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IBM Watson / Jeopardy — Please join us!!

A quick heads-up, for your calendar:

We will host a viewing of the 2nd of the 3 IBM Watson Jeopardy games, a week from Tuesday, on the 15th, starting at 7:00 p.m. and running until 8:15 p.m.  We’ll Slingbox the HD television video onto the screen in the normal colloquium room, EE105.  (Thanks to Aaron Timss for rigging this up.)

Oren Etzioni, Luke Zettlemoyer, Eric Horvitz (MSR), and some local folks from IBM will provide some technical background prior to the game itself, a brief analysis afterwards, and plentiful wisecracks during.  (The game itself is 7:30-8:00.)

Like IBM’s assault on chess in 1997, this is a landmark accomplishment — win, lose, or draw.

There was a very nice NY Times Sunday Magazine article last June (in contrast to the lame-ass philosophical hand-wringing in today’s paper):

Please join us.  This should be fun and educational.

February 7, 2011

Week (so late in the quarter I have lost track): Winterfest and Tech Talks

Hi all,

If you haven’t looked at the Calendar we have ALOT of tech talks in the next few weeks, so here they are in one big reminder.  But before that,


Event: Winterfest Social Event
Date: Friday, February 18th, 6pm-9pm
Place: The Atrium!
Cost: Free for ACM members, $6 for everyone else

This will be equally, if not more, exciting than Fallfest!  There will be a better proportion of free food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, video games, lots of board games, a dance floor, and a great atmosphere to hang out!  Look  for the theme on the posters soon to go up!  If you have any other suggestions for activities or other suggestions contact an ACM officer (we have heard the call for Kinects, and we are working on it!).

Also, if anyone would like to volunteer to set up, take down, or run a table for fall fest send the acm officers a message and we’ll get back to you (their email is acm-officers at cs…)  We’ll contact you closer to the event with more details.

And now the tech talks…

1.) Redfin Info Session

When: Tue, February 8, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Where: Atrium

Redfin is a great new start up based right here in Seattle taking over the e-Real Estate busines. Their CEO is a great guy, these are great people!

2.)Google tech talk

When: Wednesday, February 9th, 6pm-8pm
Where: EE105

Description: Have you ever imagined applying your education, research, and experience to benefit millions of people around the world? There are many opportunities for Google engineers to make immediate impact and work on real problems. Our engineers are also encouraged to make contributions to the computer science community through a variety of professional development activities, such as attending conferences, publishing papers, open source, and more. Come and hear local engineers Charlie Reis and Atul Adya briefly talk about how they have done this at Google. See details below. When: Wednesday, February 9, from 6-8 PM Where: 105 Sign up for this event by RSVP’ing here. (RSVPing helps us know how many people to order food for, but everyone is welcome!) Charlie will share his experience with research opportunities at Google, specifically on the Chrome team. He’ll talk about chances to write papers and serve on program committees, as well as how research at Google can differ from other labs, such as shipping experimental projects to millions of users. Charlie Reis is a Software Engineer on the Google Chrome team. He finished his PhD at UW CSE in 2009, working with Steve Gribble and Hank Levy. His research interests focus on improving the reliability and security of web browsers for running modern web applications. Atul will share his perspective on systems research at Google and it with his experience in other labs/product groups. In particular, he will discuss how research and publications in infrastructure systems happens at Google. He will also share his opinion on the Google culture and why Google continues to be exciting place for graduate students. Atul Adya is a Software Engineer at Google leading a team building a large-scale notifications system. Prior to Google, Atul worked at Microsoft Research (on a distributed file system called Farsite) and in Microsoft product groups (Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Live Mesh) in the areas of distributed systems, databases, file systems, object-relational systems and wireless systems. Earlier at the MIT Computer Science Laboratory, he worked on the Thor persistent object store in the areas of weak consistency, transactions, and object caching. Atul received his B. Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and his S.M. and PhD degrees with Prof. Barbara Liskov from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests span a broad range of systems including distributed systems, storage systems, databases, operating systems, and wireless systems. Please check out our job opportunities at and complete this form to receive announcements about future job opportunities, scholarships, and programs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We look forward to meeting you!

Jessica Einfeld University Programs Google Inc.

3.)Yelp info session

When: Thursday, February 10th, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Where: CSE Atrium

Yelp is an awesome mid-sized start up based out of downtown San Francisco. They specialize in local search, peer reviews, a great website, and mobile apps. Check them out at or their careers page,Job.

4.) VMWare Infosessios

Tuesday February 15th, 5:30pm–6:30pm

Description: We can’t virtualize YOU, so consider joining our team today! VMware maintains a deep connection to its academic roots. We recognize that today’s students are tomorrow’s trailblazers and appreciate the opportunity to benefit from your fresh perspective while sharing our experience with you. VMware (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in cloud infrastructure, delivers customer-proven virtualization solutions that significantly reduce IT complexity. VMware accelerates an organization’s transition to cloud computing, while preserving existing IT investments and enabling more efficient, agile service delivery without compromising control. Come hang out and get a download of VMware, FREE Food and Drinks!

VMware Campus Relations —

5.) RIM Tech Talk

When: Wed, February 16, 6:00pm 7:30pm
Where: Atrium or EE

RIM=Research in Motion. They’re a well known company with lots of new ideas coming out! Check it out:

And then there is Winterfest, February 18th, 6-9pm.

Chris & UW ACM Officers

February 6, 2011

ACMW’s Winter Affiliates’ Dinner

Dear Undergrads,

If you are attending the Career Fair tomorrow you might receive an invite to the ACM-W Winter Affiliate’s Fair Dinner by one of the attending companies (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Twitter, Yelp). If you accept, please make sure to attend the event. It’s a great opportunity to talk to all of these six companies in a casual environment and learn more about what they do; there’s also food. If you cannot attend or if you receive a second invite please politely decline and let someone else have a chance!

If you have any questions email acmw-officers@cs.

Hope to see some of you at the dinner!

January 24, 2011

Week 3 and 4: Career Fair, Microsoft Tech Fest, UI Evolution, Cisco, Facebook, Resume/Interview Help, Winterfest

Hi guys and gals,

There is a TON going on in the next two weeks, here it is all layed out, plan accordingly!  If you’re still looking for summer work now would be a great time to touch up your resume and take advantage of all these great opportunities!

Remember, everything can be found on these calendars:


When: Tue, January 25, 1:30pm – 5:00pm

Where: CSE Atrium

What: It’s just like Fall again!  There is likely more emphasis on hiring for internships, but likely to be full time opportunities still around. A current list of companies that will participate in our winter recruiting fair may be viewed here:

1.) Resume Review:

When: Tue, January 18, 3pm – 6pm

Where: CSE Atrium

Description: HR experts from several local high-tech will provide individual resume tips to our CSE undergraduates. Strong resumes are essential for obtaining job interviews and student resumes in any stage can benefit greatly from a review from our experts. Students can attend either the 3:00 or 4:30 sessions, no reservations necessary. Bring at least 4 copies of your resume—initial drafts are fine!

2.) Microsoft Tech Fest

When: Wed, January 19, 6pm – 8pm

Where: CSE Atrium

Description: It’s all about us meeting you and you meeting us, and all of us geeking out over some crazy tech stuff.  Talk, ask questions, or just mingle with your fellow techies!   Check out demos from Windows Phone 7, SharePoint, MSN Mobile, Internet Explorer and more from the developers who actually work on these teams!   Bring your questions, geek out on some sweet technology and see where Microsoft is going next.  A recruiter will be on hand to talk about how you can Be What’s Next.  Fulltime and intern positions are still available – bring your resume!  Stop by anytime between 6:00pm and 8:00pm and enter to win an Xbox 360 & Kinect bundle, Zune HD or other sweet prizes!  Free food from Jimmy John’s will be provided!

3.) UI Evolution Info Session

When: Thu, January 20, 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Where: CSE Atrium

Description: A tech talk / info session from a company you may not have heard of!  There will be food and likely swag.  Check out the website:

4.) Cisco Info Session

When: Mon, January 24, 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Where: EE 105

Description: Cisco is more than just routers.  We are the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate, and collaborate.  Since 1984, Cisco has led in the innovation of IP-based networking technologies, including routing, switching, security, TelePresence, unified communications, video, and wireless.  The company’s responsible business practices help ensure accountability, business sustainability, and environmentally conscious operations and products.

Please join us for this exciting session! Dinner will be served plus a FLIP Video Raffle. For more information, please visit

5.) Facebook Tech Talk

When: Wed, January 26, 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Where: EE 105

Description: Facebook is back again.  They had a pretty awesome Tech Talk last time around (super interesting).  Definitely come check it out!

6.) Mock Technical Interview

When: Thu, January 27, 6:00pm – 8:15pm

Where: Career Center

Description: Our Winter Mock Technical Interviews will once again allow CSE students to experience a 40 minute one-on-one technical question and answer session with actual interviewers from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Primavera Solutions and many more.  The Winter Mock Technical Interviews will be held on Thursday, January 27 from 6:00-8:15 pm.  Reservation information will be provided shortly.  Reservations for the interviews will be taken on a seniority priority basis.


When: Friday, February 18, 6pm – 9pm

Where: CSE Atrium

Description: Mark your calendar! It’s like fall fest all over again! Come celebrate surviving half the quarter or your newly acquired internship or full time position with all your CSE friends.  For sure Food, drinks, board games, video games, and music will be provided.  If you think any other fun activities should happen at Winterfest send your suggestions to the ACM offices.

That’s all folks! (Really, seriously, that was only 650+ words of announcements).  But that’s about half the quarter of events.  Add our calendars and twitter!

Chris Raastad


January 13, 2011

Poker night for CSE and EE students

Hello Students!

HKN is happy to announce the 3rd Annual Poker Night on Wednesday January 19th from 6:30 to 9:30pm in Kane Hall (NEXT WEEK).

Poker night is designed to be a low stress, networking event between CSE and EE students and several high-profile companies. Food, and drinks will be served (&&  if (age >= 21), beer). There will be a raffle and prizes for the top players!

Don’t forget to bring your resume!!

Dustin Richmond
HKN President
January 12, 2011

CSE Internship Panel Next Thursday!

All CSE undergrads who either have secured an upcoming internship or hope to do so in the future should attend our Winter Internship Panel Event on Thursday, January 13 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm in EEB 125.

UW CSE alumni from Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Adobe will provide firsthand tips on how to choose an internship, what to expect from your internship, and how to best use your internship as a stepping stone to your future career.  Ana Wieman from the College of Engineering Co-op (internship) Office will also be on hand to provide information on internship availability and assistance.  No reservation necessary.  See you there!

January 6, 2011

Redmond Mobile and Gaming Startup Weekend

Startup Weekends are 54-hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs.  Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos and presentations.  Participants create working startups during the event and are able to collaborate with like-minded individuals outside of their daily networks. All teams hear talks by industry leaders and receive valuable feedback from local entrepreneurials. The weekend is centered around action, innovation, and education.  Whether you are looking for feedback on a idea, a co-founder, specific skill sets, or a team to help you execute, Startup Weekends are the perfect environment in which to test your idea and take the first steps towards launching your own startup.

Redmond Mobile and Gaming Startup Weekend begins Friday, December 10th at 6 PM, and continues through Sunday, December 12th at 9 PM.  The event will be at Steptoe on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond.  The Thursday before the event Startup Weekend is partnering with Power of Play 2010 Conference.  Other partners include Washington Interactive Network.  We will have great local speakers, such as T.A. McCann and Andy Sack, as well as a entrepreneurial leaders serving on our judging panel for the Sunday night presentations.  Prizes, such as $15,000 of prototyping help for applications developed on the Windows 7 platform, are available to the winning team.  The event is open to entrepreneurs, gamers, developers, designers, startup enthusiasts and more!  Please go to to learn more and to register.

December 6, 2010

Research Night

Hey undergrads,

It’s coming up! This Wednesday is Research Night. Come check out the research our department has been working on, and maybe find a project you’d be interesting in working on. Undergraduate research looks great to grad schools and employers alike, and it’s really never too early to start.

The event kicks off at 4:30 PM with a short talk and a Q&A panel in EE 125. Afterwards, we’ll move to a poster session in the Atrium.

Hope to see you there!


November 7, 2010

Fall Fest TODAY!!!

Hey UGrads,

Just a reminder, today is the ACM Fall Fest!  It will be 5-9pm in the CSE atrium!

Please enter through the main entrance to the Atrium (the one closest to Reboot and the MS Table PC).

If you want free alcohol YOU MUST HAVE A VALID ID (and be at least 21 years of age)!!!

There will be food, drinks, snacks, board games, video games, facebook swag, ACM/ACMW tables, TShirt orders, and a DJ Groove Zone.  Come hang out with all the cool cse people.

Come whenever you can! Remember, its Free for ACM Members (you can join at the door), and $6 for everyone else! Feel free to bring non-cse friends (as long as they pay : P).

Chris Raastad

PS: Remember Remember the 5th of November

November 5, 2010

Week 6: (Midterms), Tech, Talks, Fall Fest

Hey all,

I am sure you guys are feeling it this week, somehow EVERYTHING congregated to the same week: applications, homeworks, projects, midterms,  an epic let down of a Husky football game, academic rebound after an eventful weekend, and a never ending torrential downpour!

But hang in there! ACM and CSE is here for you! We are not here to distract you from your midterm power studying, don’t overdoit on events!  But rather, we provide a serving of sanity to encourage a short healthy breaks to keep your mental machinery moving!  Here’s the sumary:

0.) Stanford President John Hennessy, “The Future of Research Universities”, Tuesday November 2nd, 330-430, CSE Atrium

Another, most likely, Atrium filling talk, this should be interesting!

1.) Facebook Info Session, Tuesday November 2nd, 6:00-7:00pm, EE105

The usual, food, talk, swag, and resume drop off.  Come see what it is like to work at a website you use (too much) every day!

2.) Amazon Info Session, Thursday November 4th, 5:30-6:45pm, EE105

“How amazon is reducing entropy in the cloud.”  This is our local internet shopping supergiant, but they do alot more then just that. You should know what to expect from tech talks by now.

3.) CSE Fall Fest!!!  Friday November 5th, 5:00-9:00pm, CSE Atrium

Remember, Remember, The 5th of November!

This is ACM’s largest, most awesome, social event of the quarter!  I hope this can be a reward for a tough week! The doors open at 5pm and the festivities will be in full swing by 6pm. Cost is FREE for ACM members (you can join at the door), and $6 for non-acm members (feel free to bring your non-cse friends). So what exactly is going on:

  • Free Food
  • Free Drinks
  • Free BEER (for over 21 people with valid ID, our lovely advisors will be carding mercilessly)
  • Board Games: Munchkin, Blockus, Settlers of Catan, and much more
  • Video Games: Rock Band, Smash Bros, Wii, some N64?!
  • DJ and Music: to get your groove on.
  • Facebook Table
  • ACMW Table
  • ACM Table

Feel free to resurrect your Halloween costume one last time for the year! We would very much appreciate a Facebook RSVP

4.) 10-Hour Microsoft Puzzle Challenge, Saturday November 6th, 10am-8pm, Microsoft Campus

Ok, this is long, i doubt many will compete. This is not at all an ACM event, but something i found interesting.  But, if you can’t get enough mental competition you might be interested in this event.  Food, shirts, and other prizes are provided.  For the enthused, to compete, grab some friends and sign up here


Chris Raastad

ACM Internal Relations

November 1, 2010

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