From: Tori Gottlieb
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 11:11 AM
To: ‘’ <>
Subject: NOTICE: Call for study participants – $100 compensation
Dear Informatics & Computer Science students,
We are asking you to participate in a research project conducted by faculty and students from the Information School at the University of Washington. This research explores the nature of screening interviews for software development positions. Our goal is to better understand the decision making process of hiring personnel as they assess and screen candidates with autism and candidates without autism for entry level software development positions.
We are looking for two white males with autism between the ages of 18 and 25 pursuing a degree in Informatics or Computer Science to volunteer for this study.
You are asked to participate in a mock-interview as the job candidate. Your participation will require that you study the resume given to you, the job posting, and prepare for the list of questions that will be used in the mock-up interview. You will participate in the 10-15 minute long screening mock interview for a software development position. You will be asked to conduct the interview via video conferencing. After the mock up interview you will be debriefed by two professionals that will review specific strategies for strengths and areas for improvement during the interview.
The interview will be video recorded. The recording of your mock-up interview will be viewed by technology professionals who will assess your performance during the interview. Half of the study participants will be informed of your autism spectrum disorder. The video recordings will only be used for research purposes and will not be shared with the public. We will keep the recordings for the duration of the study (including writing research reports). Your name will remain confidential.
The findings from this study will inform employers and college recruiters of best practices for screening interviews. Lastly, findings from this study will inform best practices for interview techniques that candidates with autism might utilize to enhance their performance during interviews.
Your time commitment will not exceed 120 minutes. You will be compensated $100 gift card.
We hope that you will consider participating in this study. If you have questions or concerns please contact me at
Dr. Annabi
Hala Annabi, PhD
Associate Professor
iSchool – University of Washington