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DubHacks is on October 17-18, and you can apply now!

DubHacks is on October 17-18, and you can apply now!
DubHacks is the largest collegiate hackathon in the Northwest where students form teams and compete to build creative, original products and services ranging from hardware devices to mobile applications and games. A panel of judges from the startup and tech scenes will award prizes to the best hacks.
Companies including Microsoft, Google, IBM, Qumolo and many startups will be there, and they will be looking to connect to talented students. All meals will be provided.
We will provide latest hardware and wearables to help students literally materialize their creativity – Oculus Rift, Leap Motion, Myo, Arduino and a lot more, and provide access to 3D printers to attendees. We will have industry professionals providing mentorship in any field to all attendees all night long.
It’s a great opportunity for everyone to get some out-of-class experience and meet some amazing people. Apply now at
If you have any questions, please email and like us on Facebook
September 8, 2015

Applications for the UW Formula Motorsports Team are now open

Applications for the UW Formula Motorsports Team are now open! We are a group of student engineers who want direct and practical experience in engineering, and do so through the designing, building, and testing of two formula-style race cars each year. Members will learn how to iterate through designs, document design processes, use a variety of engineering software, develop communication and leadership skills, and experience what it’s like to work for a small fast-paced “engineering company.” Here is a video sneak peak of the type of work we do:

All majors are welcome to apply! Make sure to highlight what technical and administrative teams you feel you would contribute the most to, and also highlight any previous engineering experience!

Our application can be found at:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Andrei Arevalo:

August 26, 2015


For those new to the blog (and those who need a reminder) we don’t post stuff like this often, but when we do, we mark it “miscellaneous”, so you can go into your preferences and decide whether you want to receive things like this or not.

—–Original Message—–
From: Jill Klekas []
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:11 AM
Subject: UW CSE Web: Contact Information

Good morning, Computer Science & Engineering.

My name is Jill Klekas and I’m the producer for the 2015 Kaleidoscope VR
Film Festival, a 10 city event series showcasing the best in virtual
reality film-making from independent artists. The festival is coming to
Seattle tomorrow Wed., Aug. 26th. We’re in serious need of volunteers who
get some nice perks that you can read about below.

If you think your students would be interested in attending or
volunteering please send them this info. They will be working closely with
Rene and Selena Pinnell, founders of Kaleidoscope VR and VR filmmakers.


VR Film Festival and get a free t-shirt, two complimentary tickets to give
to friends, and the chance to experience all of the films in the program
before the festival starts.

Help support virtual reality filmmaking and sign up to volunteer:

WHEN: Wed. Aug. 26th, 6:30pm – 11pm
WHERE: Metropolist, 2931 1ST Ave S, Seattle, WA, 98134
PRESS: New York Times (, Wired
(, Variety (

Let me know if you have any questions.
Jill Klekas
Producer, Kaleidoscope VR Film Festival
310-804-1828 cell

August 25, 2015

Seattle Times

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 9:32 PM
Subject: Seattle Times
To: Researchers <>, Staff <>, “” <>

If any of you have Facebook or Twitter feeds that are read by more than your parents or your partner, or have relationships with legislators, please amplify this Seattle Times editorial!


June 4, 2015

EE professor looking for a CSE student to work for credit this summer

We  need a senior undergraduate student (CS preferred) familiar with Linux Kernel programming. The project goal is to develop a device driver for a new wireless card developed in FUNLAB (using a SDR platform BladeRF) for setting up experimental WiFi networks.  Credit for research will be awarded for the work.


– Strong programming skills in C/C++
– Familiar with Linux Kernel Programming

Pls. contact

May 22, 2015

Seattle Times coverage of the NCWIT Award

From: Ed Lazowska <>
Sorry to spam you again, but the Seattle Times article on UW CSE’s NCWIT award is every bit as insightful and uplifting as the New York Times article.
The Seattle Times interviewed Siena Dumas Ang and Jasmine Singh. The New York Times interviewed Sonja Khan. What’s truly reaffirming is that these students described precisely the environment that we claim to try to create – but of course the only thing that actually matters is what the students actually experience, not what we claim we’re doing. Turns out that the two may not be so far apart.
Please take a few minutes to read the Seattle Times article:
And if you haven’t yet read the New York Times article, it’s here:
Let’s use this wonderful recognition and exposure as impetus to do even better!
May 22, 2015

UW CSE wins inaugural NCWIT “Grand Prize” for encouraging women in Computer Science

I don’t normally echo our CSE News posts via email, but today’s announcement is very special and is something in which all of us in the UW CSE community should take a great deal of pride.

NCWIT, the National Center for Women & Information Technology, has introduced a new annual national award for programs that exemplify success in encouraging women to pursue the field. And the inaugural winner of this award – announced this morning at the NCWIT Summit – is UW CSE.

We have a long way to go, but we’re committed to it, and we’re making progress. That’s what this wonderful award signifies, and every one of you has played a role.

Information on the NCWIT award is here:

There’s a *phenomenal* New York Times article this morning highlighting our efforts, through the eyes of senior Sonja Kahn, here:

Separately, there’s a Seattle Times article this morning looking at job prospects for this year’s new college graduates, highlighting CSE seniors Vivian Yu and Dan Radion, here:

All-in-all, a pretty good start to the day!

May 22, 2015

Trash your old devices and components in CSE/EE’s new electronic waste bins!

Hello CSE Undergraduates!
For your use and convenience, NEW electronic waste recycling bins have been placed in three locations in the EE and CSE buildings:
1.  EEB 137 (next to EE Stores).
2.  To the right of the EE Main Office, and
3.  At the CSE recycling station (on the far side of the Paul Allen Center Atrium, near the main office for CSE).
You are invited and welcome to drop into these bins ANY small electronic components, materials, sub-assemblies, and devices which are no longer useful to you (but please NO non-elecronic Trash!).
While these new bins accept ALL small electronics, including cellular phones, batteries, inkjet cartridges, and non-confidential electronic media, these items in particular may also be dropped into e.Media bins, located at the recycling station in the Paul Allen Center atrium  (near the main office for CSE):
If you want to know more about what we are doing to further vanquish the electronic waste stream on campus or want to know more about the global problem of electronic waste, we have more information here:
or feel free to contact us at any time, via e-mail.
Your E-Waste Warriors
Denise Wilson, Professor
University of Washington
Department of Electrical Engineering, EEB M222
Seattle, WA 98195-2500
May 22, 2015

Miscellaneous Post – outside survey

Just a reminder that you can set up the blogs to receive only messages under certain categories.  Posts like this will always come in under “miscellaneous’ as they are not directly relevant to CSE but we’ve been asked to post them by someone in CSE. See Ed’s message below.


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>

This survey request comes from a participant in CSE’s entrepreneurship course.  Please consider participating in the survey.  Thanks!
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Kristofer Hunt <>
Date: Fri, May 8, 2015 at 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: Mobile Software Developer Survey
To: Ed Lazowska <>
Thanks very much! Here is the survey link:

The survey will take 5-10 minutes at the very most, and we’re going to do a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card after we close it on Friday, May 15th, so please make sure to remind the students to enter their email address if they want a chance at winning. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help from here!

Kristofer Hunt
MBA Candidate, Class of 2015
Foster School of Business
University of Washington
May 13, 2015

Fail forward events this week

A lot of people in general need to learn how to Fail Forward. If you haven’t looked into these campus events this week, it might not be a bad idea to take a look.


May 4, 2015

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