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Capstones 2015-2016 – pre-registration now open

We finally have the 2015-2016 capstones, they are listed on the capstone page along with the link to pre-register.  Please fill out the survey by August 15th to receive priority registration. Computer Engineering students are guaranteed a capstone, CS majors who are graduating, we will try to get you in too, everyone else, we’ll do our best.

Capstone Information Page: with registration links

Please remember that capstones are best suited by seniors who have significant coursework behind them, at least a couple of 400 level courses ideally.

There are two new exciting capstones this year. An Accessibility Capstone run by Anat Caspi and Bruce Hemingway will take place during winter, with a low credit prep-course that you should plan to take in fall.  There is also a Virtual Reality capstone by Steve Seitz this winter.  More information is below.


Accessibility:  In 481H, Winter 2016

In 481H we build projects addressing the needs of users with disabilities with a focus on technologies that enhance function, productivity and independence. With help and participation of end users, therapists and designers, projects will involve integrating novel input and output devices to create new interactive systems, which enable users to experience computing in new ways. Groups can use embedded platforms or off-the-shelf technologies and devices to implement their projects. We encourage the participation of design, HCDE and rehabilitation medicine students. Students enrolling in the winter capstone will be given priority placement in CSE490D in fall.

Virtual Reality: Spring 2016

Virtual and Augmented Reality Capstone
Prof:  Steve Seitz

Students will work in small project teams to build applications and prototype systems using state of the art Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology.  Seattle is a nexus of VR tech, with Oculus Research, Valve, Microsoft (hololens), Google (cardboard, jump), and teams in the area.  We will be developing on the latest VR/AR headsets and platforms, and will bring in leading VR experts for lectures and to supervise student projects.  Students will experience the  end-to-end product cycle from design to deployment, and learn about VR/AR technology and applications.

July 31, 2015

Computer Engineering course and degree requirements changes for 2015-2016

There have been several updates to Computer Engineering courses that will go into effect this fall. Additionally, the CE degree requirements are changed to increase flexibility. All CE majors (and CS students interested in these courses) should carefully read through the information below.  Contact the CSE advisors if you have any questions.


Course Changes:


Renumbered Courses:


  • CSE 352 will be replaced by CSE 369 (formerly CSE 390C) and CSE/EE 371
  • CSE 466 will become CSE/EE 474: It will have extra contact hours but some of them will not be needed for students who have already taken 351.  CE students should take 351 then CSE/EE 474.
  • CSE 477 will become CSE 475
  • CSE/EE 469 is a renumbered version of EE471 available for both CSE and EE students. It will include material about processors previously taught in 352.
  • CSE 470 is a renumbered and updated version of CSE 471 available for both CSE and EE students. It will cover higher level computer architecture topics.
  • CSE 468 and 476 will be removed from the catalog, but CSE students have the option to take VLSI courses (EE 476 and 477) if they have the correct prerequisites.


Further notes on prerequisites:

  • The prerequisite of 466/474 (embedded systems) will be moved to just CSE 143, but CSE 351 is strongly recommended.  474 is being offered this summer under the old EE number (472) in addition to next winter (EE 474), so CSE students can take it either summer or winter by EE or this fall when CSE will teach it.
  • CSE 477/475 will only require CSE 369 and 466 or the new EE/CSE 474 as a prerequisite.


All the courses above except 475, which is a capstone, will be added to the CSE Core Course List.


Degree Requirements: 

Next, there are degree requirement changes to the CSE Electives section for all Computer Engineering degrees:

  • One course chosen from: CSE 403, CSE/EE 474, or CSE 484
    • Comment:  reflects the renumbering of 466 to 474
  • 3 additional courses chosen from the Computer Engineering Systems Electives list on the CSE website
    • Comment:  This is a new list that includes the old courses and the renumbered courses.    The courses on this list also qualify as CSE Core Courses.
  • a Design Capstone course from the approved Capstone list on the CSE website
  • 4 credits of College of Engineering courses from the CSE Elective list on the CSE website
  • Additional courses from the CSE Electives list on the CSE website, to bring the total CSE Elective credits to 36.
June 5, 2015

CSE K-12 Outreach Team is hiring for the 2015-2016 academic year

The UW CSE Outreach Team needs to hire a student employee for the 2015-2016 academic year.  This person would become part of the CSE outreach team and would do things such as help with logistics and planning for various K-12 outreach events, work on websites, host student groups, lead various outreach activities, and do some general office work.

The work hours would be approximately 20 hours per week.  We are looking to hire an hourly student position if you are an undergraduate, or we could fund an RA if you are a graduate student.  We would like someone who can commit to working for us for the full academic year.

Please fill out our brief application by June 15th if you’re interested.
Crystal Eney
Director of Student Services
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington – Seattle
June 3, 2015

CSEM – 5th year masters – application is now live!

For those of you who have one year (or less) left of your time as an undergraduate student, and are interested in the UW CSE 5th year masters program, please apply! The application is linked from the website below. There is also a link to a presentation we gave that you might want to review before applying.  Please also note the timeline below for when you will be notified.  At this point we are still requiring 3 recommenders who are UW CSE faculty. One can be a TA reference, the other two should know your academic work. If you are struggling and this is the only thing keeping you from applying, please reach out the CSE advisors (Raven, Jenifer and me) and we’ll see how we might be able to help you out.  Also, please remember to ASK your recommenders before putting their name down so they remember who you are and will say good things.  Let us know if you have questions.


  • May 22 – June 8th application open
  • June 9th – June 13th: Collect Faculty Recommendations
  • June 14th – June 22nd: Review Applications
  • Week of June 22nd: Committee Meets
  • Decisions emailed by June 29th
May 22, 2015

CSE 477: embedded systems capstone now 475 with new prereqs

As a previous post mentioned, CSE 477 the embedded systems capstone will be renamed CSE/EE 475.  The prerequisites will be: Either EE 271 or CSE 369; either CSE 466, EE 472, CSE 474, or EE 474.

CSE Advising

May 13, 2015

Course changes for Computer Engineering – information for Computer Science students too

All CE and CS students, please note we’re changing some CSE and EE courses. These changes are especially significant to CE majors, but are important for everyone to understand.

*CSE 466 will become CSE/EE 474. The prerequisite will be listed as CSE 143, BUT CSE students should also take CSE 351 prior to 474. By taking 351 in advance of 474, CSE majors will be exempted from some of the 474 coursework.    Also note that EE 474 is offered this summer and open to CS or CE majors.

*CSE 477 (the Hardware Capstone) will become CSE/EE 475.

*CSE 352 is replaced by CSE 369 (formerly CSE 390C) AND CSE/EE 371. CSE 369 and CSE/EE 371 are required for all CE majors, and are electives for CS majors.

*CSE/EE 469 and 470 are new core courses. CSE 469 will include material about processors previously taught in 352. CSE 470 will be an updated version of CSE 471 covering higher-level computer architecture topics.

* EE 476 and 477 are also core courses. The prereqs will be updated to allow CSE 369 (for CSE majors) in place of EE 271.
Additionally, the CE requirements will be updated with a new set of Computer Engineering Systems Electives within the CE Senior Electives. This will give CE majors more options within their short list of 400-level electives. CS students will have access to these same courses, though the CS requirements are not changing.

Let us know if you have questions,

CSE Advising


May 11, 2015

BSMS Information Session on Tuesday May 12th, 4-5pm in room 305

Hey everyone,

We’re going to host an information session for the 5th year masters program here in CSE this Tuesday, May 12th at 400PM in room 305 of the Allen Center for CS&E.  Come learn about the BS/MS program, how to apply, what to expect, and whether or not this program is right for you.  The session will be hosted by Professor Brian Curless (current 5th year masters faculty coordinator), and Crystal and Jenifer the 5th year masters program advisors.

Look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

CSE Advising

May 8, 2015

CSE 440

Hey folks,

CSE 440 is now open for registration, sorry for the glitch. There are 24 slots for CSE majors now, and we’ll add another 24 early next week.

Happy Friday!

CSE Advising

May 8, 2015

Graduating Students: UW Graduation Details – apply to graduate by April 17th

Please note, we still have not finalized a time for our CSE graduation event, but it will be Friday evening June 12th,  the day before the UW event on Saturday. More details will be coming by May 1st.

Here is all the information for the UW Event:


Your Steps to a Great Commencement Day

Husky Stadium – June 13, 2015

Visit for complete ceremony information.


  1. Eligibility:

Bachelor Candidates:  Students who earned a degree in Summer 2014, Autumn 2014, or Winter 2015, or have applied to graduate with a departmental advisor for Spring 2015 or Summer 2015 are eligible. Once the application for graduation has been completed and received by the Office of Graduation and Academic Records (206-543-1803), the student will be eligible to complete the Commencement Registration/Order Form.


Master’s, Doctoral or Professional Candidates: Graduates who earned their degrees in Summer 2014, Autumn 2014, or Winter 2015 or candidates who have a reasonable expectation of graduating in Spring 2015 or Summer 2015 are eligible to participate.


Names Listed in Program:  The Commencement program lists the names of graduates from Summer 2014 through Spring 2015.  Note: Spring 2015 Bachelor’s Degree candidates must have their Application to Graduate submitted and received by the Office of Graduation and Academic Records by the April17th deadline in order to have their names listed. Master’s and Doctoral degree candidates must have their Master’s Degree Request submitted or Doctoral Final Exam scheduled by April 17th in order to have their names listed.  Summer 2015 graduates’ names will be listed in the following year’s program.  Students who do not wish to have their names listed in the program must contact the Office of the Registrar (206-543-5378).


Honors: If you qualify for College, Departmental, or Interdisciplinary Honors, please be sure your DARS accurately reflects this status by April 17, 2015. If you have questions, see the Honors Program (211 Mary Gates Hall,, 206-543-7444).



*These items are available online through CB Grad Announcements, Jostens,  Signature, and University Frames.  To place your order, visit,, or,


  1. Signing Up and Ordering Apparel, Parking Permits, and Guest Tickets online


Register/Place your order online:  May 6 – May 24 at


Husky Stadium Ceremony: Participants must register and order tickets, pre-paid parking permits, and apparel no later than May 24 via the above website.  Payment will be taken online when finalizing your order.  Visa, MasterCard, debit card, or valid checking account number will be accepted.


Apparel prices: Bachelor apparel (purchase only) – $48.00, Master’s apparel (purchase only) – $72.00, Professional apparel (rental) – $85.00, Ph.D. (rental) – $85.00. **See website for Professional/Doctoral purchase information.


**For doctoral candidates who are interested in purchasing their doctoral regalia, we are offering a special opportunity to meet with Oak Hall Cap & Gown. They will be on campus (Mary Gates Hall, Room 134 – the Career Center) on April 8 and April 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to answer any questions. Those who wish to purchase may place their orders at this time.  To schedule an appointment with Oak Hall, candidates must fill out our catalyst survey at by April 6th.  We will contact them to let them know about appointment times.


Parking Permits: Purchase campus parking online during registration at


  1. Individual School/College or Departmental Ceremony participants must order via the above website by May 24, 2015, if your ceremony requires apparel or parking permits.  Permits ($14) are required to park on campus for any graduation-related event, including Saturdays and Sundays.  Payment will be taken online.


  1. Pick Up Your Order: June 2 – 6 (students will select specific dates online) at the UW Book Store (during normal book store hours).


  1. Come to Husky Stadium, June 13th, at 12:30.  CONGRATULATIONS!




April 13, 2015

CSE Courses this Summer 2015

Just a heads up, this summer we will offer CSE 332, 333,  and 456 (likely during a term).  456 is a storyboarding animation course, it is not a ‘core’ CSE course, but does count towards CSE Senior Electives. You can look at past offerings for more information.

We do NOT expect to offer 421 or 444 this summer.

~CSE Advising

April 2, 2015

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