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College Seniors Wanted for Facebook Study

Greetings DUB,
I’m currently recruiting participants for a study about how college seniors monitor and manage the photos on their Facebook profiles. While this demographic probably does not include many of you, if you could share this with your undergraduate students, it would be much appreciated. The full study information can be found below or at
Thanks for your help.
(full study information)

Are you going to be graduating from college in 2012?
Do you have a Facebook account with photos of yourself on it?

If you are 18 or older and answered yes to either of these questions, we would like to talk to you!

We invite you to participate in a research study investigating the way students control what photos are associated with them on Facebook. Participants in this study will fill out a short questionnaire and participate in at least one audio-taped interview. The interview would take place at our lab at the University of Washington in Sieg Hall or at a mutually agreeable location that has Internet access. The interview will take no more than 1 hour. We may request 1 additional half-hour interview at a later date, which you may decline.

During the interview we will ask you to show us your Facebook account and talk about your photos. We will also ask for a printout or screen shot of 3 different photos of yourself. You may decline to show us your Facebook profile or to share a printout or screen shot. If you are geographically distant we will conduct an interview over the phone at a mutually convenient time. For phone interviews, we would call you so it would cost you nothing.

Participation in this study is strictly voluntary. There is no cost to you for participating. You will not be paid for your participation in this research. If you are interested in participating or have any questions about this study, please contact either Behzod Sirjani or Charlotte Lee. Contact information is below. We cannot ensure the confidentiality of any information sent by e-mail.

Behzod Sirjani
Lab Phone: (206) 685-1514 (no voice mail)

Prof. Charlotte Lee
Phone: (206) 543-0902

Computer Supported Collaboration (CSC) Laboratory
Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering
University of Washington

April 3, 2012

Speakers Wanted For Undergrad Research Seminar

Hello, I’m Tim Vega and  I’m TAing for the Undergrad Research Seminar,, this quarter.  We would like undergrad speakers to present their work to a group of about 20 undergrads, ranging from sophomores to seniors, on Fridays from 12:30 – 1:20.

The goal of the seminar is to get undergrads to recognize that doing research isn’t just for students going to grad school, seniors doing a thesis, 4.0 students, and students with extensive experience. We’re doing outreach to get undergrads involved with graduate students, faculty, and research.

It would be great if you could speak about what it is you work or have worked on, what you’re trying to accomplish, and entertain the undergrads with a technical, yet accessible, aspect of your research.

We’d additionally like for you to talk about your background: class year/standing, how long you’ve been doing research, what you’ve learned, what it’s like working with faculty/grads, etc.

As an undergrad you’ll have a large advantage in being able to relate to the class. This is also a great chance to practice public speaking if you happen to be working on a senior thesis and need to do a presentation.

Would anyone like to be a speaker for our seminar?

April 3, 2012

Currently Enrolled in CSE 190M (web programming)? Need volunteer(s) April 6!

We are looking for a volunteer or two to escort 3 HS seniors (who were newly admitted to UW) to web programming on Friday, April 6th and also give a short informal tour of the CSE building. You would meet them in front of class around 12:20 and then give the tour after class. You’d be free by 2pm 🙂

Please let me know if you are interested! Bonus points if you are also taking CSE 332 — we have another, more advanced student, who is interested in attending CSE 332 the same day.

March 30, 2012

2012-2013 ACM / ACM-W Officer Nominations

It’s that time of the year again, us ACM/W officers will be stepping down and we need to get new officers elected.

This is a great opportunity for a leadership role and departmental involvement!

Nominate people you think are worthy to take the reigns of ACM by going to:

You can nominate as many people as you’d like.

Specific officer roles will be determined in the future.

March 26, 2012

Need mentors for new CSE majors – Wednesday evening event 430-6pm March 28th

If you have been in the department as a major for at least one quarter and have time on Wednesday  from 430-600 to serve as a mentor for a new CSE ugrad, please sign up on the catalyst survey. Food is included!

Please sign up soon. If you sign up, plan on attending, but we’ll try to send a follow up by Wednesday morning. with a few more details.

Thank you,

CSE Advising

March 21, 2012

Register for the K-12 Computing Education seminar in spring!

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Helene Martin <> wrote:


I want to remind any of you who like working with kids, enjoy teaching
or are interested in issues around computer science education in K-12
to join the spring K-12 Computing Education seminar.  We will read
about and discuss existing K-12 CS initiatives with the goal of being
better advocates and supporters of K-12 CS education.  Participants
will be involved in volunteering projects with a commitment from
anywhere between 2 hours a quarter to 10 hours a week.  The course can
be taken for 1 to 5 credits depending on volunteer hours.  Help us
inspire the next generation of computer scientists!

You’ll need an add code to participate.  Please e-mail me for more
details and to join.



March 6, 2012

Participate! Research Study on Undergraduate Students in Computing Fields

Dear CSE Students,

With the consent of Professor Levy (CSE Chair) and the department, I am conducting a NSF-funded research study entitled “Exploring the Undergraduate Experience in Computing Education.” I am seeking second-year students (or those who plan to graduate in Spring 2014) to participate.

Participation in the study is voluntary and would involve completing an in-person interview lasting for about an hour, scheduled at your convenience. All student participants will receive a $25 gift card for participating in the study, and may elect to continue with follow-up interviews in the next two academic years. If you are interested in participating, please respond to this email with your availability so that we can schedule a date and time for the interview. I will be on campus next week, March 5-9, and can meet during the day or early evenings.

Thank you in advance for your time and participation in this research project. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you should have any questions about the study.


Dr. Laura Portnoi
Associate Professor
Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling
Phone: 562-985-7047

March 1, 2012

Winterfest Needs Games! (Working Link)

Are you going to winterfest? Would you be willing to volutneer console equipment, console games, or board games? Sign up here!

February 23, 2012

Winterfest Needs Games!

Are you going to winterfest? Would you be willing to volutneer console equipment, console games, or board games? Sign up here!

February 23, 2012

Need a couple of volunteers tonight 530pm – 730pm

Hey folks,

This is very last minute, but I’ll be hosting a table tonight for UW CSE at a major’s fair in Terry/Lander from 530pm to 730pm.

I’d love to have a few students join me for all or part of the evening. If you’re interested, please contact me directly at ceney@cs

thank you!

Crystal Eney

Academic Advisor – Lead
Computer Science & Engineering

University of Washington – Seattle


February 22, 2012

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