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Bogus emails from Microsoft

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 5:32 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Microsoft internships
To: “” <>

Microsoft has let us know that some students (not at UW, as far as they are aware) have received spam emails coming from a server in the Czech Republic telling them that their Microsoft summer internships have been cancelled.

TOTALLY BOGUS.  Nobody’s Microsoft summer internship has been cancelled!

April 14, 2015

Happening now: Chat with Voyager Capital about start-ups!

On Thursday from 10-12, several members of the Voyager Capital team, along with Joe Wallin who writes the Startup Law Blog, will be holding office hours in the CSE Atrium.

If you have any questions regarding startups, funding, legal issues related to entrepreneurship, etc., I’d like to strongly encourage you to stop by, introduce yourself, and chat.  (No reservation needed – just stop by.)

(They will be back on Wednesday 4/22.)
April 9, 2015

Voyager Capital office hours this month

Voyager Capital is holding office hours:
Thursday 4/9, 10-12 noon
Wednesday 4/22, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Please stop by and chat. The team will be at a table in the Atrium. This is an opportunity to talk with a rep from a local venture capital firm to discuss entrepreneurship, your startup idea, or just make a connection.

About Voyager Capital:

Voyager Capital is the leading seed and first-round technology venture firm in the Pacific Northwest, managing $400 million in institutional capital in four funds. With offices in Menlo Park, Portland, and Seattle, Voyager’s investment partners begin working with entrepreneurs at the earliest of stages, as their first institutional investor and board member. We strongly prefer to work with co-founding CEO’s who can scale all the way through an exit, whether that be IPO or M&A. Our past 70 investments range from cloud and core technology, to digital media and enterprise SaaS.  We initially invest as little as $500k and over time continue to support our largest and most successful investments with as much as $5-7 million of equity capital. Several of the startups we led first round investments for are now at scale and readying for IPOs including Act-On Software (marketing SaaS), ChargePoint (EV charging network software) and Elemental Technologies (software-defined video processing). Our most recent investments include Ayla Networks (IoT platform), (big data), (aerial robotics software), and (machine learning). Over the lifecycle of an investment, Voyager partners with some of the most respected VC’s in Boston and Silicon Valley such as General Catalyst Partners, North Bridge Venture Partners, Norwest Venture Partners and Technology Crossover Ventures.


April 7, 2015

You are invited! 3rd Annual New Tech Seattle UW Event, 4/21

Join us for the 3rd Annual New Tech Seattle UW Special Event. Seattle’s largest monthly event will be held in partnership with UW CSE on April 21st. We’ll be highlighting the great new tech created by four Seattle companies founded by UW grads and professors.

You’ll enjoy great food and drinks, learn about new companies doing cool things, laugh, smile, and have a fun night out with our Seattle tech community.

We believe that the Greater Seattle Area has the greatest tech community in the country, and the more we support our full tech ecosystem the more greatness we’ll all experience and create together! On April 21st we’re featuring the following Seattle companies doing great things with new technology:

5:00pm – Doors Open/Buffet/Drinks/Get to know your community
6:30pm – Event Begins
– Community Shoutouts
– Pres. #1:   Footmarks presented by Preston Reed – Pres. #2:  Addappt presented by Jorge Ferreira – Pres. #3:   RivalIQ presented by Seth Bridges – Pres. #4:  Vamo presented by Ari Steinberg


Brett Greene
Co-Founder New Tech Seattle New Tech Eastside
Co-Founder Boldly Social
Contributor Huffington Post  e: m:206 858-3662

April 6, 2015

Feedback on Company Recruiting – Requested

The CSE dept. is interested in hearing your feedback on company recruiting behavior this year. We’ve heard both good and bad, and would like to capture this in a survey so we can give generalized feedback to the companies to help improve the process in the future.  If you are willing to share your experiences, please fill out this brief survey.

If you prefer to come in to chat with us in person, please feel free to come to dropins, or make an appointment.  For the in person meetings, however,  you might want to wait until registration calms down in a couple of weeks, as dropins are pretty crazy busy right now. Please gives us feedback before you leave for spring break.



Thank you,

CSE Advising

February 19, 2015

Winter Mock Technical Interview Sign-Ups Open Now!

CSE Undergraduates (only!),

It’s time again for our CSE Mock Technical Interview Event the evening of Wednesday, February 4th.  Several outstanding companies will be participating to run CSE students through a single half-hour simulated technical interview.  The sessions will place students one-on-one with a hiring manager or engineer who regularly conducts technical interviews.  Interview questions will include puzzles, logic, data structures, coding and more with a ten minute feedback session following.  Mock interviews will take place in the CSE building.

Registration is open now for all CSE students. Slots are still limited, but we have worked hard to ensure that we have more interview slots than ever before!  Interview slots will be offered on a combination of seniority and whether a student has had the chance to participate in mock interviews before.

Registration is now open.  RSVP  here!

Registration will remain open through 9:00 am next Monday, February 2nd.  Students will be informed of their interview time and (hopefully) interviewing company via email by the end of the day Monday.  I will inform all students who were not able to get interviews via email on Monday as well.

Students can choose one of three offered interview times from the linked sign-up form: 6:00-6:45 pm, 6:45-7:30 pm or 7:30-8:15 pm.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

January 27, 2015

Resume Review Workshop on Wednesday 1/14

This Winter’s Resume Review Workshop will be held next Wednesday January 14th, from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. in the CSE Atrium.

This workshop is designed to allow you to gather tips from the experts to turn your resume drafts into documents that will help land your dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 2:30 and 5:15 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with 1 or more HR or technical interview experts from several of our affliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the Winter recruiting fair on January 21st and 22nd.


Future Recruiting Events (all this quarter):

Calendar Link:

Industrial Affiliates Fall Recruiting Fair:  Wed, Jan. 21; 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm (start-ups); Thu, Jan. 22; 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm (established companies); CSE Building

Mock Technical Interviews: Wed, Feb. 4, 2015; 6:00-8:15 pm; CSE Building

January 7, 2015

Reminder: Undergraduate Survey closes Dec. 12th

Take a few minutes as a break in studying for finals to fill out the CRA survey?


Dear CSE Undergraduate Student,

The Computing Research Association (CRA) is interested in career development among students in computing fields. They would like to hear about your experiences as a student, as well as your plans for the future. To that end, I encourage you to complete their brief survey, which will take no more than 25 minutes to complete.

Should you decide to complete the survey, you will be entered into a raffle for a $100 gift card to Amazon!

If you are interested in completing the survey, please click the link below:

Take the survey.

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
The survey is being conducted by the CRA’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP). For more information on CERP, please visit their website:

Many thanks in advance!

December 9, 2014

REMINDER: Redfin Tech Talk, Wednesday @ 6 PM – TODAY

Hey, CSE ugrads! A note from your friends at Redfin: “Glenn Kelman, Redfin’s CEO, and I will be on-campus this coming Wednesday for a tech talk! Glenn’s talk is called ‘How To Suck The Marrow Out Of Your First Job & Learn How To Start A Company’. There will be free food, great topics covered, and some Q&A at the end – don’t miss out! I’ve attached the flyer with more information about the talk as well as a link to the RSVP form (found here).

Glenn and I look forward to seeing you Wednesday!

LAUREN WALKER | REDFIN | Campus Recruiter | Tel: 206-876-1060
2025 1st Ave, Ste 500 | Seattle, WA 98121”

November 12, 2014

CSE Mock Technical Interview Sign-Ups

CSE Undergraduates (only!),

All CSE majors who will be looking for a full-time job or internship this year should consider participating in our CSE Mock Technical Interview Event the evening of Wednesday, October 29.  Several outstanding companies will be participating to run CSE students through a single half-hour simulated technical interview.  The sessions will place students one-on-one with a hiring manager or engineer who regularly conducts technical interviews.  Interview questions will include puzzles, logic, data structures, coding and more with a ten minute feedback session following.  Mock interviews will take place in the CSE building.

Registration is open now for all CSE students, however slots are limited.  Interview slots will be offered on a seniority basis, with those who will earn their degree before autumn 2015 given first preference followed by those who will earn their degree before Autumn 2016 followed by all others.  Please note that the seniority you input will be spot checked for accuracy.  Those who misrepresent their seniority will be placed in the back of the queue and most likely denied interviews.

Registration is now open.  RSVP  here!

Registration will remain open through 10:00 am next Monday, October 27.  Students will be informed of their interview time and (hopefully) interviewing company via email by the end of the day Monday.  I will inform all students who were not able to get interviews via email on Monday as well.

Students can choose one of three offered interview times from the linked sign-up form: 6:00-6:45 pm, 6:45-7:30 pm or 7:30-8:15 pm.  Space is extremely limited.  Slots will be assigned in order of sign up.

We will present additional technical interviews in Winter quarter so if you don’t get one of these spots don’t despair.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

October 22, 2014

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