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Finally, a Smoothie Day!!!


Yes, after a very very very long recession, we will finally have a Smoothie Day!!!  It is scheduled for, TOMORROW, Friday, 330-5pm in the CSE Atrium.  Come in and enjoy the yummy 2$ smoothies fully loaded with fruity goodness and meet up with fellow CSE majors! Cross your fingers for sunshine!


PS: I need 1-2 volunteers to help out, especially for set up which starts at 3pm.  Email me if you are interested, your efforts will be rewarded (with a complimentary smoothie)!

April 7, 2011

Technology Commercialization lectures open to all students

We won’t keep posting these announcements, but if you want to get on the distribution list, see the notes at the bottom of this message.

Program on Technology Commercialization

How can we most efficiently move technology from the academic laboratory to product and market? The revised Program on Technology Commercialization (PTC) course sequence is designed to provide students with the fundamentals surrounding this process and suggest how we can most efficiently do this translational process.

Spring Quarter’s Introductory Course (BioE 504 / ENGR 498A – Wednesdays & Fridays, 3:30-5:20pm, Guggenheim 220) will feature outstanding guest lecturers from the local entrepreneurial community sharing knowledge, expertise, and personal experiences as they relate to topics such as:

  • Business opportunity (risk)
  • Markets
  • Entrepreneurship vs. intrapreneurship
  • Selling your business idea (communication)
  • How to start and run a company
  • Management
  • IP and product development
  • Ethics in business and R&D
  • Marketing, sales and distribution
  • Networking with industry experts
  • Developing nations — huge opportunities


All lectures are open to the entire CoE community. Please join us this Wednesday and Friday (4/6/11 and 4/8/11) as we learn about Intellectual Property from Ben Dugan. Ben is a CSE alum and a practicing patent lawyer at Black Lowe & Graham in Seattle (


Rather than continuously spam you, please reply to Amy Popp ( if you would like to be added to the distribution list announcing speakers for the rest of the quarter. We will send weekly announcements detailing the speakers for that week.




Matt O’Donnell

Buddy Ratner






Matthew O’Donnell, Ph.D.

Frank and Julie Jungers Dean of Engineering

Professor, Bioengineering


April 5, 2011

Spring Quarter, Officer Elections, Tech Talks


It’s finally spring quarter! Hopefully the sun comes out more! The ACM is not as active this quarter as the previous two, but we still have a few things going on.

Remember, if you don’t want to read these emails you can subscribe to one of these calendars or to know what’s going on in terms of tech talks.  Note that some things will only be posted here on the ugrad blog!

0.) Officer Elections

After nominations will close TODAY, Fri. April 1st at 11:59pm. Use the following link to nominate people you think would make great ACM officers (possibly including yourself).

Once nominations close, there will be a meeting on Tuesday April 5th at 5:00pm in the ACM Lounge for acm members to meet the candidates and candidates to introduce themselves.  If you can’t go, either member or nominee, don’t fret, each candidate will have a short bio to represent themselves.  An email will go out to nominees with further details about positions.

Officer elections will run electronically starting next Wednesday April 6th, with one election per day, 5 elections total, for 7 positions.

1.) Smoothie Day!

On Friday, April 8th from 330-5pm at a location TBA (likely the atrium) we will have our first Smoothie day of spring quarter.  This is a great time to meet fellow CSE majors, have some inexpensive slushy treats, and celebrate friday! Smoothies run at $2 a pop.

2.) Isilon Tech Talk

When: Wed. April 6th, 5:30pm-7:00pm

Where: CSE Atrium

Description: Speaker is Al Hamel – Isilon’s technical manager for OneFS Performance who will talk about Isilon’s clustered file system OneFS and its impact on Data Storage.  There will be free food and they are accepting Resumes!

3.) NetApp Info Session

When: Thur. April 7th, 6:00pm-7:00pm

Where: CSE Atrium

Description: This computer storage and data management company is voted the 5th best place to work by Fortune magazine.  Check them out at This will of course carry free food and an opportunity to speak with recruiters!


Also, save the date May 20th 2011, this is the Spring BBQ you must go to and will hear much about in weeks to come.

Don’t forget to nominate your friends for ACM officer positions (including mine)! Happy Friday!

Chris Raastad

ACM Internal Relations Email SPAMer Guy!


PS: Don’t forget to try out GMail’s amazing new awesome feature today! It will blow you away! 😉

April 1, 2011

Wayne Yamamoto

Meetings will take place in the CSE building room 452 with Wayne Yamamoto. There are still a few slots left.


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ed Lazowska <>
Date: Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 9:48 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Wayne Yamamoto
To: Cs-Ugrads <>, Cs-Grads <>, Faculty <>
Cc: Kay Beck-Benton <>

Wayne Yamamoto is an alum with experience in multiple successful
startups.  He’ll be speaking on Tuesday afternoon as part of the
Leadership Seminar Series.  However, he’ll be around on Monday and on
Tuesday morning for to meet with any students or faculty who’d like to
talk to him.

Wayne is a REALLY good guy with a lot of experience, and I encourage
you to take advantage of his time in CSE.

I’ve attached a short blurb on his visit.  You can make an appointment here:

_____________________________________________Information Sheet Link

March 31, 2011

Last Call for Google I/O

For those of you who were quick to register, we thank you for continuing to support our developer initiatives–this year’s I/O is slated to be one of our best yet. For the rest of our developers, we weren’t kidding when we told you we <3 our developers.

Starting Wednesday, March 16, we will be launching Last Call for Google I/O: A contest that spans 10 days, 10 developer challenges and 100 chances to win tickets to attend the now-sold-out Google I/O 2011.

Here’s how it works. We will announce a new challenge on the contest site on select dates at either 9am or 4pm PDT, that will last for 24 hours each. There will be 10 days of challenges with 10 winners on each day, spanning the following developer products:

March 16 – Android, 9:00 am
March 17 – Chrome, 9:00 am
March 18 – App Engine, 9:00 am
March 21 –  YouTube APIs, 9:00 am
March 22 – Game Developers, 9:00 am
March 23 – Google Maps / Geo, 4:00 pm
March 24 – Commerce, 9:00 am
March 25 – Developer Tools / GWT, 9:00 am
March 28 – Accessibility, 4:00 pm
March 29 – Google Apps / Enterprise, 4:00 pm

Each of the challenges will focus on one of our developer products and has two rounds. Plan to be in front of your computers for the first half-hour that the challenge starts to complete a series of questions for Round I, which will qualify you for the main coding challenge in Round II. You will have a little over 20hrs to complete Round II.

We want to make sure that we provide the opportunity to attend Google I/O to as many developers as possible and hope you’re feeling up to the task. The contest is valid in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia with winners being announced on April 4. And don’t forget that we will be livestreaming the keynotes and taping sessions during Google I/O. Stay tuned!

For more information and contest rules, visit

March 10, 2011

Quick OneBusAway User Study – 10 mins + Snacks

Brian Ferris, creator of OneBusAway, needs your help!

onebusaway logo“I’m looking for a few participants for a quick pilot user study this afternoon concerning OneBusAway (a suite of tools for public transit riders – ).

If you are a bus rider and can spare 10 minutes this afternoon between 1pm and 5pm, drop me an email and I will fill you in on the details.

As a bonus, I can promise tasty snacks from Trader Joe’s in exchange for your time.


March 10, 2011

White Pages Tech Talk (Today) & Yahoo HACK-U Event

Hey All,

Those of you that came to Winterfest, we hope you all had a good time!  The tech talk season is winding down, we have a few more left.

0.) White Page

When: Wed, February 23, 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Where: CSE Atrium

Description: Talk by 2010 UW Grad Koos Kleven.

1.) Yahoo Hack-U Event

You will see some big posters going up very soon about this annual event.  Basically there will be 2 tech talks on some Yahoo  development tools, and then a 24 hour “Hackathon”  with free food,  caffiene, and fabulous prizes! (on the order of netbooks and trips to Yahoo Headquarters).  The talks and the event are a great experience, here is a day by day breakdown.

1a.) KickOff and Mobile Development

Wednesday March 2nd, 6pm, EE105

1b.) New Javascript Talk

Thursday March 3rd, 6pm EE105

1c.) 24-Hour Hackathon

Fri/Sat March 4th-5th, 12noon-12noon, 6th  floor Gates Commons

1d.) Judging, Lunch, Demos, Awards,

Saturday March 5th, 12noon-2pm, 6th  floor Gates Commons

Here are the photos:

Links to Hack from last year:

This will be a fun event, definitely consider it!

Chris Raastad

ACM Mass-Emailing Person

February 23, 2011


Hello CSE Undergrads,

In case you have been spending too much time in the ugrad labs with your memory recently cleared, here is another reminder for Winterfest.

Who: UW CSE Ugrads

What: an awesome evening of food, drinks, music, games, and kinnect fun!

When: 6-9pm TONIGHT!

Where: our awesome Atrium.

Why: because it’s been a tough quarter and we all deserve some more social contact.

Cost: Free for ACM members (join tonight for $8), or $6 for your non-ACM self or guests.

This will be a great event; it only happens once a quarter so don’t miss out!  If you want to do the ACM officers a huge favor, you can show up early  (~515-530) and help set up.

Hope to see you there!

ACM Officers

February 18, 2011

Weekly Reminders: VMWare, RIM, Winterfest

Hi All,

Here is the week of ACM related things:

1.) VMWare Info Session

When: Tue, February 15, 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Where: Atrium
Description: We can’t virtualize YOU, so consider joining our team today! VMware maintains a deep connection to its academic roots. We recognize that today’s students are tomorrow’s trailblazers and appreciate the opportunity to benefit from your fresh perspective while sharing our experience with you. VMware (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in cloud infrastructure, delivers customer-proven virtualization solutions that significantly reduce IT complexity. VMware accelerates an organization’s transition to cloud computing, while preserving existing IT investments and enabling more efficient, agile service delivery without compromising control. Come hang out and get a download of VMware at VMware Campus Relations.

2.) RIM Tech Talk

When: Wed, February 16, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: CSE Atrium
Description: RIM is a dynamic mobile company, come find out what they have to say about their latest technologies and joining the team!!!  It should be fun!

NOTE: As a gentle reminder, Company info sessions and tech talks exist as a benefit to the students and companies involved.  It is extremely disrespectful to the Company Presenters, ACM Officers, and CSE Department to “dine and dash”, that is get food and leave the talk shortly or immediately without staying to get something out of event.  This makes the department look bad to the company and can negatively influence the willingness of the company to come back next quarter or next year.  We will be watching out for this in the future!

3.) ACM Winterfest!

When: Fri, February 18th, 6:00pm-9:00pm.
Where: CSE Atrium
Cost: Free for ACM members, $6 for everyone else

What better way to start off the long Weekend! There will be food, drinks, boardgames, music, dancing, Kinnects, and Fun!  We will also be selling more T-Shirts.  Yahoo is the sponsor for the event. Also, Winterfest requires lots of set up and take down effort, if you are interested in helping out your help would be greatly appreciated.  If you are interested contact an ACM officer or show up 30-45 before the event starts or at the end to give us a hand.

Have a great week,

ACM Officers

February 15, 2011

Invitation to join Microsoft Talent Games beta!

Let the games begin! We’re launching a new way to connect with like-minded technical enthusiasts from across the US. I work in staffing at Microsoft and I’m thrilled to be able to invite you to participate in this new experimental community. Over the next two weeks, we’re piloting a new way to connect and interact with a diverse range of talented individuals using interactions in a gaming format.

Why take the time to get involved?

-Connect with others who share your passion for technology

-Influence and co-create a new, fun way to learn about and engage with Microsoft

-Contribute to and champion the cause of great nonprofits and social organizations as part of the games

-Gain access to other unique experiences and opportunities through becoming part of this unique community

To join our early Beta wave, start by responding to this first challenge ( We look forward to seeing and hearing from you!

February 14, 2011

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