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[cs-ugrads] FW: IMITATION GAME Screening Tickets

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Kay Beck-Benton <>
Date: Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 10:23 AM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] FW: IMITATION GAME Screening Tickets
To:, visitors – Mailing List <>, cs-grads – Mailing List <>, cs-ugrads – Mailing List <>, cs-staff – Mailing List <>











Please print the attached screening ticket and bring with you.  (And feel free to share!)  Screening Tickets: 0217 SS IMG SEA UW SCREENING 8.5×11 4C EPASS




February 20, 2015

[cs-ugrads] Do not let this be us!!


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 8:52 AM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Do not let this be us!!
To: Cs-Grads <>,

Cs-ugrads mailing list

February 20, 2015

2015 NSF-REU Program at Clemson University

From: Amanda L. Harris <>

The Holcombe Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Clemson University is seeking applicants for a summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.  This NSF funded program is entitled:  “REU Site:  Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics Technology“.  The REU supports up to 10 summer students, with one to four semesters remaining in their undergraduate programs, to become involved with a faculty member and graduate students for a 10 week research experience at Clemson.  The program is open to undergraduate students in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science, Bioengineering, and Physics.  Closely related disciplines may also be considered.  The program provides summer housing on campus for the students and pays a generous stipend.


Attached is a  link to the REU Program Web site.  Interested students can apply from this site.  The link is:



Best regards,


William R. Harrell

Holcombe Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering

205 Riggs Hall, Box 340915

Clemson University, Clemson, SC  29634-0915


Amanda Harris

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Clemson University

104-C Riggs Hall

Clemson, SC 29634

(864) 656-4507

January 28, 2015

Research for credit – UW Medicine craniofacial development

I am a postdoc at Seattle Children’s Research Institute studying craniofacial development.  Our group is currently looking for a student volunteer to work on a project to update and redesign a web-based interface for biomedical image analysis algorithms.  Some experience with Java is preferred and experience or interest in image processing would be a plus. Work on this project could be set up for credit. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me at


Sara Rolfe

January 27, 2015

2015 UW iGEM team. iGEM is a research and design competition in which teams from universities all over the world research topics in synthetic biology

Hi all,

I am a junior in the bioengineering program, and I represent the 2015 UW iGEM team.  iGEM is a research and design competition in which teams from universities all over the world research topics in synthetic biology and create and submit parts to an open-source registry. At the end of September, qualifying teams meet in Boston for a four-day research conference that includes poster and oral presentations, awards, and social events.  It is a great introduction to lab work and an opportunity to network with other budding scientists.

We are starting our recruitment for this year’s team with an info session on January 9th at 6:00pm in Foege N130.  There will be free pizza!

All undergraduates, from freshman through graduating seniors, are welcome!  No previous lab experience is required to join.  For freshmen and sophomores not in a lab yet, this is a great opportunity to learn lab techniques, get connected with professors, and get comfortable in a lab setting. Additionally, joining this year’s iGEM team can help refine hard skills and promote teamwork for students interested in grad school and/or careers in industry.

This year, our team will likely be focusing on a project combining microfluidics and 3D printing with more traditional synthetic biology techniques such as cloning and protein characterization.

Additionally, if you are are interested in programming, mathematical modeling, education and outreach, business and marketing, or art and design, we are looking to recruit you.  iGEM promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, and interests in a wide variety of fields are necessary for a successful team.

If for some reason you cannot make it to the info session but would like more information, please email me; I am happy to answer any questions you might have.

All the best,

Anastasia Nicolov

January 5, 2015

Some slides on diversity

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 1:47 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Some slides on diversity
To: Cs-Grads <>, “” <>

I was asked to give a talk at UCSD CSE concerning diversity.  Some of you might find some of the slides interesting.  They’re of course kind of hard to grok without the accompanying chatter, but there’s a lot of interesting data starting at slide 47.

December 12, 2014

Engineering Sorority fund raiser – little thai

Little Thai Fundraiser-1
Hello awesome students,
It’s dead week and with all the tests/homework/projects/etc in the next couple of days, why not take a break, get some food, and support women in engineering??
The engineering sorority on campus, Phi Sigma Rho , is partnering with Little Thai for the day.  Bring/show the attached flyer (on your phone is okay) and 15% of the proceeds with come to us!  This is happening ALL DAY, so come in for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!  It’ll be great! Bring your friends!
Thank you for your support!!
December 3, 2014

EIC – $45K Prototype Funding Application DUE Dec 14!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Pamela Tufts <>
Date: Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 1:58 PM
Subject: [Advisers] EIC – $45K Prototype Funding Application DUE Dec 14!
To: “” <>


$45K Prototype Funding – Deadline 12/14/14 – Apply Here
Student teams are invited to apply for funding to build prototypes for the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge. Funds can be used to purchase materials, safety gear, rent equipment, or hire work beyond the team’s capacity.

About the Environmental Innovation Challenge
Innovative engineers, scientist and entrepreneurial students are solving the world’s environmental problems. If you have a passion for innovation and sustainability and the desire to make an im­pact, this Challenge is for you. In the EIC, interdisciplinary student teams define an en­vironmental problem, design a solution, produce a prototype, and create a business summary that demonstrates the market potential of their product, process, or service.

What’s Eligible?

Any product, process or service that reduces waste, minimizes en­ergy consumption, and contributes to a healthier planet. Re-use, recycling, water usage, energy generation, green consumer prod­ucts, and nanotechnology – all are ripe for innovation.
The Rules:

  • Teams that receive funding agree to participate in the EIC on April 2, 2015.  If you drop out, all funds must be returned to The Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship.

Prototype application:

  • The prototype applicant must be from a Washington State school however teams may consist of students from multiple schools in the Pacific NW. Looking for a team or teammates? Do you have specific skills/or looking for specific skills? Post  on the Team Formation page:


Next Up:  Early Team Registration – January 24-February 1


Learn More:
Visit or


Feel free to contact me with questions!


Pam Tufts | Assistant Director
Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship

Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge

UW Foster School of Business, Dempsey Hall 227

UWEIC Facebook

December 1, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014, a special evening with the Reverend Jesse Jackson at the University of Washington, Seattle.

The Reverend Jesse Jackson is coming to the UW campus to speak about women and minorities in technology.  Tickets are free but you have to register. See information below.

Please join us on Tuesday, December 2, 2014, for a special evening with the Reverend Jesse Jackson at the University of Washington, Seattle.

 Where: Kane Hall, Room 130
When: 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.

The former presidential candidate will visit the UW to speak about women and minorities in technology, as well as civil rights and student participation in the public policy process. A Q&A will follow. Do not miss this unique opportunity to hear from the Rev. Jackson.

Please register here by Monday, December 1. 

For questions please email

This event is presented by the UW Provost’s Office and the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity in collaboration with campus partners and the Seattle Urban League.

The University of Washington is committed to providing access, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. For information or to request disability accommodation contact the Disability Services Office at: 206.543.6450/V, 206.543.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264 (FAX), or e-mail at

Masthead image

November 19, 2014

College of Engineering Student Advisory Council 2014-15 – Apply by tomorrow 11/5!

The College of Engineering Student Advisory Council (COESAC) is seeking nominations, including self-nominations, of students who would be interested in serving on the Council for the 2014-15 academic year.  To that end, we ask that departments to circulate this call for nominations to undergraduate and graduate students in their department as soon as possible.  It would be particularly helpful if undergraduate and graduate advisors would call this opportunity to the attention of students whom they believe would be particularly effective members of this Council and encourage them to apply.


Apply here:

Deadline: TOMORROW November 5th, 2014


COESAC provides a student perspective on planning and budgeting issues for the College of Engineering.  The group, which consists of approximately 12 undergraduates, 5 graduate students, and 3 at-large representatives, meets on Friday afternoons from 3:30-5:00 in the COE Dean’s conference room to discuss a broad range of issues.  During the 2013-14 academic year, COESAC submitted recommendations the Dean on issues ranging from changing the admissions model for UW COE departments to providing opportunities for multi-disciplinary capstones.  COESAC seeks to include a diverse range of student perspectives in its conversations, and to bring about tangible changes to the student experience in the College of Engineering.

The time commitment involved in serving on COESAC is significant.  The Council meets at least once a month, and will often generate its own agenda.  Students should be self-motivated to provide a student voice on issues facing the College.  The Dean will provide a charge to the Council at the beginning of the year and will come to the Council with planning questions for student input, but the Council will also be asked to identify one to two areas of need within the College and work independently on proposals for solving that need.  Applicants should ensure that they are available to meet on Friday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:00 for the duration of the academic year.  It has proved just too difficult to schedule meetings at any other time.  Dean Bragg or his designee will attend most of the Council’s meetings, except when the Council chooses to meet without him.  Although Council members are not strictly “representatives” of any particular student group (that is the role of ASUW), they are encouraged to solicit and present to the Council the views of as wide a cross-section of students as possible.

Students interested in applying to be members of COESAC for the 2014-15 academic year, should submit an application via Catalyst (above), detailing their qualifications for serving on the Council.


Councilmember Duties

Student Advisory Councilmember Terms of Service:

  • Councilmembers will serve 1-year terms with 1-year reappointment possible.
  • Staggered terms (i.e., some will proceed for re-appointment at end of first year. The council will ask for volunteers to serve an additional year or end terms as needed for staggered terms.
  • Reappointment does not require a new application.
  • Total annual commitment: minimum 35-45 hours, including meeting time, preparation for meetings, and follow-through work arising from decisions at meetings.


Meeting Schedule:

  • Monthly meetings, except summer quarter (~8/year).
  • Standing meeting time set annually (1.5 hours/meeting).
  • Dean’s Office staff will attend meetings depending on agenda.
  • The Dean or his designee will likely attend most meetings as well, depending on schedules and the agenda.


Key topics that may be addressed annually by the Student Advisory Council:

  • Budget issues and planning
  • Student recruitment and retention (focus on increasing diversity)
  • Student engagement outside of the classroom
  • Course fees
  • Academic Programs (new programs and expansion of existing programs)

Questions? Contact

November 4, 2014

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