Several of you have noticed that the spring time schedule is already posted.
We just wanted to write to let you know about a few pending changes that are coming up.
1. 446 will move to MW 330-450pm and math 308 is strongly recommended. It will be added as an official prereq starting in the fall, but strongly recommended this spring as well.
2. 452 will move to MWF 230-320pm, right now 451 is still a listed prereq, but that will change to CSE 332 and 333 as the only required courses with 451 highly recommended. We’re hoping this change will go into effect for spring, but if it doesn’t, you’ll need adviser help registering and we’ll be in touch closer to registration on how that will work.
3. 473 will move to MWF 930-1020am
4. 340 is a new HCI course that will be offered in spring, it will have a temporary number of CSE 490L and will eventually move to 340. Course Description: User interfaces for computing systems, including principles and implementation techniques. Covers key topics and programming paradigms for interactive systems, such as event handling; graphical layout, design, and widgets; undo; accessibility; and context awareness. Provides experience with modern application domains and frameworks (e.g., mobile applications).
5. CSE 401 has been taught two different ways depending on who the instructor was (Hal Perkins vs. Ras Bodik). It will now be officially moving to two separate numbers. The 401 this spring will eventually be called CSE 402. If you took 401, you can also take 402. Here is the 402 description: Design and implementation of domain-specific languages. Creation of new programming abstractions, formal and informal language specification techniques, implementation strategies to support language analysis and execution on traditional and non-traditional computing platforms. Selection and use of appropriate software tools and development environments to build novel DSLs.
6. If you want to take a 500 level course, you’ll need to fill out the online request form.
7. And finally, a reminder, we do not overload CSE courses. If any of these situations apply to you, please write or come in to speak directly with an adviser.
- You are graduating and must have a course to graduate and only that one course, and have been unable to register by the 2nd day of spring quarter.
- You had a problem beyond your control during registration
- You have been unable to register for ANY CSE course and it’s the first week of the quarter.
We know a lot of you worry,but we also know from years of experience that many many many students hoard courses (it would be great if you didn’t do that). After they stop hoarding, most folks can get into courses they need. Please try to be patient and work within the system.
Final note, the week of Feb. 11th and 18th the advising staff will be incredibly busy due to some unfortunate timing. We will have new students being admitted with questions, we will have several hundred denied students wanting to know why they were not admited and we’ll be in the thick of spring registration with 1300+ current students. Please try to plan ahead or at least plan to be extra patient with getting questions answered, and know that we are doing the best we can to keep up.
Thank you everyone!
~CSE Advising: Crystal, Jenifer, Maggie, Chloe, Leslie, Kim and Pim
Crystal Eney
Director of Student Services
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Bill & Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science & EngineeringBox 3523553800 E. Stevens Way NE Seattle, WA 98195206.685.7571 / fax 206.543.2969 /