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CSE 441 – space has opened, fill out survey below if still interested in the course

We still have several openings in CSE 441, the HCI capstone.

We have posted an overview of the planned course, including a simple calendar:

As my first time teaching this capstone course, you will note that I
have modeled the course along the lines of CSE 477 or CSE 481. This is
a departure from prior offerings of CSE 441 by James Landay, which
included significant lecture material. We have decided to focus on
working with you in your project.

If you are interested in joining the course, please complete this survey:

Note this course does have a pre-req of CSE 440 or instructor
permission. We are not teaching basic HCI methods, but rather working
with you to effectively apply those methods in the context of your

We have several openings, but things will move very quickly after the
class starts on Tuesday.

Looking forward to it,


James A. Fogarty, Associate Professor
Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington

March 27, 2015