programs.

All matriculated (Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD) students enrolled in classes in any of the UW departments involved in dub.

November 1, 2011

Apply Online:


Discover your entrepreneurial side | Design something new for the tech world | Develop your design into a sales pitch and prototype
Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Washington

423 Sieg Hall
Campus Box 352315
Seattle, WA 98195

Phone: 206.543.2567
Fax: 206.543.8858

Copyright (C) 2011 Human Centered Design & Engineering
All rights reserved.

dub mailing list

October 10, 2011

Facebook Hackathon

From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 10:02 AM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Facebook Hackathon

A reminder about the upcoming Facebook Hackathon.  This has been a
hugely popular event on other campuses.

October 9, 2011

UWash and Interviewstreet

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Vivek Ravisankar <>
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: FW: UWash and Interviewstreet
To: “” <>

Do you remember high school senior year, when you could fill out the Common App and apply to dozens of universities at the same time? CodeSprint (  is the Common App, but for actual jobs. Solve a single set of technical Challenges to apply for 50 companies simultaneously.
We’ve brought together and streamlined the hiring process for 50 of the most hacker-friendly startups, including Facebook, Dropbox, airBnB, Quora, and Kayak. Our companies are the ones that work on crazy scaling problems, affect millions of users, and have a wicked-smart team. They give pretty good perks, too.
At noon on Sunday, October 9th, land your Dream Job by proving your technical skill at

October 3, 2011

IBM Master the Mainframe Contest

Registration is open and has been, sorry for the delay.

The contest begins today, Monday, October 3, and runs through December 28. You’ll be able to log into a mainframe system to complete increasingly difficult technical challenges for bigger and bigger prizes(T-shirts, pre-paid debit cards, Samsung Galaxy tablets, trips).  If you have any questions about the contest, you can reach the IBM Academic
Initiative System z program at

Sign up here (Put a * in the “Professor” field when you register unless you happen to know our local IBM Academic Initiative member.):

October 3, 2011

Frisbee Today!

The clouds are starting to go away so Frisbee is on. 4:30pm – 6:00pm in the Rainier Vista

September 30, 2011

IEEEXtreme 5.0 programming competition

Hello CSE Students,

IEEEXtreme 5.0, the 24-hour online worldwide programming contest for students, is coming up! Are you ready to solve and win the world’s most extreme programming challenge? Last year, UW placed 1st in the US West Coast region and we’re hoping to defend our rank this year. Students with any level of programming experience are encouraged to compete.

Here’s the official site for rules and registration:
Registration is open until October 8th.

Event Details:
Date: October 21st – 22nd
Time: Begins at 4pm
Location: To be determined (around Seattle)
Requirements: IEEE Student Member Number
Team Sizes: Up to 3 people

Contact Josh Scotland at if you are interested in competing, want more information, or want to setup/join a team

September 29, 2011

Fun Internal Events

Frisbee Sept 30

We’re going to have a frisbee event tomorrow. Probably sometime after 4:00pm. More spam to come once the details are hammered out.

Facebook Hackathon on Oct 14 4:00pm – Oct 15 5:00PM.

I highly recommend going to this. Stay up all night with your friends to hack on a random project, pick up some skills, and present.

Fall Fest Nov 18

This is our quarterly undergrad celebration. Come and get ready for thanksgiving with all sorts of games, food, and fun. There will also be a beer garden for 21+.


September 29, 2011

Microsoft Imagine Cup – we would love to see some UW CSE teams

Here is the information, if you decide to put a team together, please let me know as we’d like to track UW CSE involvement.

Crystal Eney

Randy Guthrie (RANDY) <>

Subject: Microsoft Imagine Cup 2012 Competition Starts: $25,000
Departmental Prizes Offered

Microsoft’s Imagine Cup competition is one of the world’s largest
student technology competitions, and while the dust is still settling
from last July’s record-breaking World Finals in New York, I am happy
to announce that the 2012 United States Imagine Cup competition has
started and is bigger and better than ever. In 2012 the US is hosting
its own Software Design, Game Design, and IT Challenge competitions in
Redmond, WA, and the World Finals will be held in Sydney, Australia.
In addition to travel, prize money, great PR, and a life-changing
experience for your students, we have expanded the $25,000
departmental team sponsor prize to include both Software Design and
Game Design (more details below) winners.

Some of last year’s finalists developed solutions that helped
partially-blind students take notes in class, screen blood samples for
malaria using a mobile phone, and help students with asthma manage
their symptoms by playing a video game that requires breathing through
a special tube. Some projects were developed just for the competition
and others were developed  for research or to fill a course
requirement and then were entered as a secondary objective.  Many of
our winners were undergraduate students, but a couple great projects
came from graduate research and labs.

The United States runs two Imagine Cup competitions per year to better
align with the academic calendar; one in the Fall and one in the
Spring. The Fall competition historically has about the half as many
competitors than the Spring competition, and finalists are chosen from
both so there is a big advantage for competing in the Fall. Fall
finalists are announced by the end of November, so teams that are
selected in Fall get about 4 months to polish their projects. Spring
winners are announced in March and will have less than 6 weeks to
polish and complete their projects, so the advantages of competing in
Fall are almost overwhelming if you can get your team formed and plans
submitted by the Fall Round One deadline of October 14th. Teams that
are not selected as finalists in the Fall are allowed (and encouraged)
to keep working on their projects, incorporate judging feedback and
resubmit them in the Spring.

The Competitions

Software Design – Round One Deliverables

Team Registration
Draft Business Plan
Due October 14th at 5pm

Game Design – Round One Deliverables

Team Registration
Draft Game Storyboard
Due October 14th at 5pm

IT Challenge – Round One

Pass quiz on website with score of 15 or higher

As you can see it is easy to get started. The good news is that Round
One for Software Design and Game Design is a project milestone date
and is not judged. You can literally form a team, write a storyboard
or business plan draft and submit an entry in under an hour. Your
Round One entry shows your intent and automatically advances your team
to Round Two. For the IT Challenge, you can take the tests as often as
you like; score above 15 and you automatically advance to the next

The Software Design and Game Design competitions are team
competitions; students can form teams of up to four students plus a
faculty mentor. The IT Challenge is an individual competition that
aligns with Microsoft’s IT Certifications.

Software Design – Round Two Deliverables

Updated Business Plan
Beta Code
3-5 minute video presentation (think infomercial)
Due November 14th at 5pm

Game Design – Round Two Deliverables

Playable game executable (at least one complete level)
Written game summary
Game instructions
3-5 minute game demo video
Due November 14th at 5pm

IT Challenge – Round Two

Case Study

The Rewards

Ten Software Design, Twenty Game Design (ten in each category) and Ten
IT Challenge Competitors will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the
Imagine Cup US finals in April 2012 at the Microsoft Redmond Campus.
First, Second and Third place teams will receive cash prizes. The
winner of the US Software Design competition also will represent the
US at the Imagine Cup World Finals at Sydney, Australia in July 2012.
Mentors in Software Design and Game Design are also given paid travel
to support their teams.

Imagine Cup competitors also get invaluable experience that is highly
valued by recruiters. Many Imagine Cup competitors get interviews and
job offers from Microsoft. Even if a student team doesn’t get selected
as a finalist, they can add their experience to their resumes and may
qualify for honorable mention, which can add important differentiation
in today’s challenging job market.

Last year the first-place team in the Software Design category not
only won a cash prize for the team members, they also won a $25,000
prize for their mentor’s department. This year, we are expanding the
departmental sponsor grant award to include both Software Design and
Game Design winners.


Besides the resources listed on the Imagine Cup web page, your school
may qualify for an on-campus Imagine Cup workshop. Microsoft has
fielded a team of regional developer evangelists that can come to
campus, explain the details of the competition, and walk interested
students through the sign-up, brainstorming, team formation, and
business plan/storyboard submission; from zero to Round One in less
than two hours.  Interested in using Windows 7, Kinect, or Windows 8?
Your school may also qualify for a technical jump-start workshop to
get you from plan to code as quickly as possible.

If you would like more information about the competition or are
interested in hosting a workshop, please let me know.


Randy Guthrie, PhD
Microsoft Academic Developer Evangelist [US-West]


September 29, 2011

Register Now UW Environmental Innovation Practicum – Tuesdays 4-5:50 pm


From: Pamela Tufts []
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 4:02 PM
To: ‘Janice Hendersson (’
Subject: Register Now UW Environmental Innovation Practicum – Tuesdays 4-5:50 pm


Register NOW for Fall Quarter 2011 – Please forward to juniors, seniors and graduate students! Thanks – Pam




ENTRE 490/579, ENGR 498, ENVIR 450

Fall Quarter, Tuesdays 4-5:50 pm

Classroom: Mary Gates Hall 389 (Douglas Forum BAEEC on 10/11, 10/25 and 11/1)

Instructor:  Deb Hagen-Lukens

Prerequisites:  None

~Lectures are open to the public at 4:30~

Learn more at


The goal of this practicum is to discover the universe of cleantech solutions to our most pressing environmental challenges and to raise your awareness of how you might be part of that solution.  You’ll form teams around problems you identify, and present your solutions to the class.  Although not required, teams are invited to go on to compete in the fourth UW Environmental Innovation Challenge competition to be held in Seattle March 29, 2012.

The seminar will consist of a selection of required readings and a series of industry experts who will speak on a specific cleantech topic each week. You will work in teams to present a proposed cleantech solution to an environmental problem. The final deliverable for the class is a 5-10 minute presentation.

Required Electronic Text: Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era ©2011


Course topics will include:

  •     Environmental challenges and opportunities linked to cleantech.
  •     How to translate an idea into an actual device/product/company (including intellectual property protection)
  •     Market assessment (who would be the customer for this product or service?)
    • Local/national venture capital and angel firms now focused on cleantech endeavors, and other opportunities/resources at UW.


Feel free to contact me for more information.

Pam Tufts, Assistant Director

Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington  P: 206.685.3813



September 20, 2011

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