Hello! I am in an Engineering Without Borders project here at UW which aims to develop software for the One Laptop Per Child organization’s XO laptop (www.laptop.org and www.sugarlabs.org). We are looking for anyone who knows or wants to learn Python and is interested in getting some hands-on experience in a project with real impact.
Python is a great language to learn because it is extremely versatile and powerful yet quick and easy to write and run. You will find yourself using it again and again, and it certainly won’t hurt your resume!
This project is also a chance to effect positive change in the developing world and see the results. We have a specific target for our project in Takaungu, Kenya through a grad student in the Education department who recently returned from deploying XO laptops to a village in this region.
Our next meeting is in the Engineering Library on Thursday the 4th at 7:00 PM. We will meet at the big tables behind the front desk, then move up to a study room on the second floor. I hope to see you there, but if you can’t make it, feel free to e-mail me at dylan@cs.washington.edu and I can put you on the mailing list.