HEYO Allen School!
I hope you’re making the best of these last few sweet days of summer! It took me a bit longer than expected, but I’ve been busy building a MONSTER guide to help YOU build your resume. With some major formatting help from the indomitable Chris Kang, this 17 page labor-of-love is ready for release: http://bit.ly/cseresumeguide
Feel free to jump right in! This handbook is not meant to be a strict guide for how your resume should be written or what you should be doing, but it’s a good place to start if you don’t know what the eff you are doing. I felt compelled to write this because although there are numerous career centers on campus and a limitless supply of resume how-to articles on the interwebs, the majority of my appointments are STILL spent talking about resumes. This signals to me that our community hasn’t yet found a satisfying resource for building resumes so here is my attempt at providing that to you, Allen School fam.
If you have any feedback or follow up questions, please feel free to email me (kim@cs.washington.edu) or drop me an anonymous comment: http://bit.ly/kimcsama
From the last blog post, I got some solid follow up questions about CSE 332 so here are some answers.
Q: What is the importance of CSE 332 for the internships? I have decent experience from a previous software engineering internship. Can I still apply to the internships that you mentioned needing CSE 332 for or is there a strict requirement for CSE 332? Thank you!
A: The interview process for software engineering jobs (internships and fulltime) will involve a substantial technical evaluation. This usually comes in the form of a coding question. You’ll need to have solid knowledge of data structures to be successful at the interviews. This knowledge can be acquired in CSE 332 or on your own via self-study. So to answer your question, no, there is no strict requirement for CSE 332. But I recommend you pick up a book like, “Cracking the Coding Interview” and hop onto https://leetcode.com/ to do some practice problems and prepare yourself for the interviews ASAP.
For more information on interviews, check out this presentation: http://bit.ly/cseinterviews
Also, here is my favorite article ever written about technical interviews: https://medium.com/@techie4good/the-secrets-no-one-told-you-about-technical-interviews-5294fed0da9a
Q: What do I do if I’m a junior and I’m taking 332 in the fall? Will I know enough by the time it matters?
A: I suggest you review the materials I’ve mentioned above ASAP. You should be completing the majority of your interviews this fall and you will most likely not know enough within the first couple of weeks of class to be ready for interviews.
If you didn’t get your question answered, don’t worry! More blog posts coming your way! Got more questions? Drop me a line: http://bit.ly/kimcsama
Peace Homies!
Kim Win