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STATNORTHWEST: A half-day conference for students of all levels from historically underrepresented groups

April 14, 2018
12:30PM – 5:00PM

South Campus Center, Room 316

A half-day conference for students of all levels from historically
underrepresented groups interested in learning about careers and
advanced degrees in statistics, biostatistics, and data science.


• Discover career opportunities in industry, academia, and research from
statisticians, biostatisticians, and data scientists at esteemed Pacific Northwest
institutions, including Amazon, NanoString, Fred Hutch, and the University of
• Network with faculty, clinical researchers, data scientists, and current
graduate students.
• Learn how to apply to and succeed in graduate programs in statistics and
• See a sampling of the cutting-edge research happening at UW.
Attendance is free, but space is limited!

For more information, or to RSVP, check out our website:

Welcome to StatNorthwest!


March 13, 2018

Reminder: This Thursday Graduate School Information Session Night BSMS/PMP/PHD

Thursday Nov. 2nd: CSE Grad School Info Session

Come learn about CSE’s Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s (BSMS) Program, the Professional Masters Evening Degree Program and/or about pursuing your PhD in CSE. The first part of the session will feature information about the BSMS program, followed by a short presentation on the Evening Degree PMP program, and the second half will go over general PhD admissions nuts and bolts and will feature a panel of CSE PhD students. You are welcome to attend one, two, or all three parts of the session, come and go as you wish.

Thursday November 2nd, Sieg 134

4 -5:30 PM*

*4-4:30 5th Year Masters Program

*4:30-4:45 Professional Masters Evening Degree

*4:45-5:30 PhD

October 30, 2017

Th Nov. 2nd: CSE Grad School Info Session

Come learn about CSE’s Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s (BSMS) Program, the Professional Masters Evening Degree Program and/or about pursuing your PhD in CSE. The first part of the session will feature information about the BSMS program, followed by a short presentation on the Evening Degree, and the second half will go over general PhD admissions nuts and bolts and will feature a panel of CSE PhD students. You are welcome to attend one, two, or three parts of the session, come and go as you wish.

Thursday November 2nd, Sieg 134

4 -5:30 PM*

*4-4:30 5th Year Masters Program

*4:30-4:45 Professional Masters Evening Degree

*4:45-5:30 PhD


October 26, 2017

One more update on BSMS 5th year masters

We have decided that we will open a small admission cycle for BSMS students between fall and winter quarter next year.  This is in response to some student concerns about the late policy change requiring students to still be enrolled undergraduates at the time they apply to the BSMS program.
We have been asked if students who are not admitted this June can re-apply at the end of fall quarter. While the answer is yes, we will be only admitting a very small number of people and the focus will be students who were affected by the policy change. Please also keep in mind that there may not be enough that has changed in your application during one quarter to make much of a difference in the outcome.  Your primary focus should still be on an application this round, and you should meet with us before deciding to reapply at the end of fall.
Thank you for your patience as we work together to improve our policies and procedures.
Crystal Eney & Jenifer Hiigli
BSMS Advising Team
June 7, 2017

Important update to 5th year masters application – must submit your application before you graduate with bachelors

In the past, we had a clause in the BSMS (5th year masters) application that allowed students to apply to the program up to one year after finishing their bachelor’s degree. This was originally meant to help students who were caught in the middle when we first created the program.  In recent years, no one has actually entered the program that late because most students find other paths fit better once they enter the workforce.

We have decided to officially close that clause and now all students who want to apply for the 5th year masters must apply before they graduate with their bachelor’s degree.  If you are graduating this spring 2017, you may still apply for this current cycle because you will submit your application by June 8th and you won’t graduate until the next week.

If you are graduating soon and were planning to apply next year, you should re-consider and put in an application for this current round.

We realize this is a late breaking change, so if anyone is negatively effected, please contact Jenifer or me ASAP so we can work with you on a plan for your specific situation.

As always, let us know if you have questions.

We did change recently alter deadline to apply to give students a few extra days, it’s now Thursday, June 8th at 24:00.


Crystal Eney
Director of Student Services
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Paul G. Allen Center Box 352350
185 Stevens Way Seattle, WA 98195
June 1, 2017

BS/MS (5th year masters) application now open!

Good Morning! The BS/MS application is now open.

FYI: You may not find a person you want to use as a reference in the drop down menu. If that is the case, it may be that:

  1. They are a graduate student. In that case, we generally encourage them to work with their faculty adviser to submit on their behalf. Please let us know if this is problematic.
  2. They may be a guest lecturer. In that case, if we still have contact with them we will try to include them.  Contact us with questions.
  3. They may be affiliate faculty and may not be in our system yet. Let us know and I’ll have it updated.

The application is linked from the BS/MS application page:

Here are the timelines for this application cycle:

May 19 – June 5th: Application Open
June 5th: Application Deadline
Decisions emailed late June

Questions? Email Jen <> or Crystal <>

May 19, 2017

Explore Graduate Studies in CSE – Workshop at the University of Michigan

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 1:52 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Fwd: Explore Graduate Studies in CSE – Workshop at the University of Michigan
To: “” <>

Jenna is a top tier MIT Ph.D. alum now on the faculty at Michigan …

———- Forwarded message ———-

Explore Graduate Studies in CSE
The goal of the one-day workshop is to help undergraduates better
prepare for the graduate school application process and broaden
participation in computing research.

Saturday, September 30th, 2017
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Students can apply online by following the link on the page above.
*Travel Awards* are available. Women and underrepresented groups are
encouraged to apply.

Jenna Wiens,
Assistant Professor,
EECS Department,
The University of Michigan

April 26, 2017

Master of Financial Engineering – UC Berkeley

Learn how you can launch a career in finance/data science/fintech with a STEM background
Dear students and postdocs,
The Berkeley Master of Financial Engineering program invites you to learn how we can help you leverage your training in computer science, engineering, physics, math, statistics, or economics to launch a career in finance/data science/fintech.
Our alumni network and deep industry connections will open the doors to key positions at top firms; our 12-month program will give you the academic preparation and hands-on training to contribute at a high level from the start of your career.
Learn more – and have your background assessed by our executive director – at one of our upcoming online events!
November 30: Berkeley MFE Information Session Online
10:00 – 11:00 AM Pacific (California) Time
Online at
More info/RSVP
December 14: Berkeley MFE Information Session Online
3:00 – 4:00 PM Pacific (California) Time
Online at
More info/RSVP
If you have questions, or can’t join one of our sessions but would like to participate in a resume review with one of our admissions advisors, please contact us at
We look forward to meeting you!
Kind regards,
Christina Henri & Diane Nguyen
Berkeley MFE Admissions Team
+1 (510) 642-4417
+1 (510) 642-6983
November 15, 2016

Football scores aside…. if you’re interested in USC’s graduate program, they are having an info session in Seattle tomorrow

Dear Ms. Eney,
On behalf of the University of Southern California, I’m pleased to inform you that I will be hosting an information session in Seattle next week to meet with students interested in advancing their education in engineering or computer science.  As we continue to have significant interest from students at University of Washington, I would like to ask if you may assist in sharing this invitation with your members.  Topics to be covered are application tips/criteria, and scholarship opportunities and application fee waivers for UW students.

Wednesday, November 16
Fairmont Olympic, Seattle


Many thanks in advance for your consideration.

Kind regards,

Camillia Lee
Assistant Dean
Graduate & Professional Programs
USC Viterbi School of Engineering



Camillia Lee
Assistant Dean, Graduate & International Recruitment
USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Annual Preview Days: Nov. 11 & Dec. 2

t: 213.821.1553 | e:
skype: camillia.lee

November 15, 2016

Harvard summer program in Biostats and Comp Bio

Hello, CSE students! Our colleagues at Harvard would like to advertise their 2017 Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This program is open to any US citizens or permanent residents who identify with groups that are typically underrepresented in STEM, including racial/ethnic minorities, low-income students, first generation college students, and students with disabilities.

All-expenses-paid! A digital brochure can be found online.



Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology
at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

June 10, 2017 – July 22, 2017
Application Due: February 1, 2017
Eligibility & Requirements

If you like mathematics and would like to learn how quantitative methods can be applied in the study of human health, consider applying to the Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The program will introduce you to the power and excitement of math applications to public health, medicine, and biology, and provide you experiences that will help inform your future career path.

Summer Program for Undergraduates & Recent Graduates

The Summer Program is an intensive 6-week program, during which qualified participants receive a whirlwind introduction to biostatistics, epidemiology, and public health research. This program is designed to expose undergraduates to the use of quantitative methods for biological, environmental, and medical research. The program also provides advice about graduate school and the application process through GRE preparation, meetings with different departments of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and individualized mentoring by Harvard faculty. Participants take non-credit introductory courses in Biostatistics and Epidemiology and statistical programming languages such as R, and attend a series of topical seminars. The seminars, led by faculty members from various departments at the Harvard School of Public Health, are designed to broaden participant’s understanding of the relationship of biostatistics to human health by providing a snapshot of methods developed and applied to real research projects in different fields. Participants also gain research experience through small-group research projects directed by faculty and graduate student mentors. At the end of the program, students present their research to the group and to affiliated faculty. Housing and travel are provided and a living stipend (including meals) of approximately $1900 is provided for the 6-week program.

Post-Baccalaureate Internship

The 2-3 month internship program is for post-bacs interested in or planning to attend a graduate degree program in biostatistics. Past summer program participants are encouraged to apply. Travel is provided and interns will receive a salary for their participation in the post-baccalaureate program. Interns will participate in collaborative research projects through 1-2 rotations at academic and clinical centers at Harvard. They will attend regular seminars at Harvard and Dana Farber Cancer Institute on biostatistical topics. They will also attend the annual Pipelines Into Biostatistics Symposium in July 2017, and have the option to return the next summer to present their research at our 2018 symposium.

November 7, 2016

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