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Accessibility Capstone

I’d like to make a special plug for the Accessibility Capstone this winter quarter.  There is a 2 credit ‘planning’ seminar this fall called CSE 490D.  SLN 22970  If you are curious about the course, I highly encourage you to sign up for the planning course.  There will be some pre-work done that will make the capstone move a little faster. This looks to be a great course that will  be more interdisciplinary than many of our courses.  We highly encourage you to consider signing up.  Since there is plenty of room in this course at this point in time, it will not be counted against you if you want to take a different capstone in the future.   This is a chance to take a course that could truly take a step forward in making a big difference in people’s lives.

Fall quarter, CSE 490D sln 22970


Accessibility:  In 481H, Winter 2016

In 481H we build projects addressing the needs of users with disabilities with a focus on technologies that enhance function, productivity and independence. With help and participation of end users, therapists and designers, projects will involve integrating novel input and output devices to create new interactive systems, which enable users to experience computing in new ways. Groups can use embedded platforms or off-the-shelf technologies and devices to implement their projects. We encourage the participation of design, HCDE and rehabilitation medicine students. Students enrolling in the winter capstone will be given priority placement in CSE490D in fall.

August 21, 2015