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UW Business in Gaming panel: Fostering Diversity in the Industry

The UW Consulting and Business Development Center is bringing UW students together by presenting a look into the business side of the $138 Billion a year gaming industry. Come hear from leaders in the field about the technological advancements in the business operations of the gaming industry, the best paths to a career in gaming, and how they are growing and highlighting diversity within their business operations.

October 22: 3:30-5PM,

Anthony’s Forum(Dempsey Hall, Room 302)

Panel: Fostering Diversity in the Industry

Representatives from Xbox, Activision Blizzard, Twitch Prime, Bungie, and Accenture

RSVP here:

Marketing & Events Intern
Consulting and Business Development Center
Michael G. Foster School of Business | Class of 2019
Bachelor of Arts in Marketing

Mackenzie Hall 124 Box 353200
Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington
541.206.1397 Seattle, WA 98195

October 5, 2018

Upcoming events – week of October 1

Welcome to the fall quarter! Please be sure to check the undergrad calendar for current events such as tech talks and other industry related events:

Tuesday, October 2nd, 5:30-6:30 p.m., GUG220

Industry Panel Session
Come hear from folks that recently graduated from the same program you’re currently in! This is an opportunity to learn from their experiences and gain insight into how you may want to focus your remaining time in the department to move towards your career goals. Bring your questions and your curiosity!

Wednesday, October 3rd, 11 a.m.-12 noon, table in Atrium

Open Venture Office Hour
Joe Wallin (startup lawyer) of Carney Badley Spellman, and Randall Lucas (venture investor) of Voyager Capital, will resume their open venture office hour first Wednesdays at 11 am in the CSE atrium. Any school affiliates with an interest in starting or joining a startup company are welcome to join to discuss things like what it takes to form a corporation, how to raise investor capital, what kind of roles there are for CSE grads in startups, etc.

Wednesday, October 3rd, 5-7 p.m., Commons

Startup Confidential Talk Series
Reminder for this event! Please do RSVP soon so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone!

Please come and join the UW CSE Entrepreneurship club at the inaugural “Startup Confidential” dinner and speaker series, Wednesday October 3rd at 5-7PM. This monthly informal speaker series focuses on real stories from the Seattle world of startups, from ideation, to spinning up a new company, to operating, to exiting. We’ll be inviting speakers with a variety of experiences, from rocket ships, to exploded rocket ships, to acquihires.

Dinner starts at 5PM, talk at 6. If you plan to attend, please RSVP here so we can order the right amount of food.

Our first speaker will be Benn Bollay (, CTO-in-residence at the AI2 Incubator in Wallingford. Benn co-founded Union Bay Networks, where he worked as CTO and led the technical team into an acquisition by Apple.

Thursday, October 4th, 2:30-3:30 p.m., table in the Atrium

Madrona office hours
Matthew Witt from Madrona will be here to answer any questions you may have.

Thursday, October 4th, 6-7 p.m., EEB125

Amazon Tech Talk
More information to follow

Friday, October 5th, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., table in the Atrium

Deloitte meet & greet
Stop by and chat with team members from Deloitte and the opportunities at Deloitte.

October 1, 2018

Allen School Industry Panel – Tuesday, October 2

All CSE undergraduates who are considering pursuing an internship or full-time employment in 2018-19 (and this should be you!) should not miss our Allen School sponsored Industry Panel.

Day: Tuesday, October 2nd
Time: 5:30-6:30 pm
Place: Guggenheim 220 No rsvp needed!

This event will feature a panel of CSE graduates and HR reps who will provide important information on the steps CSE undergraduates need to take in the coming months to land the internship or job of their dreams. Student questions are very much encouraged. You should leave this event with a much better understanding of the timing and direction of your upcoming job search.

September 27, 2018

Make the Most of Your Internship

Worried about your upcoming internship? Wondering what working is like? Join ACM-W this Wednesday May 16 from 5:30 – 6:30 in CSE 305 to hear from a panel of students about their experiences interning! As always all CSE students are welcome!
If you are interested RSVP at
Hope to see you there!
Nicole Sudore 
ACM-W PR Chair 
May 14, 2018

Washington State Legislative Internship Program Info Sessions, May 1 and 2, 2018

Undergrad Students-

Are you interested in gaining hands-on experience with a working government?  Do you want to build up your professional skills and develop contacts with people who shape policy in the State of Washington?

Interning with the Washington State Legislature during Winter 2019 is an excellent way to achieve these goals.  This is open to all majors and doesn’t require a background in Political Science to be successful.

The Coordinators for the Washington State Legislative Internship Program will be on the Seattle campus on May 1st and 2nd.  They will give eleven Information Sessions, all held in Gowen Hall, room 1A. Each session is half an hour long, starting at the following times:

Tuesday, May 1st, 10:3011:0011:302:303:00, and 3:30

Wednesday, May 2nd, 9:3010:0010:301:00, and 1:30

You can find information about the program on their website:
You can also bring your questions for the Coordinators and to ask the interns from previous years.  If you cannot make any of these sessions, you can also contact Mark Weitzenkamp in the Political Science Advising Office to talk about the program (

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Mark Weitzenkamp, PhD
Academic Counselor for
Political Science Major and
Human Rights Minor
Smith 215
University of Washington
Political Science Department
Box 353530
Seattle, WA 98195-3530
(206) 543-1824    FAX: (206) 685-2146

April 26, 2018

Mock Interviews this Friday with Cisco Meraki sponsored by Society of Women Engineers

Hi advisors!

My name is Kimberly and I am the VP of Professional Development with the UW Society of Women Engineers.  We’re hosting Cisco Meraki for a few events this week, and they have openings for mock interview slots on Friday, 4/6, from 9–4pm (slots are 30 mins each), if any of your undergrad students are interested!  They are targeting EE and CS students.  Students can sign up here:
If you could pass this information along, it would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,

Kimberly Wong
University of Washington ’18
Human Centered Design and Engineering
VP of Professional Development, Society of Women Engineers
April 5, 2018

UW Seattle Spring Job & Internship Fair – April 11

UW Seattle Spring Job & Internship Fair
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

3-7pm, HUB Ballrooms (UW Seattle campus)

Interested in an opportunity to meet with more than 100 employers, all eager to recruit UW candidates? Looking for your first job after graduation, or perhaps still seeking a summer job or internship?  Then join us for the 2018 Spring Job & Internship Fair!

Who: All UW Students and Alumni from all majors, disciplines and UW campuses are welcome & encouraged to attend this event.
RSVP: No RSVP required. Attendees will simply check in at student check-in upon arrival.

Learn More: To learn more about attending employers, the areas they will be recruiting for, ways to prepare for this event (and more!), click here.

Questions? Contact

April 3, 2018

Husky Tech: Mentoring Opportunity in April/May for Mentees

Husky Tech is a great new RSO on campus aimed at accelerating students’ tech careers. If you are interested in getting connected with a mentor who is currently working in industry and can commit to meeting with them a few times in April and May, please check out the opportunity below!

Program Overview
Husky Tech’s mission is to accelerate students’ tech careers. Our Mentorship Program will connect students with industry leaders and help them make the transition from University to Industry life. Mentors are immensely important to guide students especially at a time when students begin their professional careers. We provide an unique platform for industry professionals to contribute in accelerating students’ careers in tech. Our Industry professionals include Software Engineers, Product Managers, Product Designers and Entrepreneurs from top companies.

Key Dates
Each mentorship session will last for 2 hours from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
The mentorship program is scheduled to meet for 3 evenings at the UW: April 9th, April 30th, and May 21st

Mentee Benefits
Personal Growth: Learn from the past experiences of mentors, gain knowledge
about the mentors field of expertise and skill set.
Leadership & Coaching Skills: Apply mentor’s advice into practice in the
classroom and learn about the steps to accelerate your tech career.
Networking: Connect to various industry professionals and develop long-lasting
professional relationships with your mentor and other students.

Be the first cohort of Mentees to experience the impact!
Visit our website to submit your application as a mentee.

March 19, 2018

Winter 2018 Mock Technical Interview Sign-Up!

CSE undergraduates (only!) who plan on engaging in technical interviews in the near future should sign up here for the Mock Technical Interview events to be held in the CSE advising offices the evenings of Wednesday, January 31 and Tuesday, February 6, 2018.  The 45 minute sessions begin at 6:00 pm, 6:45 pm, and 7:30 pm on both days.

At these events, technical interviewers from several of our industry affiliates will engage in abbreviated (30 minute) one-on-one mock technical interviews with students. The interviewers will provide feedback to the students during and after the interviews.  All students should plan on bringing a copy of their resume to the interviews.

This event has extremely limited space. It is geared first and foremost toward CSE students who plan to earn their degree before Autumn 2019.  The sign-up deadline is noon this Friday, January 26, so please submit your input quickly.  Slots will be filled in order of expected graduation from the pool of students who sign up prior to the deadline.

Students should sign-up for as many interview slots on the linked form as they are available for on either day to have the best chance of securing an interview.  Only one Winter Quarter interview (either on January 31 or on February 6) will be provided to each selected student.

January 24, 2018

Winter Recruiting Fair: January 24th

We are excited for the upcoming Winter Recruiting Fair taking place in the CSE Atrium on January 24th and the HUB Ballroom on January 25th.  Hopefully, everyone has saved your name badge from the Fall Recruiting Fair as you will need it for entry to this event. In the unlikely event that you have lost your badge, we will reprint it but you must let us know by January 18th by completing this form:  Name tag form.
For entry to the event, you will need to bring your Husky Card (we will again ask you to swipe in) and to wear the gray CSE lanyard with your name badge. We do have a limited limited quantity of replacements available if you have lost yours. You can pick up your reprinted name tag and/or lanyard at the CSE front desk on January 19th, 22nd, or 23rd.
Please remember that this event is only for students majoring in computer science or computer engineering at the Paul G. Allen School on the UW Seattle campus and no other students will be admitted into the event.
January 16, 2018

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