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Microsoft Office365 & Azure login information


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Darin Blanchard <>
Date: Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 1:40 PM
Subject: [cs-ugrads] Microsoft Office365 & Azure login information

Due to the increased popularity of Microsoft Office 365 and Azure applications, CSE Support will be implementing a new feature that syncs your Office365/Azure account password to your existing CSE Windows (csenetid) password. This will eliminate having separate passwords and having to rely on Support to change your Office365/Azure password for you. A couple things to note:

  • If you are currently logged into Office365/Azure your password may be different the next time you log in. Be sure to use your Windows password going forward.

  • If you have not set your Windows password yet (most of you already have) you’ll need to do so before logging into Office365/Azure.

We will implement this change on Monday 1/29/2018. Please contact support@cs with any questions about this new feature.

Thank you,

CSE Support

Cs-ugrads mailing list

January 29, 2018

Winter 2018 Mock Technical Interview Sign-Up!

CSE undergraduates (only!) who plan on engaging in technical interviews in the near future should sign up here for the Mock Technical Interview events to be held in the CSE advising offices the evenings of Wednesday, January 31 and Tuesday, February 6, 2018.  The 45 minute sessions begin at 6:00 pm, 6:45 pm, and 7:30 pm on both days.

At these events, technical interviewers from several of our industry affiliates will engage in abbreviated (30 minute) one-on-one mock technical interviews with students. The interviewers will provide feedback to the students during and after the interviews.  All students should plan on bringing a copy of their resume to the interviews.

This event has extremely limited space. It is geared first and foremost toward CSE students who plan to earn their degree before Autumn 2019.  The sign-up deadline is noon this Friday, January 26, so please submit your input quickly.  Slots will be filled in order of expected graduation from the pool of students who sign up prior to the deadline.

Students should sign-up for as many interview slots on the linked form as they are available for on either day to have the best chance of securing an interview.  Only one Winter Quarter interview (either on January 31 or on February 6) will be provided to each selected student.

January 24, 2018

Winter Recruiting Fair: January 24th

We are excited for the upcoming Winter Recruiting Fair taking place in the CSE Atrium on January 24th and the HUB Ballroom on January 25th.  Hopefully, everyone has saved your name badge from the Fall Recruiting Fair as you will need it for entry to this event. In the unlikely event that you have lost your badge, we will reprint it but you must let us know by January 18th by completing this form:  Name tag form.
For entry to the event, you will need to bring your Husky Card (we will again ask you to swipe in) and to wear the gray CSE lanyard with your name badge. We do have a limited limited quantity of replacements available if you have lost yours. You can pick up your reprinted name tag and/or lanyard at the CSE front desk on January 19th, 22nd, or 23rd.
Please remember that this event is only for students majoring in computer science or computer engineering at the Paul G. Allen School on the UW Seattle campus and no other students will be admitted into the event.
January 16, 2018

Resume Review Workshop Today!

A reminder that the Resume Review Workshop will be held today, January 16 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the CSE Atrium.

This workshop, for Allen School CSE majors only, is designed to allow students to gather tips from the experts to turn their resume drafts into documents that will help land their dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few printed copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with one or more recruiters or technical interview experts from several of our affiliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the upcoming recruiting fair on January 24th and 25th.

January 16, 2018

Resume Review Workshop

The Resume Review Workshop will be held next Tuesday, January 16 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the CSE Atrium.

This workshop, for Allen School CSE majors only, is designed to allow students to gather tips from the experts to turn their resume drafts into documents that will help land their dream job or internship.

All you need to attend is a few printed copies of your resume–anything from a rough draft to almost-finished product is fine.  Show up anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 pm (plan on 20 minutes per review) to share your resume with one or more recruiters or technical interview experts from several of our affiliate companies, both large and small.  These experts will provide resume advice to get your resume in great shape for the upcoming recruiting fair on January 24th and 25th.

January 8, 2018

Overload form for Winter 2018 – First Week of Classes

Here is the overload request form for the first week of courses. This is for current CSE Majors trying to enroll in a CSE Major’s level course that is currently full or add code protected.

If you are wishing to get into a full CSE course, you must fill this out by 5pm tomorrow to be considered for a space.  You should also plan to attend the lecture of any course you are petitioning to overload into.

We will try to have final decisions out by Thursday evening.  If you previously petitioned for a course and were not admitted during the overload requests we did a few weeks ago, you should fill this new request form out to express that you are still interested in the course.

Thank you,

CSE Advising

January 2, 2018

Exciting building milestones

From: Hank Levy <>
Date: Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 12:30 PM
Subject:Exciting building milestones

Dear Allen School family,


I have some great news to share with you regarding our second building, the Bill & Melinda Gates Center, going up across the street.


First, we have reached the halfway point of construction with the “topping out,” a tradition among ironworkers that marks the placement of the final steel beam on a large building or other structure. At this point, our new building has reached its maximum height, and the construction crew is ready to begin work on the enclosure and interior. I am pleased to report that this puts us on track to complete work on schedule by the end of next year.


We also have achieved another important milestone: thanks to a gift of $15 million from Bill and Melinda Gates, we have officially concluded our building fundraising!  You may recall that around two dozen of their longtime friends and colleagues got together earlier this fall to support a naming gift in the couple’s honor. We are thrilled that Bill and Melinda themselves were inspired by our vision to help us across the finish line with their own generous gift.


As we have seen through their work with Microsoft and the Gates Foundation, Bill and Melinda are first and foremost driven to have an impact — on innovation, on people’s lives, and on society as a whole. The building will equip us to expand our impact on all three, with new labs, classrooms, offices, and collaboration spaces that will help us deliver an unparalleled experience to more students and continue pushing the boundaries of our field through research. But that requires more than bricks and mortar — now we have to fill that building with the people who will generate the breakthrough innovations of tomorrow.


Thanks to Bill and Melinda and the more than 300 individual and corporate donors who came together to support our building project, we can now turn our attention to the second phase of the Campaign for CSE: support for the faculty and students who make the Paul G. Allen School great.


As we begin this next phase, I want to give special thanks to Ed Lazowska, whose tireless efforts have enabled us to secure the resources that have transformed us into one of the preeminent computer science programs.  We are extremely grateful to Microsoft President Brad Smith who has provided tremendous leadership on behalf of our volunteer campaign committee. I also want to recognize Paul Beame, Tracy Erbeck, and Aaron Timss for their contributions to the design and construction efforts.  And thanks to each and every one of you for being a vital member of the Allen School community.


You can read more about our latest milestones in the UW News release.


Onward and upward!



December 13, 2017

BSMS (5th year masters) small mid-year application now open, closes Dec. 8th

The small, mid-year application for the BSMS program is now open:

Important Dates:

Nov 21: Application Opens

Dec 8th: Application Closes

Dec 9th – 18th: Recommendations from Faculty requested

Dec 19th: Applications begin review

Decisions sent by December 29th

The intended applicants for this round are students who are graduating this fall or winter quarter who were caught off guard by changes to the program that were announced late last year – namely, that you must apply for the program before you have graduated from the undergraduate program. This will be a very small, targeted application cycle. We will likely admit only 1-5 students.

If you are graduating in spring 2018 or later, you may apply during this application cycle, but this is not the intention of this round. Most students graduating this June should have applied to the BSMS program last May, as the ideal time to apply is approximately one year before you finish your undergraduate degree.  For students who are graduating this spring quarter or later who wish to apply, you can reach out to Jenifer and me through the email with questions.

The details on the BSMS webpages still reference the spring admission cycle because this is a special, one time opening.


Thank you,

Jenifer and Crystal

BSMS Advising Team

November 21, 2017

Undergraduate student fall 2017 survey

Dear CSE Ugrad Students,

Dear Student,

The Computing Research Association (CRA) is interested in career development among students in computing fields. They would like to hear about your experiences as a student, as well as your plans for the future. To that end, I encourage you to complete their brief survey, which will take no more than 20 minutes to complete.

Should you decide to complete the survey, you will be entered into a raffle for a $100 gift card to Amazon!

***If you have already been contacted by the CRA to complete this survey, please disregard this message.***

If you are interested in completing the survey, please click the link below, or copy and
paste the URL into your internet browser:

The survey is being conducted by the CRA’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP). For more information on CERP, please visit their website:

Many thanks in advance!

Thank you!

~CSE Advising

November 15, 2017

Lunch with the chair TOMORROW, Thursday the 16th 12-1pm Gates Commons

Hey everyone,

The first lunch with the chair will be tomorrow, Thursday, from noon to 1pm in the Gates Commons (room 691 of the Allen Center).  Come join the Director of the Allen School to hear about what’s new in CSE and to voice any appreciation or concerns you may have with life in the Allen Center.

Pizza is on the menu. This event is for current majors only.


CSE Advising

November 15, 2017

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