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Sylvan Grove – noise warning

Tracy Erbeck

Apr 30 (1 day ago)
to cs-staff, faculty, visitors, cs-grads, cs-ugrads, postdocs

May 15, Thursday–  Sylvan Grove will be rocking from 3pm-11pm.  I’ve been warned that this event will be loud.  Several bands and DJs will be performing at an event organized by the student radio station.   The offices on the south side of the building will be greatly impacted.


May 17, Saturday–  Rainier Vista will have a amplified student event with all kinds of activities…booths, music, etc.   Again, south facing offices will be impacted.


Tracy Erbeck

Facilities Manager, CSE, University of Washington

206.543.9264 (office)

206.543.2969 (fax)



May 1, 2014