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2018-2019 Capstone Survey – due by August 29th

We finally have the list of 2018-2019 capstones.  Please fill out the survey linked on the capstone page to request a space in a capstone for this coming year.  Most students should only be requesting capstones after they have finished most of their 300 level courses and ideally at least one 400 by the time you enroll in the capstone course. (There are exceptions to this, such as Accessibility – contact instructors for more information)

Computer Engineering students and BS/MS students who are required to have a capstone will be given priority, followed by graduating seniors in Computer Science.  You can select your first, second and third choice.  You will only be placed into one capstone, if you want to take more than one you can register on a space available basis after registration starts for that quarter.  I’ll try to have decisions out by August. 30th.

We are still waiting on faculty to provide more details about the Fall cloud computing capstone and the spring technology for the developing world capstone. When I hear from those faculty I’ll update the webpage and send additional news posts.



CSE Advising

August 20, 2018