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misc. updates

Two reminders:

1. Daylight savings time is this weekend, time to spring forward tonight.

2. Some construction updates re: the montlakek project


Updates on Montlake Triangle project and sidewalk closures.



Montlake Triangle Project Update 3/5/14;

This is the first in a series of sidewalk closure notifications.

The sidewalk on the east side of the Montlake Triangle will be closed for underground utility work between3/14/14 – 3/28/14.  The sidewalk on the other 2 sides of the Triangle will remain open.



Bob Dillon


Capital Projects Office


423-5155 cell

March 8, 2014

ACM Spring Event Survey

Want to lead or attend events on Programming Competition Prep, Programming Language Discussion, and more! Then please fill out this survey below if you are interested in attending or leading these events.

March 5, 2014

UW CSE/ACM Shirt Suggestions

We are looking for shirt designs for the 2014 year!
  • SVG/PNG are the accepted submission types
  • Shirts should reflect the department rather than random memes/sayings with no other indication of UW CSE/ACM
  • We reserve the right to determine which designs are acceptable
  • Keep to 1 ink colour, 1 shirt color.
Later we’ll have a vote and the top few designs will be sent to printing. We plan on having shirts in time for Spring BBQ.
Please submit your designs to:
March 5, 2014

New way to connect with people for startups, projects

We often have students ask us how they could go about finding people from CSE who would want to join their project or from CSE students, looking to connect with people with other (business, etc) talents. Looks like UW Foster School has designed a solution. Check this out.



After trying a wide variety of rather inefficient tools to help BPC teams connect with potential team members, the Buerk Center and SEBA (Science and Engineering Business Association)  partnered to develop our own UW Team Formation website! Please share this with your students, and check out the new site here: You’ll also find links on our BPC website.



To use this new tool, students first setup a profile—are you a team looking for a team member with specific skills, or someone with skills looking for a great team to join? To get set up:


·         Go to


·         Select whether you want to sign-up as a team or an individual


·         Register your account information (upper-right)


·         Login and edit your account


·         All information will be reviewed and approved within a few days


·         Browse for teams to join or people to join your team


Students from any college or university in the state of Washington are invited to use this site as well—find partners on your own campus, or create a multi-campus team. However, this site is intended for student use only, and all submissions are reviewed before posting.






Amy Sallin
Assistant Director
Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
Michael G. Foster School of Business

tel 206.685.9868  |
Dempsey Hall 227, Box 353223, Seattle, WA 98195

February 28, 2014

Making Sense of Data online course from Google (no credit)

From: Marion Daly []
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:39 PM
To: Kay Beck-Benton; Hank Levy; Ed Lazowska
Subject: Making Sense of Data – Online course for students/faculty


Hi folks,

I wanted to share with you a new online course that Google just launched, Making Sense of Data. This self-paced course introduces tools and techniques to structure, visualize and analyze information. It’s intended for anybody who works with data on a daily basis, including students, and who wants to learn more about how to apply that information to practical problems.


Making Sense of Data runs from March 18 – April 4, 2014. Visit to learn more and register.


Please feel free to share with any students or faculty you think might be interested.




Additional context for students/faculty


Benefits of Use:


·         Course participants will learn about the basics of data, Fusion Tables, and data analysis techniques that can be used to gain insight, communicate ideas, or help make decisions.


·         In this course, participants will learn about the following:


o    The basics of data, including the structure and organization of data


o    The steps of the data process, including preparing, analyzing, and applying data


o    How to create and use Google Fusion Tables


o    Organize, summarize, and create charts from data


o    Different data analysis techniques and when to use them


Logistics and Requirements:


·         Registration opens: 2/25/2014


·         Course begins: 3/18/2014


·         Course ends: 4/4/2014


·         Sign up link: []


  • Time commitment: Approximately 10-15 hours

Marion Daly Specialist, Tech University Programs – West – GooglSeattle | 650-669-7594 |

February 28, 2014

ACM Lounge Fridge Off Limits 2/26-2/28

The ACM lounge fridge and freezer will be cleaned out the evening of Wednesday 26th, and will be off limits from then until after Winterfest. If you do not have your food out of the fridge or the freezer by Wednesday night it will be thrown out.

February 24, 2014

UW CSE Ultimate (Frisbee) Team

Every year UW CSE has had an Ultimate Frisbee team, and we want you to join. Fill out the survey below to express your interest.

February 18, 2014

Invite to IEEE-HKN Meeting this Thursday: S-PAC and Leadership

Hi everyone,
On Thursday, February 13th, from 5 PM – 6 PM IEEE-HKN will be meeting in EEB M306 to discuss our upcoming spring event, the Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC). We will also be seeking leadership and officers for 2014/15.
The 2013 S-PAC was very successful and offered students a great opportunity to talk with industry reps, network, win prizes and have a nice catered dinner. Students gained insider knowledge about the job application process, learned about the state of the industry and had a chance to improve their communication skills. If you’d like to provide input, assist in planning or learn more about this spring 2014 event – please join us.
We’ll also be discussing IEEE-HKN leadership for next year, and transitioning to new leadership over the summer. If you are interested in IEEE-HKN leadership at the University of Washington, please come to this meeting. If you are interested in leadership but cannot attend the meeting, please email me directly at so we can discuss how you can become involved.
Thank you and look forward to seeing you this Thursday!

UW IEEE-HKN Student Branch

February 10, 2014

Please Return Your Lanyards!

If you picked up a lanyard for the recruiting fair last week, please drop it back off in the CSE front office.  We do plan on reusing them, and the more you can give back to us better it will be for both us and the environment.

We appreciate your help with this!



February 6, 2014

Sunday Fridge Cleanout

Like normal, the first Sunday of February the ACM officers will be cleaning out the ACM fridge and Freezer. Please have anything you want to save out of there before midday Sunday.

January 31, 2014

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