We are planning to add more space to CSE 484, but you must fill out the survey if you want to be considered. Professor Kohno will likely be on sabbatical next year, so while we are hoping to offer security during the 2013-2014 academic year, we can’t promise it. With that being said, please fill out this survey if you want to take 484 this winter. You will need to have completed CSE 332 and 351. Experience with C programming is important, so 333 might also be helpful.
Unlike the rest of the courses where we will overload during the first week of the quarter, we will give space in 484 to some of the students who fill out this survey. Priority will go first to graduating students, then to students who will graduate before the next possible offering.
We will not be able to accommodate all students, but hopefully opening space in 484 will also offset pressure in some of the other courses.
484 survey: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/
CSE Advising