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Geek of the Year

From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 7:59 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Geek of the Year
To: “” <>

Only a few days left to vote for “Geek of the Year.” It’s America –
“One IP address, one vote.” How many you got?

April 17, 2017

reminder: Finance Hacks 101 tomorrow!

Reminder: CSE alumna Stephanie Smallman and Professor Dan Grossman have a very special presentation tomorrow about managing your finances! I highly encourage you to attend, especially if you want to do something meaningful with your future tech salary — like travel, support causes you care about, or plan for a family or your future. Stephanie and another alum gave this talk a couple years ago, and it was both practical and entertaining. 🙂

CSE Financial Hacks 101
Thursday, April 13, 5pm
JHN 102


  • Your post-graduation paycheck: how to manage a tech salary
  • Money and happiness: how to get the best bang for your buck
  • Finance basics: how to set yourself up for financial success
April 12, 2017

Microsoft Student Experience Week @ U.S. Imagine Cup Finals 2017

———- Forwarded message ———- From: Flora Muglia <> Date: Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 4:49 PM Subject: Microsoft Student Experience Week @ U.S. Imagine Cup Finals 2017 To: Ed Lazowska <>



The U.S. Imagine Cup Finals, Microsoft’s student tech competition, is in Seattle on April 19-20th, and you’re invited to join us for this free student experience by RSVP’ing @! We’ve curated three unique events for you and your classmates to receive networking opportunities, technology inspiration, and community celebration. Also, you’ll get to watch 12 finalist teams compete to win up to $6,000, and the chance to advance to Imagine Cup World Finals where one team will win $100,000! We want you there!


What’s in it for you?

•     Free access to the iconic Seattle Art Museum and Space Needle, food and refreshments, plus a chance to win cool swag!

•     Networking opportunities with industry pros, VIP tech and startup execs, Microsoft recruiters, and senior leaders

•     Exposure to the latest innovative technologies (*hint* HoloLens) and inspiration from fellow student developers

•     Complimentary roundtrip bus transportation for students at University of Washington and Seattle University


Free and Exclusive Event Lineup

Network! Get Inspired! Celebrate!
Demo student tech projects, network with industry pros, meet with recruiters, try out the latest Microsoft tech innovations (like HoloLens), and hear inspiring words from Margo Day, VP of U.S. Education at Microsoft!


+ Free access to the Seeing Nature exhibit at SAM.


April 19th, 2017


Seattle Art Museum

Watch the U.S. Finalists battle it out in front of a panel of VIP tech and startup judges! Get inspired by fellow student devs and start thinking about your next big idea.



+ You will have the chance to win cool swag!


April 20th, 2017


Impact Hub

Join us for the awards ceremony where we will announce the U.S. Imagine Cup winners, overlooking the city of Seattle – food, drinks, music and celebration to follow!



+ Exclusive access to the Space Needle Observation Deck.


April 20th, 2017


Space Needle


Interested in attending? RSVP at  Not local? Get in on the action at Please reach out to with any questions.




Flora Muglia

Account Executive | US Education

Work: (425) 706-3687 |  Mobile: (206) 913-7045 |



March 27, 2017

SIAM AN17 – Call for undergrad research submissions

From: “SIAM Mailer” <>
Date: March 8, 2017 at 6:33:45 PM PST
To: <>
Subject: SIAM AN17 – Call for undergrad research submissions
Reply-To: <>

Dear Colleague,
The SIAM Education Committee would like to invite submissions for the Undergraduate Research Presentations Sessions at the 2017 SIAM Annual Meeting which is being held July 10-14 in Pittsburgh, PA.   

Research should have been completed by the speakers during the speakers’ undergraduate career, and can be in any area of Applied and Computational Mathematics.   Please encourage your students to apply!


Applications (  should be submitted by March 31st at giving the following information:

*         Title

*         Name(s) of student(s), with affiliation

*         Name(s) of Advisor(s), with affiliation, and a

*         Brief Abstract



Dr. Suzanne L. Weekes
Chair, SIAM Education Committee
Professor, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609-2280

March 10, 2017

The WA lawsuit


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 2:41 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] The WA lawsuit
To: Researchers <>, Staff <>, “” <>
It appears that the fact that UW and WSU were part of the WA Attorney General’s lawsuit is key to the state having standing to pursue the case. (One way to try to make a case go away is to argue that the party that brought the case isn’t really involved in the issue – won’t suffer any direct harm – and thus did not have “standing” to bring the case.)

From the NY Times this morning:

“But the case did not seem likely to stall on the threshold issue of standing. Judge Canby appeared to indicate that the harm to state universities was enough to establish standing.”

February 9, 2017

The “100 tech companies” brief opposing the immigration ban

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 11:50 AM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] The “100 tech companies” brief opposing the immigration ban
To: Researchers <>, Staff <>, “” <>

You’ve probably seen news of last night’s filing of a brief in the 9th
Circuit by nearly 100 companies (mostly tech companies) opposing the
immigration ban, for example:

Several people have noted that Amazon is not among the companies. The
reason is that Amazon and Expedia jumped into the fray before all
those other companies, by participating in the Washington State filing
on Friday that resulted in a temporary ban – and they were asked by
the WA Attorney General to sit out the new filing for that reason.
(Expedia, too, is not among the 100 companies.)

Here’s a note I received from Amazon’s corporate counsel regarding the


Amazon and Expedia submitted formal declarations in support of the
Attorney General’s case when it was first filed last week, and we have
been a core part of the challenge since the beginning (before other
companies became involved).

Because we are a witness in the case, and our sworn declaration is
part of the record that will be argued on appeal, it would be
inappropriate for us to participate in the amicus filing, and the
Washington Attorney General specifically asked both Amazon and Expedia
not to sign on to the Technology Companies brief filed last night. We
applaud the support offered by the other companies, however, and I
believe the brief they filed is persuasive and well written.

Cs-ugrads mailing list

February 7, 2017

Federal ruling and universities; and ACLU filings

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 2:54 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Fwd: Federal ruling and universities; and ACLU filings
To: Researchers <>, Staff <>, “” <>


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: JoAnn Taricani — Olympia <>
Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 2:15 PM
Subject: Federal ruling and universities; and ACLU filings

———- Forwarded message ———-


Normally, I would be writing about the many moving pieces of
legislation at the state level, and I will do that within the next

However, there is considerable attention in Olympia on the quickly
changing landscape regarding the executive order affecting travel and
immigration.  More filings will occur in the next 24 hours, followed
by a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, in all
likelihood followed by an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This message has two topics:  [1] a request from the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) of Washington; and [2] events of the past 48
hours in the federal case, especially as they relate to the UW.

[1] ACLU of Washington (State):  In case the travel ban is reinstated,
ACLU-WA is filing on behalf of holders of F-1, M-1, and J-1 student
and visitor visas; the ACLU-WA legal team also would like to hear from
faculty members on H-1B visas.  Please email me for the contact
information of the legal director of ACLU of Washington if anyone
holding an H-1B visa would like to contact her.

[2] The federal executive order and Washington temporary restraining
order (which is nation-wide):  State legislators and Governor Inslee
are well aware of the impact of this executive order on the students,
faculty, and staff of the state’s universities.  This executive order,
plus the protection of DACA students, lead conversations in Olympia.
(In 2014, both parties introduced and strongly supported legislation
that provide DACA students with access to state financial aid,
legislation that passed with overwhelming majorities in both political

While I will not provide an overview of the federal case and ruling
(many links below do this better), I do want to point out that the
impact of the executive order on the UW and WSU was one of the
elements that provided standing for the state to file for the
temporary restraining order that was issued on Friday by federal Judge
Robart.  (See below for an excerpt about the University of Washington
in the AG’s original motion and the supplemental pleading regarding
standing.)  As I am sure you are hearing (and linked below), the Court
of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is currently hearing an appeal to Judge
Robart’s ruling from the Department of Justice, with additional
filings due on a very rapid timeline in the next 24 hours. The 9th
Circuit could issue its ruling any time after 3:00 PM PT on Monday,
either upholding the temporary restraining order or reinstating the
travel ban.  Whatever the decision of the 9th Circuit, it is expected
that this case will be appealed further to the U.S. Supreme Court in
an expedited process.

All documents issued by the Washington Attorney General:

Original motion for a temporary restraining order (from the Attorney
General of Washington):

[excerpt:] “The Executive Order is also causing irreparable harm to
Washington’s college students and universities. At the University of
Washington, more than ninety-five students are immigrants from Iran,
Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen.  The number at
Washington State University is over 135.  Because of the Executive
Order, these students are missing out on research and educational
opportunities, travel to visit their families, study abroad, and other
irreplaceable activities that cannot be compensated through money
damages.  The universities also risk losing current and future
students, a harm that cannot be remedied with monetary damages.”

Supplemental Pleading Regarding Standing (Filed 2/1/17)

[excerpt:] “Washington also operates several world-class public
universities that are suffering adverse impacts from the Order.
Several hundred faculty, staff, and students at state higher education
institutions are here on visas from the listed countries, while others
are long-term permanent residents from the affected countries. The
order has stranded a member of the WSU faculty overseas, and will
prevent a member of the UW faculty from serving as the keynote speaker
at a conference overseas. Both universities have expended significant
resources to sponsor scholars from the affected countries to perform
research and teaching, and the Order will prevent several of those
individuals from coming to the universities or staying there. Students
and faculty from the listed countries will be prevented from
participating in planned travel outside the country to conduct
research and attend conferences. These harms to faculty, staff, and
students damage the universities’ missions and reduce their
attractiveness to international students.”

Articles on the federal ruling on Friday, February 3:

Notice of appeal by the Department of Justice, Saturday, February 4:

Appeals court declines to immediately stay the TRO, Sunday, February 5:


February 7, 2017

Fwd: So much for MIT’s federal funding

——— Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 7:01 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Fwd: So much for MIT’s federal funding
To: Researchers <>, Staff <>, “” <>
Rafael Reif, a long-time EECS faculty member who serves as the 17th President of MIT, consistently states things better than anyone else I know.
To the members of the MIT community,
First, an update:
I was hoping to write to you today with some uplifting news. Yet, as I write, we continue to push hard to bring back to MIT those members of our community, including two undergraduates, who were barred from the US because of the January 27 Executive Order on immigration. We are working personally with each of the affected individuals we are aware of. If you know of others who are directly affected, please inform us immediately so we can try to help:
Over and over since the order was issued, I have been moved by the outpouring of support from hundreds across our community. I could not be more proud, and I am certain that you join me in thanking everyone inside and outside of MIT whose extraordinary efforts have helped us address this difficult situation. We hope we can welcome everyone back to MIT very soon.
MIT, the nation and the world
I found the events of the past few days deeply disturbing. The difficulty we have encountered in seeking to help the individuals from our community heightens our overall sense of concern. I would like to reflect on the situation we find ourselves in, as an institution and as a country.
MIT is profoundly American. The Institute was founded deliberately to accelerate the nation’s industrial revolution. With classic American ingenuity and drive, our graduates have invented fundamental technologies, launched new industries and created millions of American jobs. Our history of national service stretches back to World War I; especially through the work of Lincoln Lab, we are engaged every day in keeping America safe. We embody the American passion for boldness, big ideas, hard work and hands-on problem-solving. Our students come to us from every faith, culture and background and from all fifty states. And, like other institutions rooted in science and engineering, we are proud that, for many of our students, MIT supplies their ladder to the middle class, and sometimes beyond. We are as American as the flag on the Moon.
At the same time, and without the slightest sense of contradiction, MIT is profoundly global. Like the United States, and thanks to the United States, MIT gains tremendous strength by being a magnet for talent from around the world. More than 40% of our faculty, 40% of our graduate students and 10% of our undergraduates are international. Faculty, students, post-docs and staff from 134 other nations join us here because they love our mission, our values and our community. And – as I have – a great many stay in this country for life, repaying the American promise of freedom with their energy and their ideas. Together, through teaching, research and innovation, MIT’s magnificently global, absolutely American community pursues its mission of service to the nation and the world.
What the moment demands of us
The Executive Order on Friday appeared to me a stunning violation of our deepest American values, the values of a nation of immigrants: fairness, equality, openness, generosity, courage. The Statue of Liberty is the “Mother of Exiles”; how can we slam the door on desperate refugees? Religious liberty is a founding American value; how can our government discriminate against people of any religion? In a nation made rich by immigrants, why would we signal to the world that we no longer welcome new talent? In a nation of laws, how can we reject students and others who have established legal rights to be here? And if we accept this injustice, where will it end? Which group will be singled out for suspicion tomorrow?
On Sunday, many members of our campus community joined a protest in Boston to make plain their rejection of these policies and their support for our Muslim friends and colleagues. As an immigrant and the child of refugees, I join them, with deep feeling, in believing that the policies announced Friday tear at the very fabric of our society.
I encourage anyone who shares that view to work constructively to improve the situation. Institutionally, though we may not be vocal in every instance, you can be confident we are paying attention; as we strive to protect our community, sustain our mission and advance our shared values, we will speak and act when and where we judge we can be most effective.
Yet I would like us to think seriously about the fact that both within the MIT community and the nation at large, there are people of goodwill who see the measures in the Executive Order as a reasonable path to make the country safer. We would all like our nation to be safe. I am convinced that the Executive Order will make us less safe. Yet all of us, across the spectrum of opinion, are Americans.
In this heated moment, I urge every one of us to avoid with all our might the forces that are driving America into two camps. If we love America, and if we believe in America, we cannot allow those divisions to grow worse. We need to imagine a shared future together, if we hope to have one. I am certain our community can help work on this great problem, too, by starting right here at home.
L. Rafael Reif

Cs-ugrads mailing list

January 31, 2017

SeaTac protest

This fwd is a little late, but Ed’s support for this ongoing protest is meaningful. Enjoy your rights to free speech and peaceful assembly, CSE  students.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Saturday, January 28, 2017, 5:51pm
Subject: [cs-ugrads] SeaTac protest
To:  <>, <>, <>
There have been large peaceful demonstrations today at Dulles, JFK, and other major US international airports.

There is one at Seatac this evening – 5:00-10:00 at Arrivals – in which a number of CSE community members will be participating:

Whether you attend or not, please show your support.

January 28, 2017

100th anniversary of Jacob Lawrence’s birth

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Tracy Erbeck <>
Date: Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 10:10 AM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] 100th anniversary of Jacob Lawrence’s birth
To: cs-staff – Mailing List <>, Researchers <>,, visitors – Mailing List <>


CSE is proud to take part in the celebration of Jacob Lawrence-  for the next month,  CSE’s Jacob Lawrence pieces will be on display at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery,  also known as *The Jake*.  We’ll miss having the work in the building , but it won’t be too far away, or gone for too long.


The “Legend of John Brown”, Man on a Scaffold, and The Builder’s Suite are in the process of being removed today.   The work will be returned to the building on March 6.


Tracy Erbeck

Director of Facilities,  Computer Science and Engineering

University of Washington

206.543.9264 (office)



January 23, 2017

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