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Winter 2018 Registration Notes – hundreds are panicking, try not to panic please

First, we saw about 87 students today, with three full time advisors.  We are beyond peak capacity right now and apologize sincerely for the long waits at dropins.  Here are a few registration notes that might be of interest.  On another note, we have some advising reinforcements coming online starting next week, so hopefully we can start assisting you faster in the near future.  More on that later.


  1. The data science seminar for seniors, ChemE 599 is apparently being re-named to a different course number. Once they have it posted, they will alert our advising team and we will email all the senior students coded as data science to let them know how to register.  It will be offered in winter, so you don’t need to worry.  Just be patient and wait at this point.
  2. Closed courses. We understand that there are a lot of closed courses already.  Here is what you need to do.
    • Try not to panic!!!
    • Sign up on the UW Notify system so you can learn if people drop
    • Understand that asking your friends to hoard courses for you is not helpful and not fair, please don’t do that
    • We will continue to monitor closed courses and attempt to add space when possible. Sometimes it means searching for new rooms, so these things take time.
    • On November 16th we’ll open the overload request form, that is a form you can fill out if you are still trying to get into a full CSE course.  We will try to give out space at that time based on priority such as graduating students, etc
    • We are going to do the absolute best we can to get everyone into courses.  We are growing the program and still struggling to get the size of courses at the right levels, so please be patient
    • Last May when students registered for fall they panicked as well, but by the start of the quarter, check out the course totals, most have room, so we are hopeful.
  3. We’ve been hearing instances (5 now total and counting) of students who were dropped from the major for no known reason.  If you can’t register for an open CSE course, please check your major, if your major is not listed as Computer Science or Computer Engineering, send an email to with your name, student number and what your  major is, and what it should be, and we’ll investigate
  4. If you have a specialized registration issue and email ugrad-advisor about it, you are more likely to have your questions answered quickly if you include all the relevant information including your student number, full name and sln’s of courses in question.  At this point however we are NOT going to be overloading courses.
  5. If you want to take a 500 level course as an undergraduate, this is what you do:
    •  If you are part of the 5th year masters program already, you should go to this form and submit your request.
    • If you are an undergraduate CSE Major without being admitted to the 5th year masters program, please email the instructor for permission. Once permission has been granted, forward to with your name, student number, sln’s of all lecture/sections and a copy of the approval email
    • These courses are generally 400’s on steroids, you should not pursue this option lightly on a whim.


Thank you!

~CSE Advising


November 7, 2017