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Synthetic Biology Courses

To clarify there are two synthetic biology courses this winter that are new.  Although there will be prerequisites enforced in the future, as a first time offering, the prereqs have been relaxed. For information on CSE 488 please see the class flyer for more information: (note the course is colisted as EE 425)

There is also a CSE 487 advanced synthetic biology course taught by the BioEngineering dept. It’s taught by Prof. Sauro:

If you would like to register for either of these two courses, please send your name, student number and the sln to ugrad-advisor@cs and we’ll add you.

Since they are both graded CSE courses at the 400 level, they can count towards your additional CSE Senior Electives (but not one of the four required breadth courses for CS majors)

CSE advising

December 11, 2009