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Week of 10/16 Events

Hey CSE!

The career fair is in two weeks! Unsure how to prepare or talk to recruiters? Come to either of the two ACM/ACM-W “What to Expect from the Career Fair” sessions next week to help prepare.

  • 10/17: 5-6pm, SIG134
  • 10/20: 5-6pm, EEB105

Additionally, a bunch of industry events happening next week to be aware of:

  • 10/16: Microsoft office hours, 1-3 pm, table in the Atrium
  • 10/16: Google tech talk, 6 pm, EEB125
  • 10/17: Staples virtual info session, 11 am
  • 10/17: Niantic tech talk, 6 pm, EEB125
  • 10/18: Intermediate technical interview coaching, 3-5 pm, Atrium
  • 10/19: Qualtrics tech talk, 6 pm, EEB125

Have a great week!



October 13, 2017