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Vote for this year’s Vice Chair!

Come one, come all! We want you to vote for one of our lovely candidates for Vice Chair! Meet the candidates!

Vote Here:

Elections for External Relations will begin early next week.

If you’re having trouble viewing the survey, please contact Elise – elised [at] cs [dot] washington [dot] edu .

Voting will close at 11PM PST on Saturday, October 13, 2012.

October 11, 2012

Reminder: Palantir+Linux Puzzlehunt Tonight!

Don’t forget to come to the Palantir + Linux Puzzlehunt tonight!

Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location:EEB 125

Bring your laptop! Chutney’s Bistro provided.

1st place: Nexus 7 Tablet
2nd place: $50 Amazon gift card

Questions? Email:

October 4, 2012

ACM Weekly Events Digest 10/1 – 10/5

Welcome to Autumn quarter! Please check out all of the events for this coming week.

10/1: VMWare Tea Time
10/1: VMWare Tech Talk: The Software-Defined Datacenter
10/2: Microsoft Office Hours
10/2: Tableau Software Tech Talk: Data Analysis for Humans
10/3: Employer Panel
10/4: Amazon Office Hours
10/4: Palantir + Linux Puzzlehunt

ACM-W VMWare Tea Time:
Oct 1; 3:00pm – 4:30pm; CSE 403
Come drink tea, eat snacks, and chat with VMWare at ACM-W’s first Tea Time of the Year! Tea Times are casual, so come when you are available and stay for as long as you like.

VMWare Tech Talk: The Software-Defined Datacenter
Oct 1; 5:45pm – 7:20pm; EEB 125
At VMware, we are pursuing a vision of the Software-Defined Datacenter (SDDC) where the infrastructure, including compute, storage, and networking, has been virtualized and fully automated by software. The promise of the SDDC is to enable IT organizations to deliver services with greater agility, lower cost, and increased reliability. This talk will cover the concepts behind the SDDC, and explore some of the technologies we are developing (e.g., storage and high availability) that underpin this vision.

Microsoft Office Hours
Oct 2; 1:00pm – 3:00pm; Atrium

Tableau Software Tech Talk: Data Analysis for Humans
Oct 2; 6:00pm – 7:30pm; EEB 125
At Tableau, our mission is to help people “see and understand data”. This talk will cover the challenges of making data useful, from building a new analytical engine from the ground up to creating a new language for data analysis to building world-class user experiences that let a wide variety of people ask and answer questions of their data.

Employer Panel
Oct 3; 5:30pm – 6:30pm; EEB 105
All CSE undergraduates who plan on pursuing an internship or full-time employment in 2012-13 should attend our CSE sponsored Employer Panel. The Employer Panel will be the first in a series of highly recommended CSE career events designed to prepare our CSE undergraduates for the recruiting process.

The Employer Panel event will feature a panel of HR reps and recent CSE graduates from local software companies who will provide details on what to expect from employers in the coming months so you can take the steps to land the job of your dreams. Attendee questions are very much encouraged. You should leave this event with a better understanding of the timing and direction of your upcoming job search.

Amazon Office Hours
Oct 4; 12:00pm – 1:30pm; Atrium

Palantir + Linux Puzzlehunt
Oct 4; 6:00pm – 9:00pm; EEB 125
Bring your laptop! Food: Chutney’s Bistro provided.
1st place: Nexus 7 Tablet; 2nd place: $50 Amazon gift card
Questions? Email:

October 1, 2012

Announcing Cornell Cup Presented by Intel – 2013 Student Contest


We are thrilled to announce the “Cornell Cup USA presented by Intel” 2013 student contest.

We would appreciate if you could help us distribute the below information and attached poster throughout your university networks. The deadline to apply is October 17, 2012.

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance for your support!


Gabriela González

University Programs Office
Intel Labs
Desk Phone: 480-554-2973
Cell Phone: 602-505-8011
Facebook: Intel Labs
Web: Intel Labs

This e-mail message and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender immediately and deliver confirmation that you have deleted all copies. Intel is committed to protecting your privacy. For more information about Intel’s Privacy Notice, please visit or write Intel Corporation, ATTN Privacy, Mailstop RNB4-145, 2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA.

We have officially announced the 2013 student contest!

The Cornell Cup USA, presented by Intel, is a college-level embedded design competition created to empower student teams to become the inventors of the newest innovative applications of embedded technology.

The competition culminates in an inspiring two-day summit event at Walt Disney World, where finalist student teams will attend exciting and even entertaining talks, network with leading engineering company sponsors, and ultimately showcase their original innovative entries.

The teams who are selected get free HW, access to Intel technical support, $2500 cash, access to Cornell support and an invitation to the final event on May 3 & 4, 2013, at Disney World, FL.

The grand prize is $10,000!

Please follow the following links to:

Ø Get general information about the contest

Ø Submit a Team interest form

Ø Check out highlights from the 2012 Cornell Cup USA, presented by Intel at Walt Disney World.

September 25, 2012

[register your team] Google “24 Hours of Good” Community Hack

Hi UW CSE students!

Google has a challenge for you: how much GOOD can you do in 24 hours for your community?

We are cordially inviting you to participate in our inaugural ‘24Hours Of Good’ event. This event is happening in Google Seattle, New York and Los Angeles. Google Engineers and technical staff from each non-profit will be on hand at the event to get you started, as well as an App-Engine ‘’Bootcamp’’ to supercharge your coding efforts. To keep you going and making the most progress for GOOD, we will be providing lots of food, drinks, espresso at 4am!

For the Google Seattle 24 Hours of Good, student teams of between 3-4 participants will join forces with PNW Non Profit Orgs for a 24 hour period, to work on a mission critical technical problem outlined by the NPO.


What: Google 24 Hours Of Good
Who: UW CSE students in teams of 3-4
When: Friday, 10/19 to Saturday, 10/20
Where: Google Seattle Office 651 N. 34th St. Seattle, WA
Why: Hone your coding skills, do good in your community, boost your resume with a personal project……eat FOOD, learn Google API’s, and win PRIZES!

Prizes: Nexus 7, Google Patagonia Limited Edition backpack (if you know Google interns, they have these backpacks), and $500 donation to your Non Profit! Win-Win for everyone!

Register: click here or go to Register before Wed, 10/10. Teams space are limited, so sign up as early as you can.

Shortly after we confirm teams, Google will contact you to inform you of your non-profit partner as well as give you a list of recommended technologies to familiarize yourself with so you can hit the ground running the day of the event.

If you have questions, please email me-

Thank you,
Yin ( & 24 Hours team!

Complete Information:

September 25, 2012

Security competition and group meeting today

Melody Kadenko>
7:33 AM (3 hours ago)
to ugrads, grads, Tadayoshi, Alexei, Adam, supersat



There is a security competition this weekend:  <>.  Interested in being part of the team and learning about computer security in the process?  If so, please come to an informational meeting today (Tuesday) at 5:20pm (ends by 6:20pm) in CSE 203.  We welcome everyone — this is a great chance to learn!  You don’t need to be a security expert.  All you need to have is an interest in security.


We may also talk about other, broader security efforts and activities in UW CSE, so if you’re interested in that too please stop by.  But the primary focus of this meeting will be on CSAW.  We’ll have announcements of other security-related events in the future — please stay tuned.


If you can’t make the meeting but are still interested in the competition, please let us know.



Adam, Alexei, Karl, Mel, Yoshi

September 25, 2012

Great class to consider: ENGR 498 Environmental Innovation Practicum

ENTRE 443/543, ENGR 498, ENVIR 450
Fall Quarter, Tuesdays 4-5:50 pm
Classroom: Savery Hall 260
Instructor:  Deb Hagen-Lukens
Prerequisites:  None
~Lectures are open to the public at 4:30~
For a list of speakers and topics –
The goal of this practicum is to discover the universe of cleantech solutions to our most pressing environmental challenges and to raise your awareness of how you might be part of that solution.  You’ll form teams around problems you identify, and present your solutions to the class.  Although not required, teams are invited to go on to compete in the fourth UW Environmental Innovation Challenge competition to be held in Seattle April 4, 2013
The seminar will consist of a selection of required readings and a series of industry experts who will speak on a specific cleantech topic each week. You will work in teams to present a proposed cleantech solution to an environmental problem. The final deliverable for the class is a 5-10 minute presentation.
Required Text: The Way Out: Kick-Starting Capitalism to Save Our Economic Ass, by L. Hunter Lovins and Boyd Cohen
Course topics will include:
  • Environmental challenges and opportunities linked to cleantech.
  • How to translate an idea into an actual device/product/company (including intellectual property protection)
  • Market assessment (who would be the customer for this product or service?)
  • Local/national venture capital and angel firms now focused on cleantech endeavors, and other opportunities/resources at UW.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
Pam Tufts, Assistant Director
Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington
September 20, 2012

Evergreen Apps Challenge

The City of Seattle wants CSE majors to know about an app contest and some special events: a business casual event on Aug. 9 and our Geeks on a Ferry event on Aug. 14. The event on a ferry has a special student rate and includes dinner. The link to the apps challenge is here

Evergreen Apps Challenge seeks application developers
Build an app. Make a difference

SEATTLE – Seattle, King County and Washington State are teaming up to offer more than $75,000 in prize money for development of apps that use government data and stimulate economic development throughout the state. State support comes from the Washington State Broadband Office which is a program of the state Department of Commerce. The challenge officially opens today and is open to anyone who lives, works or studies in Washington State.

“We expect to see some great apps that combine the best work of our dynamic private and public sectors,” said Rogers Weed, director of the Department of Commerce. “Washington’s digital economy, from broadband to software to e-commerce, is key to the state’s recovery, growth and resilience.” (more…)

August 7, 2012

Calling all hackers, designers, engineers, artists, researchers, and inventors!

From Kayur Patel:
Calling all hackers, designers, engineers, artists, researchers, and inventors!

Get your thinking caps on for the 4th annual UIST Student Innovation Contest. The goal of the contest is to invent new interactions on state-of-the-art hardware. We give you the hardware and a chance to win up to $1500, and you show us what you can do.

The hardware this year is a revolutionary input device, brought to you by Synaptics. The sensor is code-named “Jedeye” and features high resolution, independent tracking of up to 5 fingers, but also adds a new dimension. For more details, check out the announcement video.

You will have an opportunity to build applications using “Jedeye” before the hardware is made available to the public. Bring your demo to UIST 2012 and compete for cash prizes, including awards for people’s choice, most creative, and most useful demo.

We are also providing two travel grants of $1000 each to cover travel expenses & registration for undergraduates and high school teams ONLY. Eligible teams must make a video explaining their idea and showcasing a basic working prototype. For more information, check out the contest website.

The contest registration deadline is August 19th and one team member must be registered for the UIST Conference by August 26th to participate. For more details and to register, visit the contest website. For questions, email Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, where we will be posting updates.

We hope to see you and your entry at the UIST Conference in Cambridge, MA, on October 7th-10th, 2012.

UIST 2012 Student Innovation Contest Chairs
-Gabriel Reyes (Georgia Institute of Technology)

-Julia Schwarz (Carnegie Mellon University)
-Kayur Patel (University of Washington)
July 26, 2012

Yahoo/Google HackU This Friday/Saturday

Ready to build some web apps?! Come join Marty and other UW students in our annual hackathon sponsored by Google and Yahoo!

This year we have broken the event into two segments. We have the Lightning Round (6 hours) for those of you that don’t want to give up a whole day for the competition and a 24-hour hack for those brave/crazy enough to code the night away.

Come for free food, great prizes and a great night of coding!

So, here is the schedule:
– 5pm Kickoff
– 6pm Dinner
– 11pm Lightning round ends and presentations begin
– 11:30pm Lightning round award ceremony
– 3am What, are you still up?
– 8am Breakfast
– 12pm Lunch
– 5pm Competition ends and presentations begin
– 5:30pm Award ceremony

– The max team size is 4 UW students
– The contest officially starts at 5pm on Friday the 11th. You can do research, but don’t start officially working on the project until the competition starts.

May 7, 2012

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