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TWO DAYS LEFT to apply to DubHacks 2019!

Note: The last blog post incorrectly noted Dubhacks as happening on October 19 – 20, 2019. It’s actually happening Oct 12-13, 2019. The original blog post has been updated to reflect the correct dates.
There are only TWO DAYS LEFT to apply to DubHacks 2019!
If you didn’t already hear — DubHacks is the largest 24-hour collegiate hackathon in the Pacific Northwest.
We want you to come engage and connect with our incredible sponsors like Microsoft, Facebook, Qualtrics, Bloomberg, Google (and more!). Grab free swag, hang out with puppies, and eat free food and drinks for the entire weekend with us at DubHacks 2019 (did someone say free boba and bubble waffles?). We also exclusive access to HUB Games and a Smash Tournament with the grand prize of a brand new Nintendo Switch.
Best of all, you’ll spend the weekend collaborating and creating something meaningful with the brightest hackers from across the country!
What are you waiting for? Get connected, feel empowered, and start creating. Applications close THIS SUNDAY September 8, 2019 at 11:59PM (PST).
September 6, 2019

2019 DubHacks Applications Open! Deadline 9/8/2019!

Hey Allen School Students!

Applications for DubHacks 2019 are open!

DubHacks is a 24-hour collegiate hackathon held at the University of Washington Seattle promoting diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. We bring together students of all backgrounds to inspire individuals and develop creative tools that solve society’s biggest issues. With over 600 students collectively submitting over 70 projects this past year, DubHacks is continuing to grow and empower our community to achieve greater things — and we’d love to have YOU join us this year!

We are seeking individuals who are eager to learn and passionate about making an impact, no previous experience is needed! Come learn new skills, get free swag and delicious free food, land an interview after meeting with recruiters from top companies, and meet new people as you assist in creating the next generation of innovative technology.

Get connected, feel empowered, and start creating.

October 12 – 13, 2019 at the University of Washington in Seattle.

It doesn’t take long to apply, learn more and apply now at! Applications close on September 8 at 11:59 (PST).

August 19, 2019

Apply now for Grace Hopper and Tapia conference funding!

Dear Students!

This year the Allen School will send students to both the Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing and Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Funding from CSE will include airfare, hotel (shared), and conference registration. Along with sending both undergraduate and graduate students to the conferences for personal and professional development, the Allen School is sponsoring booths for PhD student recruitment.

Read on to learn more about each conference and to apply for funding to attend!

ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing

September 18-21, 2019 — San Diego, CA

The goal of the Tapia Conferences is to bring together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals in computing from all backgrounds and ethnicities to:

    • Celebrate the diversity that exists in computing;
    • Connect with others with common backgrounds, ethnicities, disabilities, and gender so as to create communities that extend beyond the conference;
    • Obtain advice from and make contacts with computing leaders in academia and industry;
    • Be inspired by great presentations and conversations with leaders with common backgrounds.

Apply for Allen School TAPIA funding by June 10.

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

October 1-4, 2019 — Orlando, FL
Grace Hopper is the largest gathering of technical women in the world, an exciting celebration of diversity in tech, and a fantastic academic and professional opportunity. GHC features professional and personal development workshops, a career fair, social activities, and research presentations. Past attendees have generally found GHC incredibly valuable for connecting with peers and industry, exploring grad school, and feeling inspired in their CS work.
Apply for Allen School GRACE HOPPER funding by June 10.

Please apply for either conference funding by June 10. We will notify those selected to attend by June 14.


Les Sessoms, MA
Recruitment & Retention Specialist | Graduate Programs
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352355 | Seattle, WA 98195-2355
Ph:  206-221-2784

May 28, 2019

Cosmic Bowling with ACM-W May 30th!


Before the stress of finals hits us, join ACM-W on May 30th at the HUB for Cosmic Bowling! Bowl and have a good time with the CSE community with some cool cosmic lights! Pizza will be provided! As usual, all CSE students are welcome!

RSVP HERE with your CSE account:

Facebook event:

WHEN: Thursday, May 30th 6:00pm – 7:30pm
WHERE: HUB Bowling

ACMW is committed to ensuring that our events are accessible for all students and is happy to arrange disability accommodations for students (with advanced notice). Please reach out to Raven Avery (our staff adviser) at if you have any questions or requests. Please note that we occasionally may not be able to fulfill a specific request, but will do the very best we can to ensure you have a positive experience at our event!

May 20, 2019

[ACM] Research Night

Hi all!

Research night is happening again on Tuesday, 5/28 at 4:30 PM in the Amazon Auditorium in CSE2. Please RSVP here.

In addition, we will be hosting an optional coding challenge for the research night. You can complete it here. Your response will be sent to labs to help them find a good fit for their research.

ACM is committed to ensuring that all CSE events are accessible for all students and is happy to arrange disability accommodations for students (with advanced notice). Please reach out to Chloe Dolese (our ACM adviser) at if you have any questions or requests. Please note that we occasionally may not be able to fulfill a specific request but will do the very best we can to ensure you have a positive experience at our event!


May 16, 2019

[ACM] Fridge Clean-out for Spring BBQ

Spring BBQ is in just one day!

We will be using the fridges in the ACM Lounge and CSE2 Undergraduate Commons to store items for the Spring BBQ this Friday, so unfortunately lunches/other items will not be able to be stored.

Please clear out any food you may have in the fridge as soon as possible before tomorrow.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

We hope to see you at the event! 🙂

May 9, 2019

[ACM] RSVP’s for Spring BBQ Close Today!

Just a friendly reminder that RSVP’s for the Spring BBQ close TODAY (Wednesday, May 1).

You can RSVP at Eventbrite using this link. We hope to see you all there!

We will also be emailing non-ACM members and those with Snack Overflow debt this week. Please pay any membership fees and debt as soon as possible through venmo @uwacm. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

May 1, 2019

[ACM] RSVP Today for the Annual CSE Spring BBQ!

Hey everyone! A few reminders about the CSE Spring BBQ:

1) Volunteers! ACM is looking for volunteers who can help out on the day of Spring BBQ (Friday, May 10th). We will be needing volunteers for 1.5 hour intervals from 1:00pm to 9:00pm. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form with your available times.

2) The deadline to RSVP is set to Wednesday, May 1st! Register via Eventbrite @ Please note that clicking “going” on Facebook is NOT the same as registering via Eventbrite!

3) Students must be in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, an ACM member, AND Snack Overflow debt free to attend.

April 24, 2019

[ACM] Spring BBQ is Here!

April showers bring May flowers…and also our annual ACM Spring BBQ ☀️!!!  Come out into the sun and enjoy your favorite food 🍧🍖🥗

Students must be in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, an ACM member, AND Snack Overflow debt free to attend. Our ACM member’s registered plus one’s are also welcome!

Spring BBQ is a casual event for you to relax and meet some new people! Play field games and soak up the warm sun while enjoying some delicious food and snacks.

May 10th 4:30PM – 7:00PM

Sylvan Grove. Please enter from the main entrance on the Northeast side. No other entrances will be open.

RSVP ( by Wednesday, May 1st. RSVP’s for all attendees are mandatory. Please save the QR code you receive in the eventbrite email as we will be scanning your QR code before entry.

Attendees can purchase $10 tickets for their +1’s on Eventbrite as well.

Additional Instructions:

  • This event is free for ACM members and $10 for their +1s. If you are unsure whether you are a member, you can RSVP first and we will follow up with you.
  • All attendees must have no Snack Overflow debt (from the old system). Please email if you are unsure of how much debt you have. We will follow up with you personally.
  • If you are 21+ and would like to access the beer garden, please bring your government-issued ID for check-in.
  • ACM is committed to ensuring that all CSE events are accessible for all students and is happy to arrange disability accommodations for students (with advanced notice). Please reach out to Chloe Dolese (our ACM adviser) at if you have any questions or requests. Please note that we occasionally may not be able to fulfill a specific request but will do the very best we can to ensure you have a positive experience at our event!
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at!
April 18, 2019

RSVP for Startup Confidential Talk (Michael Petrochuk, UWCSE and AI2) and Dinner April 17th @ 5-7PM, Gates Commons

Please come and join the UW CSE Entrepreneurship club at the Spring Startup Confidential dinner and speaker series, Wednesday April 17th at 5-7PM at the Gates Commons in CSE1 🎉🗣!

Dinner starts at 5PM, talk at 5:30. If you plan to attend, please RSVP here so we can order the right amount of food🍽🍽🍽.

The speaker will be Michael Petrochuk (, CTO of WellSaid Labs. Michael is a recent UW undergrad and will speak to the process and limitations of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on campus and in the department.

Title: We built a computer that can talk, how hard could it be to get investment?

Bio: Hey! My name is Michael Petrochuk and I graduated from UW CSE 1 year ago. Today, I am the CTO of WellSaid Labs (we’re hiring!!). Previously at UW CSE, I tried and failed with 5 startup ideas over 4 years.

April 12, 2019

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