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Barry M Goldwater Scholarship – application due Nov 8

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship:

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship was created to encourage outstanding students to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering. The awards will be distributed on the basis of merit. The University of Washington is eligible to nominate up to four outstanding candidates who are of sophomore or junior standing during the 2012-2013 academic year.

To be considered for campus nomination, a student must:

1. Be a full-time matriculated sophomore or junior pursuing a degree at an accredited institution of high education during the 2012-2013 academic year. Sophomores are eligible to receive up to two years of funding.

2. Have a college grade-point average or at least a “B” (or the equivalent) and be in the upper fourth of his or her class.

3. Be a United States citizen, a permanent resident, or a United States national. Nominations from permanent residents must include a letter of the nominee’s intent to obtain U.S. citizenship and a photocopy of the Permanent Resident Card.

4. To be competitive at the UW, students must have a minimum of three quarters of research experience and a minimum grade-point average of 3.5.

Applications for this years’ campus nominations are available online via the Goldwater Website. Students must submit the completed application, including essay and list of three to five faculty who are familiar with your work and you prospects and would be willing to write a letter of recommendation if you are selected. A faculty committee reviews application materials and four finalist are nominated for the national competition.

2011-2012 Campus Nomination Procedures:

Each applicant will need to submit the following:

Using the Barry Goldwater Online Application,

· Complete the Goldwater Application. NOTE: Do not complete the recommenders section in that it will prompt each name listed to write a letter. We do not need that information for the campus nomination application. Also do not submit the application – that will not be needed for the campus nomination process.

Using the Catalyst “Collect It’ tool, please upload the following materials (Research Essay, Unofficial Transcript, List of Recomenders) labeling each using your first name, last name, item name —

Campus Deadline: Tuesday, November 8, 2010, 11:45 p.m.

More information can be found at the Barry M. Goldwater website: or at on the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards webpage: . If you have any questions about the Goldwater Scholarship, please direct questions to: Mona Pitre-Collins,


Mona Pitre-Collins | Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards
Center for Experiential Learning | 171 Mary Gates Hall | Box 352803
University of Washington | Seattle | WA 98195 | 206-221-6059 | Fax 206-616-4389

October 19, 2011