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ACM Career Fair Backpack Check In – Volunteers Needed!

Hi everyone! UW ACM will allow you to store your backpacks during the career fairs next week (1/28 and 1/29). Backpacks will be kept in the ACM lounge, with volunteers managing storage/retrieval and at least an officer overseer.
We need at least 2 people staffed at all times, so we need as many people to help as possible to sign up! If we don’t have enough volunteers, we will not be able to organize the backpack check in. Sign up for all times you are available, we will select a shift for you.
It will close on Monday, January 27th at 12:00 pm noon. The privacy settings is set to all current CSE undergrads.
We will send out emails to people who respond to the survey to confirm their shift(s) on Jan 27th.
If you have any questions, please email Chris Apacible at chrisapa@cs
January 19, 2014

Teach for America Application Deadline Jan 24



Fourth Application Deadline: Friday, January 24

Learn how to apply and review the application timeline here.

Start your application here!


On-Campus Events this Quarter

Event Date Time Location
Teach For America Pre-Health/Pre-Research Networking Night


Tuesday, 1/14 5:30-6:30pm HCK 132
Leadership in Education: Expanding Access, Equity and Opportunity in Your Community with City Year, the College of Education, the Seattle Teacher Residency and Teach For America


Wednesday, 1/15 5:30-7:30pm MGH 134
Diversity Career Fair


Thursday, 1/16 5:30-8:30pm The HUB
Teach For America Application Workshop


Tuesday, 1/21 4:30-6:00pm SAV 155
Post-Grad Service Panel with Americorps, City Year, Peace Corps and Teach For America


Wednesday, 1/22 6:00-7:30pm SMI 205


What’s the advantage of applying to at the 1/24 deadline as opposed to the 2/20 deadline?

  • Higher chances of being admitted to your top choice region
  • More access to transitional funding
  • More time to prepare for your future students (if you wait until the last deadline, you won’t confirm your offer to TFA until April 1 – that’s just about two months before you would have to leave for your induction!)


Teach For America is developing a movement of leaders who will help drive change at every level of our education system toward the goal of closing the opportunity gap in America.  These leaders start their paths as corps members who teach for two years in urban and rural high-need communities and help students make the academic progress that expands their opportunities.  Deeply affected by their teaching experience, our alumni continue to advocate for students and build lasting change in many different roles and fields.


The Basics and Benefits:

  • All academic majors and backgrounds accepted
  • Regional placement is not random; applicants preference location in our 48 regions
  • All grade levels (preK-12) and subjects including ELL and SpEd
  • Salary ranging from $25,500-$51,000 a year with health insurance and retirement benefits
  • Possible Americorps Education Award of $11,100 and loan deferment/forbearance
  • Option to earn your certification and/or Masters in Education/teaching
  • Graduate school and employer partnerships for alum to continue their leadership and impact


For additional information, explore our website and youtube channel or contact Katherine Kleitsch at


January 14, 2014

Applications Due Sunday! College of Engineering Student Advisory Council

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 2013-14 (inaugural year)

College of Engineering Student Advisory Council

The College of Engineering is launching an Engineering Student Advisory Council to the Dean and is seeking undergraduate and graduate student applications.  Please circulate this call for applications to undergraduate and graduate students in your department.  It would be particularly helpful to encourage students whom you believe would be particularly effective members of this Council to apply.

The Engineering Student Advisory Council provides a student perspective on planning and budgeting matters for the College of Engineering.  The Council, which includes approximately 20 students (undergraduate and graduate), will meet monthly with the College of Engineering Dean or Associate Dean and some engineering staff.  Both the Council and the leadership of the College will provide discussion topics for the meetings.  The ideal membership of the committee will represent students from all backgrounds including women, underrepresented minorities, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, low-income, transfer, residential, non-residential students, and Registered Student Organization (RSO) members.

The time commitment involved in serving on the Council is approximately 30-35 hours* annually including meeting times and post meeting responsibilities.  There are five council leadership roles including: Chair, Co-Chair, Historian, Associated Students of University of Washington (ASUW) Liaison, and Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) Liaison.  Council members will serve 1 year terms* with the exception of the Co-Chair who will assume the Chair position in their second term.

*The 2014 inaugural Council year will be shorter and less time-consuming in future years.

Students interested in applying to be members of the Engineering Student Advisory Council for the 2013-2014 academic year, should apply by January, 12, 2014.  Please contact John Davis,, if you prefer a hard copy of the application.  Please visit the Council website to learn more and to apply.  We look forward to receiving student applications.

Council Website:

Council Application:


January 10, 2014

ACM Career Fair Backpack Check In – Volunteers Needed!

Hi everyone! UW ACM will be storing people’s backpacks during the career fairs this week. Backpacks will be kept in the ACM lounge, with volunteers managing storage/retrieval. This is in response to numerous complaints in the past that backpacks take up a lot of space in the atrium.
We need at least 2 volunteers manning the event at all times, so we need as many people to help as possible to sign up. If we don’t have enough people the check-in won’t work! Sign up for all times you are available, we will select a shift for you. The survey for times is here:
It will close on Monday the 21st at 12:00 pm noon. The privacy settings is set to all current CSE undergrads.
We will send out emails to people who respond to the survey to confirm their shift(s) on Monday afternoon.
If you have any questions, please email Chris Apacible at chrisapa@cs
October 19, 2013

Volunteer Opportunity: National Engineering Forum Regional Dialogue, October 14 7-9pm

The College of Engineering is asking for one volunteer to help out at this event, taking place on Oct 14 from 7-9pm in the HUB.  The volunteer will receive a free dinner and the opportunity to talk to and network with professionals from many Engineering disciplines.

Your job would be to attend the event, be ready and willing to chat with people, and be a good note taker for your table. The note taking component is important, so the volunteer must consider themselves to be a good “scribe”. Please email me directly in you are interested!


Please join the National Engineering Forum in charting a path
to a prosperous, secure future.

October 14, 2013
Husky Union Building (HUB) Lyceum
University of Washington Seattle Campus
4001 NE Stevens Way
Seattle, WA 98195

Throughout America’s history, engineers have provided a wellspring of innovation to drive our economic growth and national security. In 2013, leaders from industry, academia, and other sectors will meet in innovation hubs such as Seattle to launch a national movement – the National Engineering Forum – on the future of America’s engineering enterprise and the role of engineers to position the nation for 21st century leadership.

You are invited to a National Engineering Forum dialogue event hosted by the University of Washington, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Lockheed Martin, and the Council on Competitiveness. The Regional Dialogue will be one of many conversations leading up to a cornerstone national event.  The event will focus on engineering, innovation, and entrepreneurship in Seattle. During dinner you will have the chance to weigh in and make your voice count in the development of the National Engineering Forum agenda.

The evening will begin with cocktails and brief remarks from:
Michael Kluse, Laboratory Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Michael Bragg, Dean of Engineering, University of Washington
Jeff Wilcox, Vice President of Engineering, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Deborah Wince-Smith, President and CEO, Council on Competitiveness               

Please RSVP Online by October 7


We look forward to seeing you in Seattle and working with you to ensure the future of our engineering enterprise.

If you have any questions, please contact Chad Evans, Executive Vice President, Council on Competitiveness at (202) 969-3410. The event is invitation-only and non-transferrable.

Hosted by

About the National Engineering Forum
The National Engineering Forum (NEF) brings together leaders concerned about the sustainability of the United States engineering field and the impact on the nation’s security and prosperity. NEF will bring together industry executives, academics, policymakers, media, engineering societies, and nonprofits to develop solutions to the challenges facing the U.S. engineering enterprise. For more on NEF, visit: or follow us on Twitter @NatlEngForum.

October 11, 2013

ACM Events & Volunteer Survey

As we are beginning the school year, ACM would love to hear your input on our events! We’d also love to hear if you are interested in volunteering at some events this year.

Nothing is set in stone; this is just to gauge interest and bring some new ideas to the table.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you’re having trouble accessing the Catalyst WebQ, please contact Jennifer Apacible at apacible[at]cs[dot]washington[dot]edu.
You must be an enrolled CSE major in Autumn 2013 to view this survey. The survey will close midnight Friday September 11th, 2013.
October 1, 2013

ACM Events: Interest Survey

Hello! We hope you’re having a great summer so far! As the ACM officers start to ramp up for the school year, we’d like to hear your input on our events! We’d also love to hear if you’re interested in volunteering at some of the events this year.
Nothing is set in stone; this is just to gauge interest and bring some new ideas to the table.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you’re having trouble accessing the Catalyst WebQ, please contact Jennifer Apacible at apacible[at]cs[dot]washington[dot]edu.
You must be an enrolled CSE major in Autumn 2013 to view this survey. The survey will close at midnight of September 21, 2013.
September 5, 2013

Volunteers Need for Outreach Event on 5/23

On Thursday, May 23rd, around 400 (!!) middle and high school students
will gather at Rainier Beach High School to learn about building
mobile apps using TouchDevelop (

We need about 12 volunteers to help out and encourage the students.
This is a great opportunity to be a mentor and get to know some great

We will offer a training session for volunteers on Monday 5/20 4:30-5:30.

We would love to have you participate!!  If you are interested, please
e-mail Hélène Martin ( with your availability
between 9:30 and 1:30 on 5/23 and whether you could drive to Rainier
Beach.  We will set up a carpool.

Thank you!


May 2, 2013

ACM Presents: 2013 – 2014 Officers!

Elections are over! We’d like to present your ACM officers for next school year. If you see them around, please congratulate them!

Chair: Preston
Vice Chair: Sunjay
Treasurer: Rochelle
Secretary: Vimala
External Relations: Tariq
Internal Relations: Clint
Event Coordinators: Christina and Christopher


May 1, 2013

Vote for next year’s Internal Relations Officer!

Congrats to our Secretary for next school year, Vimala! Next up, we’ll be voting for Internal Relations Officer.

Check out our candidates’ bios, as well as descriptions of each officer position here!

Vote for next year’s Internal Relations Officer:

The WebQ will close at 11PM PST on Monday, April 29, 2013.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you’re having trouble accessing the Catalyst WebQ, please contact Jennifer Apacible at apacible[at]cs[dot]washington[dot]edu.

April 28, 2013

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