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October 16th at 2 PM in CSE 403, CSE will have a CS-focused workshop on applying for the NSF all those considering grad school should consider going, especially juniors/seniors

If you are thinking of going to graduate school, and are a junior, you should really go to this information session on how to apply for NSF Fellowships so you’ll be prepared for the future.
From: “Carlo C del Mundo” <>
Date: October 10, 2015 at 12:42:23 PM PDT
Subject: UW CSE NSF GRFP Workshop (10/16, 2PM, CSE403)
1st- and 2nd-year students who are eligible for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program:
On October 16th at 2 PM in CSE 403, CSE will have a CS-focused workshop on applying for the NSF which includes current holders of the fellowship, sharing of essays, words from Ed (who has served on selection committees in the past) — everything to help you prepare your application.
More info about the NSF:
NSF GRFP due: October 27, 2015 for Engineering, Computer & Info. Sciences & Engr, Materials Research. Applicants should be US Citizens, Nationals, or Permanent Residents. Three reference letters must be submitted electronically by November 5, 2015, 5:00 PM PT by the reference writers through the FastLane GRFP Application Module.  If three reference letters are not received by the reference letter deadline and time, the application will be returned without review.
Please see the NSF-GRFP URL below for more eligibility requirements and guidelines.
Good luck, guys!
Carlo C del Mundo
University of Washington,
Computer Science and Engineering.
October 12, 2015

All seniors considering graduate school, you should read this

TO: Seniors, First Year and beginning of Second Year Graduate Students
FROM: Mary Heusner, Director of Research, College of Engineering

SUBJ: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Workshop

*October 2,  (Fri), 12:30-2:00 p.m., EE Building Conf. Room 303

Please RSVP to:


The College of Engineering invites you to an NSF-Graduate Research Fellowship Workshop for



This workshop will be an informal panel session including NSF GRFP awardees plus a recent panelist, Dr. Jim Pfaendtner, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering. There will be time for questions and answers!


  • NSF GRF due: *October 27, 2015, for Engineering, Computer & Info. Sciences & Engr,, and Materials Research.
  • Applicants should be US Citizens, Nationals, or Permanent Residents.
  • Three reference letters must be submitted electronically by November 5, 2015, 5:00 p.m. PST (Seattle local time) by the reference writers through the FastLane GRFP Application Module.  If three reference letters are not received by the reference letter deadline and time, the application will be returned without review.


Please see the NSF-GRFP URL below for more eligibility requirements and guidelines.



FastLane Logon:

September 22, 2015

Paid research position available this summer

From: Julie Kientz <>
Date: Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 2:52 PM
Subject: Advertising REU position?
To: “” <> Cc: Matthew Kay <>

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Position Available
Designing and Implementing a Novel Weight Scale Interface

We are seeking to hire an undergraduate student this summer to help implement a research prototype. We are working on designing and evaluating a weight scale that can track factors influencing your weight and tell you how much various things (clothing, time of day, etc) influence the weight you see when you step on the scale. We are looking for someone to help us implement the front end to this scale.

The student should ideally have development experience in Python, Java, or similar. Tasks will involve authenticating users, reading weight data over a serial port, piping that data through an existing model for each user, and displaying that data in a user interface. Some of the skills for implementing the system can be learned “on-the-job.”

Dates of Employment: Looking to start as soon as possible, but can be flexible. End date will be by the end of August, 2015.

Employment Type: Hourly employment up to 20 hours per week. Timing is flexible. Hourly pay rate starts at $15 per hour depending on year and school and level of experience.

To Apply: Please send your resume and a brief statement of your interest in the position to

Julie A. Kientz
Associate Professor
Human Centered Design & Engineering
University of Washington | 206-221-0614

June 17, 2015

CSEM – 5th year masters – application is now live!

For those of you who have one year (or less) left of your time as an undergraduate student, and are interested in the UW CSE 5th year masters program, please apply! The application is linked from the website below. There is also a link to a presentation we gave that you might want to review before applying.  Please also note the timeline below for when you will be notified.  At this point we are still requiring 3 recommenders who are UW CSE faculty. One can be a TA reference, the other two should know your academic work. If you are struggling and this is the only thing keeping you from applying, please reach out the CSE advisors (Raven, Jenifer and me) and we’ll see how we might be able to help you out.  Also, please remember to ASK your recommenders before putting their name down so they remember who you are and will say good things.  Let us know if you have questions.


  • May 22 – June 8th application open
  • June 9th – June 13th: Collect Faculty Recommendations
  • June 14th – June 22nd: Review Applications
  • Week of June 22nd: Committee Meets
  • Decisions emailed by June 29th
May 22, 2015

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Information Sessions

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Information Sessions

Webinar:    to register:

  • Wednesday, May 27, 2015; 6:30-8:00 p.m. 
  • Thursday, May 28, 2015; 3:30-5:00 p.m.


NSF’s GRFP is one of the premier opportunities to fund your graduate study.  It provides 3 years of funding that you can use in a 5 year time frame.  You can apply as many times as you are eligible (up to three).
First year graduate students (and sometimes second year students) can apply in the fall.
Undergraduates who will be seniors in fall 2015 who are planning to attend graduate school can apply this coming fall (fall 2015) and take the funding with them to whatever school they attend.

The fellowship includes a $34,000 annual stipend and tuition.  For fellows at the University of Washington, GAIP health insurance is also covered.

We encourage students in all eligible fields to look into this fellowship.

Supported fields include (note, this is not an exhaustive list):

Social Sciences (Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Geography, International Relations, Linguistics, Political Science, Public Policy, Sociology, Urban Planning, etc.

STEM Education



Computer Science & Engineering



Life Sciences


Physics & Astronomy

The information session will cover the application process, strategies for successful applications and more details regarding how the fellowship operates.  Application deadlines typically range from late October to early November

Basic eligibility criteria:

  • research in an eligible NSF research area (includes several of the social sciences)
  • US citizens or permanent residents by the application deadline
  • students in their first year of graduate study or at the beginning of their second year of graduate study (with some limitations)
  • students who have not earned a previous graduate degree
  • graduating senior undergraduates who plan to apply to and begin graduate student by next fall

The 2016 materials have not yet been published, but we don’t expect significant changes from the last round.  2015 information can be found at:

Questions?   Please contact Marilyn Gray in The Graduate School Fellowships and Awards office at or 206.685-4249.


May 22, 2015

BSMS Information Session on Tuesday May 12th, 4-5pm in room 305

Hey everyone,

We’re going to host an information session for the 5th year masters program here in CSE this Tuesday, May 12th at 400PM in room 305 of the Allen Center for CS&E.  Come learn about the BS/MS program, how to apply, what to expect, and whether or not this program is right for you.  The session will be hosted by Professor Brian Curless (current 5th year masters faculty coordinator), and Crystal and Jenifer the 5th year masters program advisors.

Look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

CSE Advising

May 8, 2015

Paid Data Science for Social Good summer research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students

——— Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 4:33 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Fwd: [Escience_bbl] Paid Data Science for Social Good summer research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students
To: “” <>

This should be a terrific summer program!!  And we definitely want some CSE students who can cut code!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Micaela and Sarah <>
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM
Subject: [Escience_bbl] Paid Data Science for Social Good summer research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students
To: “” <>, escience_allhands <>

The eScience Institute at the University of Washington invites students to join the Data Science for Social Good incubator program this summer.


Sixteen students will be selected to work with academic researchers, computer scientists, and public stakeholder groups on data-intensive research projects with public policy implications. These are paid positions.



Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply, preference given to University of Washington students.



Each student will be part of a team working on a research project that has concrete relevance and impact to the local community on the theme of Urban Science. Projects will involve analysis and visualization of data on topics such as public health, sustainable urban planning, environmental protection, disaster response, crime prevention, education, transportation, governance, commerce, and social justice.



Most work will be conducted on the UW campus in the WRF Data Science Studio, but some field excursions in the City of Seattle or King County may also be involved.



This is a 10-week long, full-time program beginning June 15th and ending August 21st. Class schedules can be accommodated for students who are enrolled during summer session.



Students will be given a stipend of $6,500 for the 10 weeks. Stipend payments will be dispersed through the UW payroll system on the 10th and 25th of each month.



  • Strong academic record
  • Previous programming experience (although strong candidates without significant programming experience will be considered)


How to Apply:

Submit a cover letter, resume, and transcript (unofficial is acceptable) to In your cover letter, please describe your background, interest in the program, and relevant experience/coursework. Favorable candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Application Deadline:

March 31, 2015 at 5:00 pm


Micaela S. Parker, Ph.D.
Program Manager  |  eScience Institute
Campus Box 351570  |  University of Washington

March 17, 2015

ENGR 498A Preparing for Graduate Education in Engineering

From Professor Eve Riskin:

I will be leading a seminar ENGR 498A Preparing for Graduate Education
in Engineering spring quarter on preparing for grad school.  It meets
Tuesdays at 1:30 — 2:20 PM in Loew 222.  The grading is CR/NC.

If you’re interested in grad school, sign up now.  Space is limited
but right now, there are a bunch of spots open.

13945 ENGR   498  A     SPECIAL TOPICS     7  30  30  23    0  T     0130-0220

We will cover topics such as:

* Why go to graduate school in Engineering

* Getting your graduate degree paid for

* Apply to graduate school

* Graduate student life and picking an adviser

* The importance of undergraduate research

* How outreach can strengthen a fellowship application

* Choosing a university for graduate school

* Practical advice on research statements

Students will get an opportunity to draft a research statement and get
it peer-reviewed during the seminar.

Eve Riskin

Eve A. Riskin
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Associate Dean of Diversity and Access
College of Engineering
University of Washington

Tel:  (206) 685-2313            Fax:  (206) 543-3842

Box 352180
Univ. of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195-2180         email:

March 13, 2015

BSMS (5th year masters) Information Session THIS THURSDAY 2/5/15 room 691

Hey everyone,

We’re going to host an information session for the 5th year masters program here in CSE this Thursday, Feb. 5th at 430 in the Gates Commons, room 691 of the Allen Center for CS&E.  Come learn about the BS/MS program, how to apply, what to expect, and whether or not this program is right for you.  The session will be hosted by Professor Brian Curless (current 5th year masters faculty coordinator), Crystal and Jenifer the 5th year masters program advisors and special guests from the BS/MS program itself.

Look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

CSE Advising

February 3, 2015

5th Year Masters Information Session Feb. 5th 430PM in Gates Commons room 691

Hey everyone,

If you have any interest in the 5th year masters program, please join the faculty advisor, the advisors and some current students for an information session on Thursday Feb. 5th at 430PM in room 691 (Gates Commons) of the Paul G. Allen Center for CS&E.

We look forward to seeing you there,

~CSE Advising

January 26, 2015

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