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CSE 452 registration form for those who do not have 451 complete

If you want to register for CSE 452 or CSEM 552 this spring and do not have the official prerequisite of CSE 451 completed, you may fill out this form and we will give add codes out in order of preference based on your registration date.

You must be logged into your CSE gmail account in order to access this form.


~CSE Advising

February 9, 2018

Ugrad Lunch with Director Hank Levy Feb. 27th 12-1

On Tuesday, February 27th from 12-1, Director Hank Levy will host a Ugrad Lunch for current CSE majors in room 691 of the Allen Center.


Please RSVP for the event so we know how much pizza to order:


This is your chance as a CSE Undergraduate to chat with the Director of the Allen School to hear what is new and for him to hear from you.  We look forward to seeing you on the 27th!


Hank and CSE Advising

February 8, 2018

Important registration notes for spring!

Short version:

  1. If you are graduating spring/summer/fall, you need to make sure you have filed graduation paperwork by Feb. 7th so you can get your two quarters of priority registration.
  2. We are no longer going to have an overload list. All students wanting a full CSE course should sign up on notify and keep attending the first week and try to get a space when someone drops.


Long version:

If you are planning to graduate in spring, summer or fall, you should make sure that you have filed your graduation paperwork.   Starting this quarter it’s extremely important to do that if you want to get the classes you need to graduate.  Once you file for graduation, you register early, before anyone else (even other seniors).  You get 2 quarters of priority registration, so it’s worth it.

Second, after careful analysis of our overloading system, we found that it wasn’t serving the students best. Our attempt to be helpful led to unhelpful micromanaging.  Therefore, after consultation with staff/faculty/students we are going to try a new system this spring.  Starting spring quarter, we will no longer be managing overloads.  If there is a full class you want to get into. You should sign up on the UW’s ‘notify’ tool and you should attend the first week to try to keep up in the course in case you do get a spot.  We’ll monitor demand on notify and try to add more space when needed.

Here’s an example of why the old system didn’t work well. Lots of students wanted into 446, maching learning. We micromanaged the list, but by the end of the week, we were done with the list and there were still 3 spaces. Had we just opened it up, everyone who had wanted to get in, and put in the effort to attend the first week, likely would have been able to enroll.    So hopefully this system will work best for everyone.

There are a couple of cases you can still reach out to us for help.

  1. If you are enrolled in a course but need a different section (for a good reason such as wanting to take a conflicting course) we will try to help out.
  2. If you are trying to graduate within two quarters and can’t get into something you MUST have to graduate, you should reach out to us as well.

For everyone else, let’s give this new system a try and see how it goes.  We’ll send out a survey a week or two into spring to see how it worked for everyone.

And finally, we’ll be working hard to adjust course sizes to meet demand as much as possible.  You may not be able to take maching learning as a sophomore, but we are going to work hard to make sure everyone can eventually get into the courses they want and need.


Thank you!

CSE Advising

February 2, 2018

CSE 452: in spring 2018 the CSE 451 prerequisite will be waived

CSE 452: Distributed Systems has one of the longest pre-requisite chains of
any course offered by the department, which has caused some issues
for students in the past since it is also offered only once per year.
Most specifically, 452 has required 451 (operating systems), which in turn
required 333 (systems programming) and 332 (data structures), and so forth.

Starting with this spring’s offering of 452, we have re-designed the course
project to allow us to restate its pre-requisite as requiring 332 and 333,
with 451 strongly recommended. There are additional logisticss needed to make
this permanent, so for now it will apply experimentally to this spring’s offering.
That is, students may take 452 without first taking 451, but you are
still encouraged to take 451 then 452 if you can.

Related, we have moved the time slot for 452 this spring so it will not
collide with 451. Taking 451 and 452 at the same time is fine, subject to the
warning that both courses have a higher than average workload, even among
CSE courses.

If you wish to enroll in 452 this spring without having completed 451, there will be a google form linked in the UW Time Schedule and sent out to this blog so you can sign up on that to request an add code.

If you have further questions, you can reach out to the advisors at


Thank you,

CSE Advising

January 24, 2018

Attention all graduating students

FYI, if you *think* you are graduating this quarter, or WANT to graduate this quarter and have not been in to see a CSE advisor, you need to do that before tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow is the last day to file for WINTER graduation.  You should come to dropins if you want to file for Winter either this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

How do you know if you’ve filed? You can go to your MyCSE login and check to see if you have a graduation date, or check on your Degree Audit through MyUW or MyPlan.  If in doubt, as in, you don’t see any record of it online but you think you came in, you can email ugrad-advisor@cs.

If you want to graduate in Spring, Summer or Fall, you should plan to come in for your graduation appointment by Feb. 6th as we need to submit them before the deadline for Graduating Senior priority which gives you permission to register before anyone else.  Please don’t come today or tomorrow if you are finishing spring or later, anytime next week through Feb. 6th is just fine.

Let us know if you have questions,


January 18, 2018

Advising short staffed on Friday 1/12

We may have to cancel dropins tomorrow morning during the 10-11am time slot – just a heads up as we are going to be very short staffed. We may have a peer advisor available for quick questions.

We apologize for the inconvenience and for the long wait times you have experienced this past week.  We have hired an additional advisor (Yay Lacey!) who is quickly coming up to speed and we’re hiring 5 more peer advisors so we are hoping that things will improve a bit more in the future.

We have over 1000 current majors and probably close to 1500 or so prospective students on campus, so we’re going to continue seeing large demand for advising time in the near future. We appreciate everyone’s patience and encourage you to plan ahead for questions as much as possible.



CSE Advising

January 11, 2018

Overload form for Winter 2018 – First Week of Classes

Here is the overload request form for the first week of courses. This is for current CSE Majors trying to enroll in a CSE Major’s level course that is currently full or add code protected.

If you are wishing to get into a full CSE course, you must fill this out by 5pm tomorrow to be considered for a space.  You should also plan to attend the lecture of any course you are petitioning to overload into.

We will try to have final decisions out by Thursday evening.  If you previously petitioned for a course and were not admitted during the overload requests we did a few weeks ago, you should fill this new request form out to express that you are still interested in the course.

Thank you,

CSE Advising

January 2, 2018

Reminder: Please fill out research survey – great way to procrastinate from studying, could win $100

Dear CSE Ugrads:

Recently, you received an email requesting your participation in a survey for the
Computing Research Association (CRA). If you have not already done so, I encourage
you to complete their brief survey on the experiences of computing students, which will
take no more than 20 minutes to complete.

Should you decide to complete the survey, you will be entered into a raffle for a $100
gift card to Amazon!

If you are interested in completing the survey, please click the link below, or copy and
paste the URL into your internet browser:

The survey is being conducted by the CRA’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline
(CERP). For more information on CERP, please visit their website:
Many thanks in advance!

~CSE Advising

December 5, 2017

CSE Advising has finally moved to ticketing system

Fast version: For ugrad or vgrad help, you still email ugrad-advisor@cs or vgrad-advisor@cs but the new ticketing system means we can track things easier


Longer version:

Hey folks!

We are finally ‘modernizing’ and moving to a ticketing system for ugrad and vgrad emails. What does this mean? Well, hopefully, it means there is a less likely chance your email will get lost or misplaced. You should also be able to check in on a message to see if there has been progress made. We hope this will improve your overall customer experience with CSE Advising.

There are a few things YOU can do to help this process move along more easily. First, if you are emailing ugrad-advisor@cs or vgrad-advisor@cs please try to use your @cs email address. If you need to use a gmail or other email account, please include your CSE netID somewhere in the message so that we can more easily link messages to your profile in our ticketing system.

Instead of writing directly to an individual advisor, you might be better served writing to ugrad-advisor@cs and putting ‘Dear “suzy” or whoever your intended recipient is in the first line, and then it will quickly be routed to that person. The benefit of doing things this way is that we will be able to see the full history of questions and answers for students so we’ll have better context in answering your questions. Of course, if you are discussing something you only want an individual advisor to see, you are always still more than welcome to address them directly.

For most routine questions however, we’d like to encourage everyone to use the ugrad-advisor@cs or vgrad-advisor@cs email address.

There will likely be a bit of a transition period when we are all learning to use the new system, but but start of winter we hope this will serve everyone’s needs better.

Crystal & the CSE Advising Team

December 4, 2017

Dropins truncated tomorrow, Nov. 30th

Hey folks,

Dropins tomorrow will be shortened to 2-315pm (instead of the usual 4pm) due to staffing shortages.


CSE Advising

November 29, 2017

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