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Paid Data Science for Social Good summer research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students

——— Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 4:33 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Fwd: [Escience_bbl] Paid Data Science for Social Good summer research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students
To: “” <>

This should be a terrific summer program!!  And we definitely want some CSE students who can cut code!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Micaela and Sarah <>
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM
Subject: [Escience_bbl] Paid Data Science for Social Good summer research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students
To: “” <>, escience_allhands <>

The eScience Institute at the University of Washington invites students to join the Data Science for Social Good incubator program this summer.


Sixteen students will be selected to work with academic researchers, computer scientists, and public stakeholder groups on data-intensive research projects with public policy implications. These are paid positions.



Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply, preference given to University of Washington students.



Each student will be part of a team working on a research project that has concrete relevance and impact to the local community on the theme of Urban Science. Projects will involve analysis and visualization of data on topics such as public health, sustainable urban planning, environmental protection, disaster response, crime prevention, education, transportation, governance, commerce, and social justice.



Most work will be conducted on the UW campus in the WRF Data Science Studio, but some field excursions in the City of Seattle or King County may also be involved.



This is a 10-week long, full-time program beginning June 15th and ending August 21st. Class schedules can be accommodated for students who are enrolled during summer session.



Students will be given a stipend of $6,500 for the 10 weeks. Stipend payments will be dispersed through the UW payroll system on the 10th and 25th of each month.



  • Strong academic record
  • Previous programming experience (although strong candidates without significant programming experience will be considered)


How to Apply:

Submit a cover letter, resume, and transcript (unofficial is acceptable) to In your cover letter, please describe your background, interest in the program, and relevant experience/coursework. Favorable candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Application Deadline:

March 31, 2015 at 5:00 pm


Micaela S. Parker, Ph.D.
Program Manager  |  eScience Institute
Campus Box 351570  |  University of Washington

March 17, 2015

Resume Review Workshop on Wednesday 1/14

This Winter’s Resume Review Workshop will be held next Wednesday January 14th, from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. in the CSE Atrium.

This workshop is designed to allow you to gather tips from the experts to turn your resume drafts into documents that will help land your dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 2:30 and 5:15 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with 1 or more HR or technical interview experts from several of our affliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the Winter recruiting fair on January 21st and 22nd.


Future Recruiting Events (all this quarter):

Calendar Link:

Industrial Affiliates Fall Recruiting Fair:  Wed, Jan. 21; 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm (start-ups); Thu, Jan. 22; 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm (established companies); CSE Building

Mock Technical Interviews: Wed, Feb. 4, 2015; 6:00-8:15 pm; CSE Building

January 7, 2015

CSE Mock Technical Interview Sign-Ups

CSE Undergraduates (only!),

All CSE majors who will be looking for a full-time job or internship this year should consider participating in our CSE Mock Technical Interview Event the evening of Wednesday, October 29.  Several outstanding companies will be participating to run CSE students through a single half-hour simulated technical interview.  The sessions will place students one-on-one with a hiring manager or engineer who regularly conducts technical interviews.  Interview questions will include puzzles, logic, data structures, coding and more with a ten minute feedback session following.  Mock interviews will take place in the CSE building.

Registration is open now for all CSE students, however slots are limited.  Interview slots will be offered on a seniority basis, with those who will earn their degree before autumn 2015 given first preference followed by those who will earn their degree before Autumn 2016 followed by all others.  Please note that the seniority you input will be spot checked for accuracy.  Those who misrepresent their seniority will be placed in the back of the queue and most likely denied interviews.

Registration is now open.  RSVP  here!

Registration will remain open through 10:00 am next Monday, October 27.  Students will be informed of their interview time and (hopefully) interviewing company via email by the end of the day Monday.  I will inform all students who were not able to get interviews via email on Monday as well.

Students can choose one of three offered interview times from the linked sign-up form: 6:00-6:45 pm, 6:45-7:30 pm or 7:30-8:15 pm.  Space is extremely limited.  Slots will be assigned in order of sign up.

We will present additional technical interviews in Winter quarter so if you don’t get one of these spots don’t despair.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

October 22, 2014

CSE Technical Interview Coaching Event Next Wednesday – RSVP required!

CSE Undergraduates (only!):

CSE undergrads who will be interviewing for a full-time or internship position over the next year and would benefit from a preview of thetechnical interview questions they will face (this should include almost all CSE ugrads!) should attend the CSE Technical Interview Coaching Event next Wednesday, October 15 in the Atrium.

At this event technical interviewers from several of our industry affiliates will meet with groups of 2-4 students.  The interviewers will describe their technical interview process, give students a few sample questions and coach students on what they look for in answers.  The sessions will include sample programming questions, logic questions and puzzles. Our experts will also provide examples of what they ask in actual technical interviews and how to successfully answer to land the job.

Students will have three individual sessions of 15 minutes each with three different company volunteers (our choice, at least one, and probably two of the reps you meet with will be from a major local company).

The sessions will be for general insight and will not be in the form of interviews, although sample questions will be posed for demonstration purposes.  The upcoming October 29 Mock Technical Interviews will feature an interview format.  Sign-ups for the October 29 Mock Technical Interviews will begin the middle of next week after the Technical Interview Coaching Event, so watch for my email then.

RSVP’s for next Wednesday’s Technical Interview Coaching Event are required and easy to make.  Just use the rsvp link below to choose between sessions starting at 3:30 or 4:30 pm.  Sessions last one hour total and are comprised of three 15-20 minute coaching sessions for each student attendee.

Space is limited –  RSVP now!  Selections will be made based on CSE seniority AND on a first come-first served basis.  The RSVP deadline for this event is Monday , October, 13 at 12:00pm (noon), so don’t delay.  I will let you know by end of day on Monday of your time of your Wednesday appointment or if you were not able to secure a slot.

Please contact me if you need any additional information on this event.


October 10, 2014

Resume Review Workshop on Monday 10/6

Hey CSE students, it’s time to dust off those resumes!

This Fall’s Resume Review Workshop will be held this Monday, October 6, from 2:30 and 5:30 pm. in the CSE Atrium.

This workshop is designed to allow you to gather tips from the experts to turn your resume drafts into documents that will help land your dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 2:30 and 5:15 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with 1 or more HR or technical interview experts from several of our affliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the Fall recruiting fair on October 21 and 23.


Future Recruiting Events (all this month):

Calendar Link:

Technical Interview: Coaching Wed, Oct 15, 2014; 3:30-5:30 pm; CSE Atrium

Industrial Affiliates Fall Recruiting Fair:  Tues, Oct. 21; 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (startups); Thu, Oct. 23; 11:00 am – 4:00 pm (established companies); CSE Building

Mock Technical Interviews: Wed, Oct 29, 2014; 6:00-8:15 pm; CSE Building

October 3, 2014

Career Events: Employer Panel TOMORROW + Resume Workshop Monday!

Reminder – Employer Panel Tomorrow Afternoon: 

All CSE undergraduates who plan on pursuing an internship or full-time employment in 2014-15 (and this should be you!) should not miss our CSE Department sponsored Employer Panel this Thursday.

Day: Thursday, Ocbober 2, 2014  (Tomorrow!)
Time: 5:30-6:30 pm
Place:  EE 125
No rsvp needed!

This event will feature a panel of CSE graduates and HR reps who will provide important information on the steps CSE undergraduates need to take in the coming months to land the internship or job of their dreams.  Student questions are very much encouraged.  You should leave this event with a much better understanding of the timing and direction of your upcoming job search.

Next Event – Resume Review Workshop next Monday 10/6: 

Theere will be a Resume Review Workshop in the CSE Atrium on Monday, October 6 between 2:30 and 5:30 pm.

This workshop is designed to allow you to gather tips from the experts to turn your resume drafts into documents that will help land your dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 2:30 and 5:15 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with 1 or more HR or technical interview experts from several of our affliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the Fall recruiting fair on October 21 and 23.

Future Recruiting Events (all this month!):

Calendar Link:

Technical Interview: Coaching Wed, Oct 15, 2014; 3:30-5:30 pm; CSE Atrium

Industrial Affiliates Fall Recruiting Fair:  Tues, Oct. 21; 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (startups); Thu, Oct. 23; 11:00 am – 4:00 pm (established companies); CSE Building

Mock Technical Interviews: Wed, Oct 29, 2014; 6:00-8:15 pm; CSE Building


October 1, 2014

CSE Employer Panel Thursday 10/2

All CSE undergraduates who plan on pursuing an internship or full-time employment in 2014-15 (and this should be you!) should not miss our CSE Department sponsored Employer Panel this Thursday.


Employer Panel Quick Facts:

Day: Thursday, Ocbober 2, 2014  (this Thursday!)

Time: 5:30-6:30 pm

Place:  EE 125

No rsvp needed!


This event will feature a panel of CSE graduates and HR reps who will provide important information on the steps CSE undergraduates need to take in the coming months to land the internship or job of their dreams.  Student questions are very much encouraged.  You should leave this event with a much better understanding of the timing and direction of your upcoming job search.

The Employer Panel will be the  first in a series of highly recommended CSE career events designed to prepare CSE undergraduates for the job search process—you can check out the other October Career events at .

Please contact Jenifer <> for any additional information about this event.  We hope to see you there!


September 29, 2014

Hulu Open House 2/20

Hulu is having an Open House Thursday February 20th:

As undergraduate leaders in Computer Science at the University of Washington, you’re in a great position to join us for an open house event at our Seattle office! Come learn about the tech teams based in Seattle, find out what it’s like to be a Hulugan, and eat some great food! All are welcome and we encourage you to bring friends. Please see below for the official invite where you can input your RSVP. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Lauren Fischer at

February 4, 2014

Teach for America Application Deadline Jan 24



Fourth Application Deadline: Friday, January 24

Learn how to apply and review the application timeline here.

Start your application here!


On-Campus Events this Quarter

Event Date Time Location
Teach For America Pre-Health/Pre-Research Networking Night


Tuesday, 1/14 5:30-6:30pm HCK 132
Leadership in Education: Expanding Access, Equity and Opportunity in Your Community with City Year, the College of Education, the Seattle Teacher Residency and Teach For America


Wednesday, 1/15 5:30-7:30pm MGH 134
Diversity Career Fair


Thursday, 1/16 5:30-8:30pm The HUB
Teach For America Application Workshop


Tuesday, 1/21 4:30-6:00pm SAV 155
Post-Grad Service Panel with Americorps, City Year, Peace Corps and Teach For America


Wednesday, 1/22 6:00-7:30pm SMI 205


What’s the advantage of applying to at the 1/24 deadline as opposed to the 2/20 deadline?

  • Higher chances of being admitted to your top choice region
  • More access to transitional funding
  • More time to prepare for your future students (if you wait until the last deadline, you won’t confirm your offer to TFA until April 1 – that’s just about two months before you would have to leave for your induction!)


Teach For America is developing a movement of leaders who will help drive change at every level of our education system toward the goal of closing the opportunity gap in America.  These leaders start their paths as corps members who teach for two years in urban and rural high-need communities and help students make the academic progress that expands their opportunities.  Deeply affected by their teaching experience, our alumni continue to advocate for students and build lasting change in many different roles and fields.


The Basics and Benefits:

  • All academic majors and backgrounds accepted
  • Regional placement is not random; applicants preference location in our 48 regions
  • All grade levels (preK-12) and subjects including ELL and SpEd
  • Salary ranging from $25,500-$51,000 a year with health insurance and retirement benefits
  • Possible Americorps Education Award of $11,100 and loan deferment/forbearance
  • Option to earn your certification and/or Masters in Education/teaching
  • Graduate school and employer partnerships for alum to continue their leadership and impact


For additional information, explore our website and youtube channel or contact Katherine Kleitsch at


January 14, 2014

ACM Weekly Events Digest 2/4 – 2/8

2/5: Isilon Tech Talk
2/6: eBay Tech Talk
2/7: Zillow Tech Talk

Isilon Tech Talk
2/5; 6:00 – 7:00pm; EEB 105

EMC Isilon will be coming to UW! Jason Behmer, EMC Isilon Software Engineer and UW Alum, will lead a tech talk about High Performance File Systems and answer your questions about engineering careers with EMC in Seattle. Brilliant engineering discussion with a side of pepperoni. Join us!

eBay Tech Talk: Algorithmic Game Theory of eBay’s Buyer-Seller Matching
2/6; 6:00 – 7:00pm; EEB 125

Speaker: Kamal Jain, Distinguished Research Scientist

Kamal is a scientist interested in the interface of technology and business innovation. He earned his doctorate from Georgia Tech in 2000 in areas consisting of computer science, mathematics, & operation research. He is well known in both academic community and technology industry. He has published 75+ research papers in top notch conferences and journals. One of his papers inspired a book on iterative methods in algorithms. He has also published 100+ patents, a third of which have already been granted. He enjoys mentoring. He has mentored dozens of PhD students, most of whom are now at top universities & companies.

Zillow Tech Talk
2/7; 6:00 – 7:00pm; EEB 105

Please join David Beitel, CTO, and Garrett McAuliffe, VP, as they talk about Zillow’s technology.

David Beitel – Chief Technology Officer As CTO, David manages the Technical Engineering team and is responsible for all website, mobile and internal product development, corporate IT, and datacenter operations. One of the initial members of the Expedia team, David held many leadership roles in product development during his 10-year tenure there. Before his Expedia years, David worked at Microsoft in the handheld computing group. David earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a master’s of engineering degree in computer science from Cornell University.

Garrett McAuliffe – Vice President – Engineering Garrett joined Zillow in 2005 and currently leads the Mobile Technology strategy for Zillow. He’s worked in the Consumer Internet space as a technology leader for companies like Expedia, Inc. and Microsoft. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Irvine in Computer Science.

Zillow’s mission is to empower people to make smart home-related decisions.

February 4, 2013

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