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New Neural ENGR course WIN 2014: Info session TOMORROW

Dear Students,


The Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE) will offer a “Tech Sandbox Competition” in the winter quarter of 2014 as a two credit course (BioE 498G and 599H).


BIOEN 498G, SLN 21189, Thursday 3:00 – 4:50 p.m. in Russell 204, 1414 NE 42nd Street.

BIOEN 599H, SLN 21190, same days, times, place.

You need instructor permission (from Lise Johnson, ) to register. Once you have her permission, please forward that to and ask to be added to the course. Specify BIOEN 498G or BIOEN 599H and include your student i.d.#. We will NOT issue entry codes; we will register you directly, so clear ALL course conflicts prior to asking to be added.


In this class undergraduate and graduate students will work in teams to create projects that demonstrate concepts in sensorimotor neural engineering.  For these projects, students will have access to Center-based equipment (see below) and workspace.  The final projects will be presented to and judged by a panel of CSNE industry affiliates.  Each member of the winning team will receive a tablet computer for personal use.  Space is limited and students can only be enrolled once they have identified a team.  Teams must have one graduate student and one undergraduate student and no more than three members.  There will be an information session at the CSNE (1414 NE 42nd St., Suite 204) on Tuesday, November 19th at 12:30 PM.  If you are interested in the class you are encouraged to attend; if you do not have a team this is will be an opportunity to meet other interested parties.  If you have questions, please email CSNE University Education Manager, Lise Johnson at  Please feel free to share this email with your colleagues.

Equipment List:

  • Biometrics Ltd. wireless, dry EMG system including 8 active EMG sensors, 8 goniometers (different sizes to accommodate upper and lower extremites), a torsiometer, contact switches, and an event marker
  • Sensable Technologies Phantom OMNI haptic device with six degree-of-freedom positional sensing
  • Emotiv EPOC wireless 14 channel neuroheadset with the research SDK
  • 2 Microsoft Kinect sensors for Windows
  • 5 degree-of-freedom data glove for motion capture
  • MakerBot 3D printer
  • Parrot Quadrotor
  • Vicon Motion Capture System
  • Arduinos and accessories
  • Gumstix single board computers
  • Additional low-cost equipment may be purchased by the Center upon request
November 18, 2013