Hello CSE Undergraduates!
For your use and convenience, NEW electronic waste recycling bins have been placed in three locations in the EE and CSE buildings:
1. EEB 137 (next to EE Stores).
2. To the right of the EE Main Office, and
3. At the CSE recycling station (on the far side of the Paul Allen Center Atrium, near the main office for CSE).
You are invited and welcome to drop into these bins ANY small electronic components, materials, sub-assemblies, and devices which are no longer useful to you (but please NO non-elecronic Trash!).
While these new bins accept ALL small electronics, including cellular phones, batteries, inkjet cartridges, and non-confidential electronic media, these items in particular may also be dropped into e.Media bins, located at the recycling station in the Paul Allen Center atrium (near the main office for CSE):
If you want to know more about what we are doing to further vanquish the electronic waste stream on campus or want to know more about the global problem of electronic waste, we have more information here:
or feel free to contact us at any time, via e-mail.
Your E-Waste Warriors
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Denise Wilson, Professor
University of Washington
Department of Electrical Engineering, EEB M222
Seattle, WA 98195-2500
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