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Revised Advising Resources for spring quarter, please read: online appt scheduling, dropins now called Quick Questions, more peer adviser hours, etc

Short version if you’re in a hurry or in denial about spring quarter starting tomorrow:

*Redesigned advising page

*New tool for scheduling appointments

*More peer advising hours

*Dropins renamed Quick Questions

*Online appointments


Longer version if you like knowing the background and “why” behind our actions:


First, thank you to the 100 or so students who filled out our survey on CSE advising services.

The general consensus from the survey respondents regarding adviser contact was that you would prefer a mix of appointments and dropin advising times.  We have decided to pilot a few new programs this spring to increase the accessibility of the CSE advising staff.  We appreciate your patience as we try out various methods of scaling our services up to the increasing demand:

*We have redesigned our advising page to give you comprehensive information on what you can gain from advising and how to contact us.
*We have a new online scheduling tool so you can now book an appointment up to 3 weeks out.

*The ‘Dropin’ format will be the same style, but we’re re-naming it ‘quick questions’.  Quick questions are only  meant to be 5-10 minute advising appointments.  If you think it might take longer than that, you should schedule an appointment. You can now schedule 15 minute appointments or 25 minute appointments.   EX: “Easy” graduation appointments where you know you have  everything in place can be a quick question, detailed planning or any complications that you foresee should be a scheduled appointment.

*Peer advisers will be staffing the front desk between 10 and 3 *most* days so you can come to ask them quick questions when you see the sign at the right of the front desk showing they are in.

*There will be online advising appointments available for those who have trouble coming into campus or if you just prefer that method of interaction. We’ll be using gmail hangouts/chat for these appointments.  If you’re away on an internship, this might be easier than a detailed email conversation.

We hope that these improvements will help us serve the CSE student community better moving forward.  Wait times will hopefully improve with the new ‘quick question’ format and the increased availability of individual appointments.

As always, if there are no appointment times that work for you and you can’t come to quick questions, you can always reach out to us on Our new email ticketing system seems to be improving email response time overall.

Thank you everyone and we’ll see you soon!


~CSE Advising

March 25, 2018

A few more spring registration reminders/updates

To All CSE students:

We have a few registration updates for everyone:

*CSE 484, 421, and 351 will likely not be able to add any more room. You are still welcome to attend the first week if you are trying to enroll (and you should attend if you want to enroll).  We have opened all possible space so we will not be giving out any overloads, but, if someone drops and you get the space, you need to have been attending and keeping up with assignments.

*CSE 473: We hope to open around 15 more spaces  tomorrow or Monday – so be watching for those

*CSE 452: We will accommodate everyone who wants to take the course. We’ll be opening a new section to balance the sections a bit more and will likely add a few more spaces as well.

*We added a LOT of space to CSE 455, there is still room for those interested.

*CSE 351 will be taught this summer and 484 will very likely be taught in fall, so you should consider those two options as back ups if you can’t get in this spring.

*If you do not have an internship and wish to take summer courses, we strongly encourage you to consider that option. We plan to offer: 142, 143, 331, 332 (maybe), 333, 344, and 351

*People will be dropping courses and space will be opening in several courses as next week starts, so stay tuned for that as the quarter gets rolling.

*If you are going to be graduating in fall or winter, you should apply for graduation sometime after the first two weeks of the quarter and before May 2nd so you can get graduating senior priority and register first for your last two quarters.    Everyone who had GSP status was able to get the courses they needed to graduate.

*If you’re hoping to graduate in spring and have not filed for graduation (you can check your MyCSE portal to see if you have filed) then you need to file by the 3rd Friday of Spring break.

*If you were unable to get *any* CSE course or need a course to graduate this spring, you should reach out to the advising office at  We don’t want anyone being forced to delay graduation due to availability of courses.


~We will continue to update you all as we have more information



March 22, 2018

Mentor Request for spring 2018

Yes, we know it’s spring break, but if you would be so kind as to consider signing up to be a CSE mentor this spring we would really appreciate it.  This Monday we welcome the new majors to the Allen School.  Our new major welcome event will be this Monday, March 26th from 430-6pm.  Mentors will meet in the atrium at 430pm for a quick intro, then the new students will come meet you around 450pm.   You’ll break up into smaller groups to tour the building and enjoy a burrito on the house.  We need about 35 students.  Please sign up this week so we can get mentors assigned quickly. Thank you!!

If you want to mentor but can not attend, fill out the survey and we’ll match you to mentees who also cannot attend.

Please fill out the survey to volunteer!  Thank you!


March 21, 2018

One more UW Registration reminder

Just a reminder that when registering for courses you are only allowed to add/drop courses you intend to take.  Any other use of the UW registration system, including ‘saving’ space for friends, trading sections, etc, is considered abuse of the system.

If you have registration questions, please contact the CSE advising office directly.  While we are not overloading courses, we can often help switch sections for students who have a legitimate reason for needing to switch.

Here is a link to the UW Registration Policies and Restrictions site:


CSE Advising

March 21, 2018

Review of CSE Advising – request your feedback

Dear CSE Students,

If you have 5 minutes to spare, I’d like to get your feedback on how CSE advising services are working for you.

CSE Advising Survey Winter 2018

We are trying hard to scale our services with the increased number of students and we could use your help as we brainstorm ways to serve you better in the future.  For example, should we offer fewer dropin hours and more appointments or do you like the flexibility of dropins?  Have you had a good experience with advising or a challenging one that I should know about?

These survey results will only be seen by me in my role as Director of Student Services.  We will randomly choose two students who complete the survey to receive some free CSE swag.  Please complete it in the next two weeks so we can make adjustments for spring quarter as needed.

Thank you for your time.



Crystal Eney

CSE Advising

Director of Student Services

March 12, 2018

Information about the math minor at UW

Dear students,

Effective Autumn 2018, STAT 390 cannot be used towards the Math minor.  Only courses coded or co-listed with “MATH” are allowed.

The math website has has requirement information:
We highly recommend that you wait until you have completed ALL math minor requirements before formally declaring the minor.  This saves everyone extra paperwork.  However you should note that you can not declare a new minor in your last quarter at UW.
Math opens 400-level courses to non-majors in Period II registration and they open a lot of their classes to non-majors in the Summer.  Registration information is on their website:
March 5, 2018

Friendly reminder: It isn’t kind to hog classes…

Just a friendly reminder that if you are a senior and you’re registered for CSE courses that you don’t plan on taking, you’re really stressing out your junior level friends in CSE.  They are seeing a bunch of 400 courses that are filled and we know for a fact that there is some hoarding going on….

So, if you registered for a bunch of courses and don’t plan to actually take them all, please drop them soon so your comrades can register.

We have secured a bigger room for CSE 452, so we’ll be adding space to that by early next week.   We’re still monitoring the Notify lists to see if the other courses that need adjusting.  At this point, it looks like CSE 484 will not be able to accommodate all students (there are no larger lecture halls at the time it is offered), so if you are going to be around next year, you should plan to take it then.

We’ll keep you posted as we learn more.

Thank you

~CSE Advising

February 14, 2018

Registration Reminders Spring 2018 and Summer 2018

Please remember that the only way for the advising team to know if there is more demand than we have available for a particular course is if you sign up on the UW’s Notify system.   Please make sure to do that if you’re trying to get into full courses. We will not be doing overloads for any courses at the undergraduate level.

If we have space in the capstones remaining this Friday afternoon, we will release the rest of that space. You may have originally told we would wait until period II, but we will open the space on Friday afternoon.  If you were given an add code, you have until noon on Friday to use it or lose it (or contact me and tell me why you can’t register for your capstone yet).

Thank you everyone for your patience. We are attempting to adjust space for CSE 371 and 455 and 452 at this point in time, and will look at other course demand as the data becomes available.

Additionally, we plan to offer these courses this summer:

142, 143, 331, 332 (maybe), 333, 344, and 351

CSE Advising

February 13, 2018

Patterns for Career Success – new seminar for CSE majors, seniors only period 1

There is a new seminar being offered this spring geared towards CSE Majors who are senior standing or 5th year masters graduate students.  

"As with the science of computing, careers in computing also have models, patterns, and anti-patterns.  This interactive seminar, led by a 20-year industry veteran from Facebook and Microsoft, covers insights across a gamut of topics that will accelerate your career.  Learn tips for growing quickly toward your goals while avoiding common pitfalls, and start your career off with helpful advice distilled from years of experience

CSE 490 P1  21588 T      100-220    OUG  136
February 13, 2018

Informatics courses CSE students might want to consider

The I-School recommended these courses as courses CSE students may want to consider taking.  These are all being offered in spring and it looks like starting period II registration (Feb. 26th) they are open to non majors. Something to keep in mind.


  • INFO 344 Server-Side Development
  • INFO 448 Mobile Development: Android
  • INFO 445 Advanced Database Design, Management, and Maintenance
  • INFO 415 Emerging Topics in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity
  • INFO 461 Cooperative Software Development
  • INFO 402 Gender, Equity, and Information Technology
  • INFO 371 Core Methods in Data Science
  • INFO 474 Interactive Information Visualization
  • BIME 498 Transformational Technologies for Biology, Medicine, and Health (this is a partnership with BIME, but we’d love to have CSE students in it too).
  • INFO 328 Population Health Informatics
  • INFO 444 Value-Sensitive Design
  • INFO 498 Designing for Evil
  • INFO 498 Rapid Prototyping
  • INFO 362 Visual Information Design
  • INFO 433 Content Strategy in Information Architecture
  • INFO 467 Immersive Information Environments


February 12, 2018

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