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career fairs are coming up – some important information

Student info page for the Allen School career fair:

The fall 2018 industry affiliates recruiting fairs are just around the corner:

  • UW Data Science fair: Monday, October 22, 1:00-6:00 p.m. in the Ballroom at the HUB. More information regarding this fair may be viewed here.
  • Established company fair: Tuesday, October 23, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the Ballroom (2nd floor) at the HUB. More information about participating companies will be available shortly.
  • Startup and smaller company fair: Wednesday, October 24, 1:00-5:00 p.m. in the Atrium. More information about participating companies will be available shortly.

Tech talks and other events:

We have several technical talks scheduled this fall, brought to you by our various industry affiliate partners. Please be sure to attend these. The schedule for talks is listed on the undergraduate advising calendar.

Important things to remember:

  • Participate in all events – particularly the recruiting fairs.
  • Be sure to pick up your name badge prior to the recruiting events. This is how the recruiters will know you are an Allen School (CSE) student. Check here for more info.
  • Be sure to bring your Husky Card with you. You will be asked to swipe your card for entry for all career fairs. This must be done before you will be able to enter the fair.
  • Add your resume to the new Resume Database for Affiliate companies to search.
  • Bring copies of your resume to the fairs.
  • Make sure your contact information is clearly visible.
  • Dress appropriately.
October 11, 2018

Cupcakes for National Coming Out Day!

Hello Allen School! Today is National Coming Out day, a day to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) awareness! We’re celebrating an exciting year at the Allen School for LGBTQ+ students:
  • We had our first LGBTQ+ breakfast during grad visit days
  • We started Q++, a mostly undergrad/5th yeah master focused student organization to build community (starting with an ice-cream social in the spring). LGBTQ community members can sign up for Q++ mailing list here:
  • We sent students to the Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing, which included sessions on LGBTQ individuals
  • We started regular LGBTQ grad meetups (if you’re interested, join the #lgbtq slack channel)
  • Other cool stuff that we’re currently forgetting!
To celebrate with us, come to the Atrium, we have rainbow cupcakes*! You can also come ask us about other Allen School LGBTQ events throughout the year, ask about our #lgbtq slack channel, or simply come say hi!
While we celebrate this day of coming out, we acknowledge that there are many ways for LGBTQ individuals to exist, with or without being outThis article nicely touches upon why NCOD should be taken with a grain of salt!
Maarten (on behalf of the Diversity Committee)
* from Cupcake Royale; there are vegan and gluten free options too
October 11, 2018

[ACM] Interview Prep Mondays

Happy Interview Season!

ACM will be hosting technical interview prep Mondays in CSE 305 from 6:00PM – 7:00PM throughout the quarter.

The interview prep sessions will be an opportunity for you and a group to go over a couple of practice technical interview questions. Feel free to attend multiple dates, if not all of the sessions! The sessions are open to people of all experience levels. Whether you have never completed a technical interview or have completed multiple, you are welcome to join us. Please bring paper and pen.  🙂

The first technical interview prep event will be next Monday, October 15th at 6PM.  See you there!

October 10, 2018

Hello from the Allen School Asst Director for Diversity & Outreach!

Hello, Allen School undergrads!

I hope your first couple weeks of Autumn have gone well.

I’d like to introduce myself. As a member of the Allen School advising team, I work alongside your advisors, but I focus on projects related to diversity and inclusion: broadening interest in CS through K-12 outreach, promoting an inclusive community, and helping make our policies and programs equitable. I work with a lot of student leaders, including our K-12 outreach Ambassadors, ACM-W, the Student Advisory Council, our new Q++ organization supporting LGBTQ undergrads. I also work with the Allen School Diversity Committee and many other people across the Allen School.

We also rely on you to make our program inclusive! This includes welcoming your peers, contributing through student leadership roles, and letting us know where we can improve. To quote Allen School Director Hank Levy, The most important thing we can do to promote inclusiveness is to listen to the people we want to support and to respond in tangible ways to the needs of students. The leadership of the Allen School believes that all students have the potential to be interested in computer science, and we believe that our ongoing efforts to promote an inclusive community help students of all backgrounds and identities succeed.”

If you’re interested in supporting diversity in the Allen School, being active in your student organizations is a great option. Many of you already do other things to support an inclusive community: volunteering as a tutor or a mentoring new students, for example, contribute to a supportive culture in the Allen School.

Some students may also be interested in one of these email lists:

New email list for people who identify as a member of an underrepresented group*:
This list is used to share opportunities and resources for undergrads who identify with groups that are often underrepresented in tech.
* “underrepresented” can mean different things, but most opportunities are intended for students who are: Black, African American, Latinx, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, LGBTQ, students with disabilities, and students from lower-income and socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Undergraduate women’s email list:
This list is used to share opportunities and resources for aimed at women and gender diversity in tech.

On a personal note, I was not interested in “diversity issues” when I was younger. I became more aware of social inequalities late in college and in grad school, and I felt education was the best place for me to help improve opportunities for all people. While many of you are already active in supporting diversity and inclusion, I know that others feel like I used to: you may think these issues are not personally relevant, or that we talk too much about diversity. If you feel this way, I want to say that my job in the Allen School still serves you. I believe strongly that the best “diversity” work is that which has a positive overall impact on our whole community — in ways that benefits everyone. I hope you’ll see the benefits of this work now, or when you reflect on your UW experience later.

Thanks, and happy Autumn!


Assistant Director – Diversity & Outreach
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

October 9, 2018

Apply Now: AI2 Outstanding Engineer Scholarship for Women and Underrepresented Minorities

The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) is pleased to announce our:  Outstanding Engineer Scholarship for Women and Underrepresented Minorities


The AI2 Outstanding Engineer Scholarship for women and underrepresented minorities exists to encourage underrepresented groups to excel in computer science and engineering, and become leaders and role models in their fields. The scholarship covers full tuition, fees, and textbooks for one academic year. It is accompanied by mentorship and a paid summer internship at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.


Why we’re awarding this:

We believe that diversity is fundamental to the greatest advances in science; a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences are necessary to combat the echo chamber effect so prevalent in technology companies. Encouraging diversity demonstrably results in teams with greater resilience and adaptability, and produces a wider range of tools and strategies. We also believe it is important not just to attract diversity to CSE programs, but to nurture lifelong careers, and lend assistance to those who might not have equal access to opportunity.


Why you should apply:

This scholarship comes paired with an internship at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2). Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field with a tremendous impact on the future of technology, and you can help make the field more accessible and inclusive!


We’re not just looking for individuals interested in the AI field – we’re looking for strong engineers to join our team.


We are looking for up to 2 individuals to receive this scholarship.


About AI2:

AI2 is a non-profit research institute in Seattle founded by Paul Allen and headed by Professor Oren Etzioni. Our core mission is to contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering. We face these engaging challenges with the expertise of a large company and the work ethic of a startup.



  1. Undergrad in UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering; currently in program (have completed CSE 142/143 or equivalent)
  2. Good academic standing (GPA of 2.5 or above)
  3. Must meet criteria of woman, non-binary, or under-represented minority
  4. Must be available to complete a 12 week internship in Summer 2019


How To Apply: email with…

  1. Your basic demographic info (separate cover sheet)
  2. Academic transcripts
  3. Essays (Questions below)



Answer all of these questions. Please limit your response to 400-500 words per question.


  1. Personal Statement. Tell us more about your journey. How would this scholarship impact you and help you succeed?
  2. What about computer science interests you? What would you plan to do with your computer science degree after graduation?
  3. Which programming/engineering classes have you taken? Describe any other programming and work experiences (e.g. work/internships, class projects, hobbies, etc.) you have had.


Application Deadline: November 9th

Decision Deadline: November 30th

October 9, 2018

new front desk staff- Hector Rodriguez

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Tracy Erbeck <>
Date: Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 5:32 PM
Subject:new front desk staff- Hector Rodriguez


You’ll notice a new face at the front desk this quarter- Hector Rodriguez has joined the Operations team working with Bekah at reception.
Originally from Texas, Hector moved to Seattle to pursue his degree in Business Administration at Seattle University.  Most recently, Hector has worked with students in Enrollment Services at Seattle Central-  we’re thrilled to have his background and experience on the team.
When Hector’s not working,  he enjoys tennis and running as well as playing music (guitar and bass).  He also Djs records at local venues (field trip for the Ops team!).
Please say hi next time you stop by the front desk!
Tracy A Erbeck
Director of Facilities
Paul G Allen School for Computer Science and Engineering
206.543.9264 (p)


October 9, 2018

Does your UW Husky Card photo accurately identify you?

Hello students,

The Allen School has created laminated name badges for the undergrad and master’s students which will be required for access to the recruiting events during the upcoming academic year with your current Husky Card photo. If you are unidentifiable in your Husky card photo for reasons such as below, we will reprint your name badge:

The current photo cuts off part of your face or head
The lighting is bad and your face doesn’t clearly show up against the background
Your identity has changed since your initial photo

Please note that this is only available at this time for students whose Husky Card photo does not accurately identify them. You will need to provide a new headshot against a plain background for us to use. We will resize it to fit our form.

Online Submission form. 

The deadline is very quick so please have it done by this midnight, Thursday, October 11th.


~CSE Advising and External Relations

October 9, 2018

Reminder: SAC Applications Due October 10th 11:59pm

Hello CSE!
This is a reminder that SAC applications are due this Wednesday. Please apply as it’s a great opportunity to get involved in the CSE community!
Interested in getting involved in student leadership? Want to make a difference in your community? Apply now to be an at-large representative for the Student Advisory Council! We are currently looking for undergraduate and 5th year master students to join our team.  This is a great opportunity for you to develop soft skills and shape your Allen School experience. You will have the opportunity to have a real impact on the school and represent your peers. Past events we have organized included discussion forums and industry panels.  We are looking for a diverse team and look forward to reading your application! Apply online at
Applications close October 10 at 11:59PM.
October 8, 2018

Events – week of October 8, 2018

Welcome to the second full week of the fall quarter! Please be sure to check the undergrad calendar for more information on upcoming events:

Tuesday, October 9th, 5:45-7:00 p.m., ECE125

“Not a tech talk” tech talk. Learn more about the company from one of its engineers.

Tuesday, October 9th, 6-7:45 p.m., SIG134
Airbnb Technical Interview Workshop

We invite you to join us for a technical interview workshop led by one of our own engineers. This workshop will dive deep into Airbnb interview best practices, as well as walk through a sample problem similar to our technical interviews.


Wednesday, October 10th, 12:00-3:00 p.m., table in Atrium
Nutanix office hours

At Nutanix, we are looking for the next group of innovative and passionate students to join our family. Interested in learning more about Nutanix, our interview process, or just want to stop by and say hello? We’ll be hosting office hours today! Stop by and learn more about our mission!

Wednesday, October 10th, 3:00-5:00 p.m., Atrium
Resume Review Workshop

This workshop is designed to allow you to gather tips from the experts to turn your resume drafts into documents that will help land your dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few printed copies of your resume – anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine. Show up anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with 1 or more recruiters or technical interview experts from several of our affiliate companies, both large and small. These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the upcoming recruiting fair on October 23rd and 24th.

Wednesday, October 10th, 6 p.m., ECE125
Nutanix tech talk

More information to follow.

Thursday, October 11th, 6-7 p.m., ECE125
Extrahop Networks Tech Talk

More information to follow

Thursday, October 11th, 5:30-7 p.m., 134 Mary Gates Hall
AI at Bloomberg

Decision makers across the global finance industry look to Bloomberg to deliver timely political, business and financial information and insight. Today, a large part of this insight is derived using artificial intelligence (AI). The practice of AI at Bloomberg presents its researchers with the unique challenges associated with building low-latency, and highly-available, systems to find needles within haystacks of data. in this talk, we will introduce the wide variety of problems that we solve using AI at Bloomberg and provide a brief overview of the cutting-edge AI research that our teams have recently published.

Friday, October 5th, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., table in the Atrium
Deloitte meet & greet

Stop by and chat with team members from Deloitte and the opportunities at Deloitte.

Friday, October 5th, 1-3 p.m., table in the Atrium
Microsoft office hours

Stop by and chat with team members from Microsoft.

October 8, 2018

Request for Industry Panelist for transfer seminar (10/11 from 10:30AM – 11:30AM)

Hello Allen School students!

We are looking for ~5 panelists for an industry panel we are putting on for our transfer seminar. The transfer seminar is for first-quarter transfer students in our major. We focus on community development, internship prep, academic planning, and extracurriculars in the course.

This year we have 45 students in the transfer seminar. Most of them are very eager to learn more about the internship interview process and what the internship experience is like. You must have had an CSE internship to participate on the panel —all internship experiences/perspectives are welcome and appreciated (large companies, small companies, start-ups, etc.)!

Here are the details:

Industry Panel for CSE 390T

Thursday, October 11, 2018 from 10:30AM – 11:20AM

Please let me know if you are interested by 10/10 at 9:00AM.

Thanks for considering! 🙂


October 8, 2018

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