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Bonderman Travel Fellowship

This is a pretty amazing opportunity that you folks should consider if you are a graduating student without a full time job offer starting just yet.  Students used to have to be part of the UW Honors program, but not any more. See qualifications below.


Bonderman Travel Fellowship 2015

Deadline:   January 12, 2015, 12 noon (PST)

Dear Students:

We write to share an extraordinary opportunity for travel, discovery, and challenge. The 2015 Bonderman Travel Fellowship application is now available and we encourage you to consider applying. This fellowship offers University of Washington graduate/professional and undergraduate students (from the Seattle, Tacoma, and Bothell campuses) an opportunity to engage in independent exploration and travel abroad.

David Bonderman – the donor – wishes to give students an opportunity to experience learning and growth in new and unexpected ways. Bonderman Fellows will undertake international travel on their own for eight months, to six or more countries in two or more major regions of the world. Through solo travel the Fellows will focus on exploration and discovery, learning about the world and themselves in it.

Up to seven graduate and seven undergraduate Bonderman Fellowships will be awarded in Spring 2015. Each Fellowship carries a $20,000 award to be used only for extended solo international travel. Fellows may not conduct research, pursue an academic project, or participate in a formal program or organization.


All applicants must be enrolled (“on leave” status is not considered enrolled) and in good standing at the UW during the quarter the application is due and must hold US citizenship or permanent resident status. Additionally:

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: All undergraduate students with senior credit standing and a degree application on file, AND who also meet ONE of the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  • at least a 3.7 cumulative UW GPA by the start of Winter 2015; OR
  • participation and good standing in the University Honors Program (Interdisciplinary, Departmental or College Honors) or in UW Tacoma’s Global Honors Program, by the start of Winter 2015. Undergraduates in one of these Honors programs DO NOT need to have 3.7 UW GPA or higher to apply, but simply must be in good standing in their respective programs, whatever that might mean.

To learn more about this extraordinary opportunity, please attend one of the information sessions listed on the website.

Applications must be submitted by 12:00 pm (noon) January 12, 2015.

Information about the fellowship, information sessions, and the application can be found at:

October 28, 2014


Fellowships available for CSE students:

Students who will receive a bachelor’s degree by June 2015 will be eligible for the positions. The fellowships will commence in July 2015, and they are 2 years in duration. The fellowships were previously sponsored by the Yale Child Study Center, and students can find further details at: and


The training experience for the Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience will primarily involve daily activities related to eye-tracking research, including operation of experimental equipment and paradigms, contact with infants and toddlers and their families, and responsibility for completing experimental protocols.


The training experience for the Simons Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience will involve developing methods for the analysis of visual scanning and eye-tracking data, computational models of visual salience, and data visualization techniques, all with the aim of advancing the understanding of autism and efforts at early diagnosis.


The training experience for the Simons Fellowship in Design Engineering will involve developing innovative design solutions to answer experimental research questions. These solutions offer an opportunity to explore human factors engineering, product prototyping, and the design of environments for neuroscience research.



October 14, 2014

CSE News Blog

Just a quick reminder that if you’d like to keep up to date on department-wide news (vs. just ugrad news) you should subscribe to the CSE News Blog.

October 13, 2014

Dawg Dash – want to run?

Dearest CSE ugrads,

In case you don’t know me (yet) from CSE 332, CSE 351, or CSE 390a, hello! I’m
Ruth Anderson, a faculty member in CSE and I hope to meet you soon! This email
is to let you know that there is a group of us (faculty/staff/students) from
CSE planning on running/walking the Dawg Dash on Sun Oct 19th.  And we want
*YOU* the CSE undergrads to join us!

If you have never done something like this before, now is your chance!!! Here
are some details:

There are two options:
5K run/walk (~3mi – ~1 loop around Green Lake)
10K run (~6mi – ~2 loops around Green Lake)

You can run/jog or walk or any combo in between.  Dogs (obviously) and
strollers are allowed.  There is even a free run for kids with the UW mascot
after the race. To be clear, this is only a “race” if you want it to be.
Really this is just an opportunity for UW faculty/students/staff to come
together to support student scholarships and have fun. Besides the fact that
you a T-shirt, snacks after the race, and contributes to UW scholarships.  The
race conveniently starts and finishes on campus near Red Square.  I’ll be
walking/quasi-jogging the 5K with a dog and am looking for company, others are
planning on running the 5 & 10K.

If there is interest we can try a “practice run” sometime before the 19th.
But let me know (rea@cs) if you are interested so I can include you on
plans for coordinating before and during the event!

Are you with us??!?!?


October 3, 2014

Batman’s Kitchen: Security competition team

Melody Kadenko

10:27 AM (31 minutes ago)
to ugrads, grads



Reminder that tomorrow is our Info Meeting for Batman’s Kitchen, the UW competition team, and we are looking for new members.


Interested in learning about computer security issues and/or being part of a competition team?  We hold regular meetings, practice breaking/hacking stuff, learn about the latest security topics, and compete in CTF/hacker jeopardy competitions throughout the year.  You don’t need any prior experience in security to join the team — all you need an interest in CTFs and/or security plus a willingness to learn.  Our group is an interdisciplinary group of students from CSE, EE, iSchool, pre-engineering, and other UW departments.  We also collaborate with the other two UW branches (Tacoma and Bothell).


Our Info Meeting is next Wednesday, October 1st, CSE room 691, at 6:00pm.  We welcome everyone.  At the Info Meeting we’ll talk about the type of competitions we do, topics we’ll cover in the coming year (e.g., lockpicking, bitcoin, etc.), local hacker groups such as Neg9, and hands-on labs in the Seattle area


Even if you can’t make it to the meeting, sign up for our mailing list at and check out our website at  If you have any questions, email me and I can tell you more.


See you Wednesday!

Melody Kadenko

Advisor of Batman’s Kitchen and Team Hillarious

Computer Science & Engineering

September 30, 2014

Change Seminar – noon Tuesdays

Trevor Perrier <>

9:25 AM (5 hours ago)
to cs-grads, cs-ugrads, new-grads, dub
Please join us for the first Change Seminar of the autumn quarter.  Neha Kumar will be presenting work she did over the summer in Uttar Pradesh, India working with the Projecting Health project.

All future announcements this quarter for the Change Seminar will go out over our mailing list.  If you are interested consider join the list and registaring for the course (CSE 590 C1, SLN: 12925).

What: Neha Kumar: Of Projectors, Mobiles, and Maternal Health

When: Tuesday, September 30 at 12pm

Where: The Allen Center, CSE 203


 Projecting Health is a maternal and neonatal health initiative that was implemented in rural Uttar Pradesh (UP, India) almost two years ago through a collaboration between PATH, UW, and local partner organizations situated in UP. In Projecting Health, frontline workers organize group screenings of locally crafted films using low-cost pico projectors in order to teach pregnant women and new mothers about various health-related issues. This talk will discuss the emerging mobile media practices of the Projecting Health target audience, with a view to examine whether mobile phones can play a role in the dissemination of these videos and if yes, how.
About the speaker:

Neha is a postdoctoral researcher at UW CSE, where her research focuses on the design, production, and dissemination of visual media to address maternal and infant mortality in rural India. She recently completed her Ph.D. from the School of Information at UC Berkeley, where she conducted an ethnography of the adoption and self-guided uses of new media technologies of Indian youth from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. Her research objective is to contribute a deeper, more grounded understanding of emerging uses and users to the field of ICTD and its interventions.

dub mailing list

September 29, 2014

Help DUB-E the robot explore the Allen Center

Mike Chung

8:48 AM (5 hours ago)
to cs-grads, cs-ugrads, Maya, Dieter, Andrzej, Rajesh

Good Morning!

We are developing an information service that employs our indoor mobile robot, DUB-E, to answer questions you might have about your local environment, such as “Is my boss in his office?” or “Is the coffee shop still open?”. You can ask the questions in free form using the web interface of the robot at Every time you ask DUB-E a question, it will be deployed to gather the information you requested and the answer will be provided through the web interface or email.

We will be deploying DUB-E in the Paul G. Allen Center in this school year and we are seeking residents of the building who would like to be early testers of our system. Your input will be greatly appreciated and will help us develop robots that better serve you! By participating, you will also get the opportunity to enter a raffle for a $25 Amazon gift card.

The DUB-E will be running in the test mode from today (09/29/2014) to the next Wednesday (10/01/2014), from  9am to 5pm with 12pm-1pm lunch break. You can sign up to become an early tester at:

Note that the web interface does not work with the Firefox browser and also does not work well on the mobile devices. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you,

Michael Jae-Yoon Chung & Andrzej Pronobis

September 29, 2014

Dr. Peter Highnam, Direct, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity – talk

Public Talk

Intelligence ARPA – An Overview


Dr. Peter Highnam

Director, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)

Office of the Director of National Intelligence



Wed., October 1st, 2014

Loew Hall, Room 355



The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) executes high risk, high payoff research for the US Intelligence Community. IARPA Director Dr. Peter Highnam will provide an in-depth perspective on the latest advanced research and development work going on at IARPA.  He’ll also discuss IARPA’s current research priorities, preview what’s on the horizon, discuss its business model, describe the best ways to best engage in IARPA funded research, and engage in open dialogue with the audience during a Q&A session.


Bio – Dr. Peter Highnam


Dr. Peter Highnam was named IARPA Director on 30 August 2012. Dr. Highnam  joined IARPA in February 2009 as the Office Director for Incisive Analysis. Prior to IARPA, he was a senior advisor in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and then in the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). From 1999 to 2003, Dr. Highnam was a DARPA program manager with programs in electronic warfare and airborne communications. Before joining DARPA, he worked for more than a decade in applied research in industry. Dr. Highnam holds a Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Distinguished Service Award and a Department of Defense Civilian Exceptional Service Award. He is a co-inventor on three patents in commercial seismic exploration and holds a doctorate in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.

September 29, 2014

Robot Survey – need folks to participate online

Dan Butler

1:44 PM (1 hour ago)
to faculty, cs-grads, cs-staff, researchers, cs-ugrads

We are conducting another survey about robots in the home, with another raffle prize of $25.

Regardless of whether you participated in our previous survey, you can participate in this one!

We are developing robots that can be tele-operated over the internet, so you can have your house cleaned, plants watered, and meals prepared while you are at work.

We are conducting a second survey to understand issues such robots might cause and to get your input about requirements for these robots and the people who will teleoperate them. The survey takes about 20 minutes.
You can complete the survey at this link:

Your participation would be very much appreciated! Please feel free to distribute the survey to others who might be interested in participating.

Thank you,
Dan Butler, Justin Huang, Franzi Roesner, Maya Cakmak


September 25, 2014

Entrepreneurship Info Session 10/1

Join us for lunch: Entrepreneurship Info Session

Freshmen-Seniors of any major are welcome!

Wednesday, October 1
CSE 691

Curious about the startup scene? Looking for the skills and experience you need to take your idea to the next level?  Join us next Wednesday at the Entrepreneurship Info Lunch!

Some of the things we’ll talk about include:

YOU bring your curiosity – we’ll bring lunch! 🙂 RSVP here.

Leslie Mabry | Assistant Director Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
UW Foster School of Business, Dempsey Hall 227 206.685-5669 Connect with Buerk on Facebook


September 25, 2014

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