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From: Hank Levy <levy@cs.washington.edu>
Date: Tue, May 14, 2019 at 3:58 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Allen School Student Experience Survey
Dear Allen School students,
I am writing to urge you to participate in an Allen School student experience survey. We want to learn from students in the Allen School about their experiences in and perceptions of the environment within the School.
Why take on such a study? The study is intended to uncover actionable results and help us track our progress over time. We hope to learn specific ideas and strategies that will strengthen our community, enhance our individual and collective success, and help make this a more welcoming, inclusive place for everyone. The study will also serve as an initial benchmark, enabling us to better measure our progress in the coming years. A strong response rate will be critical in assessing how we are doing.
The University of Washington Center for Evaluation & Research for STEM Equity (CERSE) is partnering with the Allen School to conduct the survey. This year’s survey includes all current undergraduates and graduate students in the Allen School. We have put a lot of effort into the survey, and will be putting in a lot of effort to analyze the results and share those results, positive and negative, with you, but we cannot do this without your participation.
The results will be de-identified by UW CERSE before sharing with the Allen School.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) you will receive an email from UW CERSE/elitzler via Survey Monkey. Please take the survey and help us improve the Allen School.
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