From Professor Eve Riskin:
I will be leading a seminar ENGR 498A Preparing for Graduate Education
in Engineering spring quarter on preparing for grad school. It meets
Tuesdays at 1:30 — 2:20 PM in Loew 222. The grading is CR/NC.
If you’re interested in grad school, sign up now. Space is limited
but right now, there are a bunch of spots open.
13945 ENGR 498 A SPECIAL TOPICS 7 30 30 23 0 T 0130-0220
We will cover topics such as:
* Why go to graduate school in Engineering
* Getting your graduate degree paid for
* Apply to graduate school
* Graduate student life and picking an adviser
* The importance of undergraduate research
* How outreach can strengthen a fellowship application
* Choosing a university for graduate school
* Practical advice on research statements
Students will get an opportunity to draft a research statement and get
it peer-reviewed during the seminar.
Eve Riskin
Eve A. Riskin
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Associate Dean of Diversity and Access
College of Engineering
University of Washington
Tel: (206) 685-2313 Fax: (206) 543-3842
Box 352180
Univ. of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-2180 email: