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New Seminar Winter 2019: Reliable Software Systems

* Title: Reliable Software Systems
*Prerequisite: internship or project experience, and CSE 331, junior or senior standing
* Description:
Nowadays, software engineers build pieces of systems that rely on other systems, and other systems rely on them. In this interconnected world, every engineer needs to know how to identify and mitigate failures in their system. This seminar will help students become familiar with various industry practices for creating and running reliable software systems.
*CSE 490 R1  22149      Th 130-220 CSE 403
* Number of credits:  1
November 6, 2018

[ACM] Fall Fest RSVP Information


We’d like to share two important pieces of information about Fall Fest.

  1. RSVP’s for ACM members will be closing THIS FRIDAY, November 9th.
  2. +1 RSVP’s have almost reached capacity, so we will be capping the +1 RSVPs TONIGHT, Novembers 6th, at 11:59PM. Late +1 RSVP’s will not be accepted.

In order to attend, you must RSVP via Eventbrite ( by these deadlines. Walk-in attendees will not be accepted this year.

Thank you to those of you who have RSVP’ed already. 🙂 Please remember to bring your QR code (mobile or printed out) on the day of the event in order to reduce wait times for entry.

November 6, 2018

Allen School Graduate Programs Info Session Next Thursday

Come learn about CSE’s Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s (BS/MS) Program, the Professional Masters Evening Degree Program, and/or about pursuing your PhD in CSE.

The first part of the session will feature information about the BS/MS program, followed by a short presentation on the Evening Degree, and the second half will go over general PhD admissions nuts and bolts and will feature a panel of CSE PhD students. You are welcome to attend one, two, or three parts of the session – come and go as you wish.

Thursday November 15th, CSE 691

3:30-5 PM*

*3:30-4 5th Year Masters Program

*4:00-4:15 Professional Masters Evening Degree

*4:15-5:00 PhD

November 6, 2018

Ethical Automation Seminar winter quarter- must fill out form to request registration

* Title: Ethical Automation
* This course will investigate the role of values in how practitioners in AI, such as engineers and researchers, evaluate and construct systems which are automating tasks currently accomplished by humans. We will look at the effects of automation in thought work as well as in mechanized systems, and how practitioners in automation can perceive their own work in relation to broader social contexts. We will explore questions related to AI bias, identity, and epistemology, among others. These questions will be motivated with hands-on work and discussion.
* Time it will meet: Tuesday 1:30-3:20 pm
* Max size: 30
* Number of credits: 2
* Registration form link:
November 5, 2018

Learn to Build Machine Learning Apps with AWS DeepLens

Amazon encourages any Allen School student to register/participate but has a particular interest in AI/ML. RSVP is required! (See link below.)

AWS DeepLens is the world’s first deep learning enabled video camera for developers. In this first-of-its-kind DataPalooza workshop, you’ll build a solution to help music festival attendees find which DJ stage has the happiest crowd so that they can catch the hottest DJ sets out there.

Are you interested in Machine Learning and IoT development? Then join us on Thursday, November 15th from 2pm-6pm in the South Ballroom of the HUB at UW for a 4-hour hands-on workshop with this bleeding edge technology.

Register here to participate:

Please note that on the day of the workshop, devices will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis and that your registration does not guarantee a spot in the workshop.

You must have an AWS account in order to participate. Please sign up at before the workshop so that you are ready to go when it begins!

Once you sign up for your AWS account, you may also sign up for AWS Educate to receive a $100 promotional credit at

Please e-mail if you have any questions about the workshop.

November 5, 2018

Friendly reminder – “holding” courses for your friends is strictly forbidden

Hello folks,

It’s come to our attention yet again that some students are “holding” courses for their friends and then dropping them so their friend with a lower priority registration can register. This is strictly forbidden by UW policy. As is using any sort of unfair advantage to obtain courses.

We do have the ability to see exactly when a course is added and who takes the spot, so we will be following up on any suspect cases and will place holds on your account if we find this to be happening. You will also be reported to the UW Registrar’s office.

Please, let’s all be team players here and work together through this process. It isn’t a perfect process, but if everyone actually follows the rules, it really does work out better than you might think.


Thank you.


November 5, 2018

Breakfast for First Generation college students this Thursday!

If you’re the first person in your family to pursue a bachelor’s degree, stop by CSE 691 this Thursday, 9:30-10:30, coffee and a pastry! This small celebration is in honor of the National First-Generation College Celebration.
As University Diversity Director Rickey Hall wrote in his message to the UW community this morning: “Being the first” in your family or community to attend college comes with a set of unique challenges and all too often our first-generation students feel invisible. As a first-gen student myself, I know this well. I am also aware of the great contributions that are made by our first-gen community members, faculty and staff included. Your experience and perspective make us better as an institution. It brings me great joy that our three campuses can come together to elevate your success during what will be a special day throughout the nation.”  Read more about UW initiatives celebrating First Gen students here.
The Allen School looks forward to seeing our First Gen students on Thursday! Also watch for faculty and staff wearing “I Am First-Gen” buttons this week, provided by the UW to showcase how many others were the first in their families. 🙂
November 5, 2018

Events – week of November 5, 2018

Please be sure to check the undergrad calendar for more information on upcoming events:


Monday, November 5, 6:00-7:00 p.m. – ECE 125

Starbucks tech talk

Join us for a Tech Talk with leaders and prior interns from Starbucks!
Monday,November 5, 2018
6:00to 7:30pm

Network with Starbucks leaders, prior interns & recruiters! You’ll learn about Tech Innovation, Starbucks and the Intern Program, a mini tech deep dive, and directly from prior interns’ experiences. Come join us! Dinner is provided. To apply for our 2019 Summer Internships, visit and drop off a copy of your resume at the info session.


Tuesday, October 30th, 5:45-7:15 p.m. – ECE 125

Think Outside the Valley: Blue Origin tech talk

WHAT WE DO: At Blue Origin we envision a future where millions of people are living and working in space. We are developing human spaceflight systems, including reusable launch vehicles and rocket engines that will dramatically lower the cost of access to space. Internships and full-time opportunities available.


Wednesday, November 7th, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon – table in Atrium

Open Venture office hours

Joe Wallin (startup lawyer) of Carney Badley Spellman, and Randall Lucas (venture investor) of Voyager Capital, will resume their open venture office hour first Wednesdays at 11 am in the CSE atrium. Any school affiliates with an interest in starting or joining a startup company are welcome to join to discuss things like what it takes to form a corporation, how to raise investor capital, what kind of roles there are for CSE grads in startups, etc.


Wednesday, November 7th, 12:00-3:00 p.m. – table in Atrium

Nutanix office hours

At Nutanix, we are looking for the next group of innovative and passionate students to join our family. We’ll be hosting a meet & greet today! Stop by and learn more about our mission!


Wednesday, November 7th, 5:00-7:00 p.m. – Gates Commons

Startup Confidential Talk

Please come and join the UW CSE Entrepreneurship club at the 2nd Startup Confidential dinner and speaker series, Wednesday November 7th at 5-7PM. Dinner starts at 5PM, talk at 6. If you plan to attend, please RSVP here so we can order the right amount of food.

Our second speaker will be Stewart Fortier (, the current CTO of Banzai, a seattle startup on Lake Union. Stewart is a serial entrepreneur (starting in college) and he is going to talk about his prior company, MassRoots, the 2nd successful cannabis-tech startup in US!


Thursday, November 8th, 6:00-8:15 p.m.

Mock technical interviews

To participate, you must be registered and received a confirmation email from Kim Nguyen.

November 5, 2018

RSVP for Startup Confidential Talk and Dinner 11/7 @ 5-7PM, Gates Commons

Please come and join the UW CSE Entrepreneurship club at the 2nd Startup Confidential dinner and speaker series, Wednesday November 7th at 5-7PM 🎉🗣!

Dinner starts at 5PM, talk at 6. If you plan to attend, please RSVP here so we can order the right amount of food🍽🍽🍽.

Our second speaker will be Stewart Fortier (, the current CTO of Banzai, a seattle startup on Lake Union. Stewart is a serial entrepreneur (starting in college) and he is going to talk about his prior company, MassRoots, the 2nd successful cannabis-tech startup in US!


Stewart Fortier is the CTO at Banzai, a 60-person bootstrapped startup in Seattle. Before joining Banzai, he was a CTO-In-Residence at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence where he helped to launch a leading company in the speech synthesis space.

Previously, he served as the co-founder & CTO at MassRoots, which is now a public company. He has built and led world-class engineering teams from the first line of code through a successful exit, as well as investing in or advising over a dozen startups.


Stewart will be speaking about his adventures going from self-taught programmer to one of the youngest CTOs of a public company ever.

Building a company remains a fairly opaque process and is nothing like it’s portrayed in the movies. Stewart will be sharing anecdotes that will hopefully help illuminate what the actual experience of starting a company is like, and, if nothing else, will be entertaining.


Michael Jae-Yoon Chung

Graduate Student

Computer Science & Engineering

University of Washington

November 5, 2018

Registration notes for winter 2019

Just a few notes for winter quarter:

*We will not be giving any add codes out to overload courses, please do not come to Quick Questions for that reason

*Please sign up on ‘notify’ and make sure your MyPlans are up to date so we can try to do a better job of forecasting interest in advance

*Yes, courses are going to fill fast, but keep in mind students tend to ‘hoard’ courses and then drop them the first week.  After the first week there was space in just about every course this fall.  We don’t like this any more than you folks do, but please be patient and most students get the courses they need. (And, please don’t hoard courses)

*There will be an extra large offering of Machine Learning in the spring, so we should be able to accommodate a lot of you by the end of the year.

*We try to adjust courses with more space as needed when possible. There are a lot of restrictions, but I promise we’ll be doing the best we can.

*We will open capstone space as it comes available in the next couple of weeks.


Thank you for your patience!

~CSE Advising: Crystal, Jenifer, Maggie, Chloe, Leslie and Kim

November 5, 2018

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