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Autonomous Rocket Control Club

We are the Autonomous Rocket Control Club (ARCC) – a new student club dedicated to building rockets and developing control algorithms for them.
Right now we are working on our first project, RAVEN. This will be a small, reusable rocket vehicle capable of lifting off, hovering, and landing autonomously. We have a lot to get done between now and when we start flight testing in May, and we need students from a variety of fields with a variety of skill levels (grad students too!).
If this sounds interesting to you, we encourage you to submit an application on our website: If you want to learn more, please come to our critical design review on in GUG 218 on February 28th, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm.
Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Gabriel Thompson
ARCC Team Administration
February 24, 2020